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Basic Queueing Theory

M/M/-/- Type Queues

Copyright 2002, Sanjay K. Bose 1

Kendall’s Notation for Queues


Shorthand notation where A, B, C, D, E describe the queue

Applicable to a large number of simple queueing scenarios

Copyright 2002, Sanjay K. Bose 2

Kendall’s Notation for Queues A/B/C/D/E

M exponential
A Inter-arrival time distribution D deterministic
B Service time distribution Ek Erlangian (order k)
G general
C Number of servers
D Maximum number of jobs that can be there in the
system (waiting and in service)
Default ∞ for infinite number of waiting positions
E Queueing Discipline (FCFS, LCFS, SIRO etc.)
Default is FCFS

M/M/1 or M/M/1/∞ Single server queue with Poisson arrivals,

exponentially distributed service times and infinite number of
waiting positions
Copyright 2002, Sanjay K. Bose 3

Little’s Result

N=λW (2.9)

Nq=λWq (2.10)

Result holds in general for virtually all types of queueing

situations where
λ = Mean arrival rate of jobs that actually enter the system

Jobs blocked and refused entry into the system will not be
counted in λ

Copyright 2002, Sanjay K. Bose 4

Little’s Result

α(t), Arrivals in (0,t)

β(t), Departures in (0,t)
Number of customers

increments by

Time t

Graphical Illustration/Verification of Little's Result

Copyright 2002, Sanjay K. Bose 5

Little’s Result

Consider the time interval (0,t) where t is large, i.e. t→∞


Area(t) = area between α(t) and β(t) at time t = [α (t ) − β (t )]dt ∫


Area(t )
Average Time W spent in system = lim t →∞
α (t )

Area (t ) α (t ) Area (t )
Average Number N in system = lim t → ∞ = lim t →∞
t t α (t )

α (t )
Since, λ = lim t → ∞ Therefore, N= λW

Copyright 2002, Sanjay K. Bose 6

The PASTA “Poisson Arrivals See Time Averages”
pk(t) =P{system is in state k at time t }
qk(t) =P{an arrival at time t finds the system in state k}
N(t) be the actual number in the system at time t
A(t, t+∆t) be the event of an arrival in the time interval (t, t+∆t)

qk (t ) = lim ∆t →0 P{N (t ) = k | A(t , t + ∆t}

Then P{A(t , t + ∆t | N (t ) = k |}P{N (t ) = k }
= lim ∆t →0 = p k (t )
P{A(t , t + ∆t}

because P{A(t, t+∆t)|N(t) = k} = P{A(t, t+∆t)}

Copyright 2002, Sanjay K. Bose 7

Equilibrium Solutions for M/M/-/- Queues

Method 1: Obtain the differential-difference equations as in Section 1.2

or Section 2.2. Solve these under equilibrium conditions along with the
normalization condition.

Method 2: Directly write the flow balance equations for proper choice
of closed boundaries as illustrated in Section 2.2 and solve these along
with the normalization condition.

Method 3: Identify the parameters of the birth-death Markov chain for

the queue and directly use equations (2.7) and (2.8) as given in Section
In the following, we have used this approach

Copyright 2002, Sanjay K. Bose 8

∞ ) Queue
M/M/1 (or M/M/1/∞
For ρ <1
λk = λ ∀k k
p k = p0   = p0 ρ k
µk = 0 k =0 µ
=µ k = 1, 2, 3,....... p0 = (1 − ρ )

∞ ∞ Using
ρ N 1
N= ∑ ip =∑ iρ (1 − ρ ) = 1 − ρ
i =0
i =0
i W= =
λ µ (1 − ρ )

1 ρ ρ2 Using
Wq = W − = N q = λWq = Little’s
µ µ (1 − ρ ) (1 − ρ )

Copyright 2002, Sanjay K. Bose 9

∞ Queue with Discouraged Arrivals


λ For ρ = λ/µ < ∞

λk = ∀k k −1 k
k +1 λ λ 1
p k = p0 ∏
i = 0 µ (i + 1)
= p0  
 µ  k!

µk = 0 k =0 λ
p0 = exp(− ) (2.15)
=µ k = 1, 2, 3,....... µ

∞  λ 
N= ∑
k =0
kpk =
λeff = ∑λ
k =0
k p k = µ 1 − exp(− ) 
 µ 
N λ
W= = Little’s Effective Arrival
λeff  λ 
µ 2 1 − exp(− )  Result Rate
 µ 

Copyright 2002, Sanjay K. Bose 10

M/M/1/∞ Queue with Discouraged Arrivals

In this case, PASTA is not applicable as the overall arrival process is

not Poisson
λ 1
πr = P{arriving customer sees r in system P{Ei } = pi = e − λ / µ  
 µ  i!
(before joining the system)}
∆E be the event of an arrival in (t, t+∆t) λ∆t
Ei is the event of the system being in state i P{∆E | Ei } = i + 1
P{E r }P{∆E | Er } P{E }P{∆E | Er }
π r = P{Er | ∆E} = = ∞ r

P{Ei }P{∆E | Ei }
i =0
r +1
λ 1  e −λ / µ  ∞
k +1 λ
π r =  

( r + 1)!  1 − e − λ / µ

W= ∑
k =0 µ
πk = 2
µ (1 − e −λ / µ )

Copyright 2002, Sanjay K. Bose 11

M/M/m/∞ ∞ Queue (m servers, infinite number of waiting


λk = λ ∀k µ k = kµ 0 ≤ k ≤ (m − 1)
= mµ k ≥m

For ρ = λ/µ < m pk = p0 for k≤m
= p0 for k > m
Erlang’s m!m k −m
C-Formula −1
 m −1 ρ k mρ m 
p0 =  ∑ + 

 k =0 k! m!(m − ρ ) 

mρ m
P{queueing} = ∑
k =m
p k = C ( m , ρ ) = p0
m!( m − ρ )

Copyright 2002, Sanjay K. Bose 12

M/M/m/m Queue (m server loss system, no waiting)

λk = λ k<m
=0 otherwise ( Blocking or Loss Condition )
µ k = kµ 0≤ k ≤m
=0 otherwise
pk = p0 for k≤m
For k! (2.19)
=0 otherwise
ρ= <∞ 1
µ p0 = (2.20)

k = 0 k!

Copyright 2002, Sanjay K. Bose 13

M/M/m/m Queue (m server loss system, no waiting)

Simple model for a telephone exchange where a line is given only

if one is available; otherwise the call is lost

Blocking Probability B(m,ρ) = P{an arrival finds all servers busy

and leaves without service}

B (m, ρ ) = p0 Erlang’s B-Formula (2.21)
ρB (m − 1, ρ )
B(m, ρ ) = m
B(0, ρ ) = 1 ρB (m − 1, ρ )

Copyright 2002, Sanjay K. Bose 14

M/M/1/K Queue (single server queue with K-1 waiting
λk = λ k<K
=0 otherwise ( Blocking or Loss Condition )
µk = µ k≤K
=0 otherwise

pk = p0 ρ k for k≤K (2.23)

=0 otherwise
ρ = <∞ (1 − ρ )
µ p0 = (2.24)
(1 − ρ K +1 )

Copyright 2002, Sanjay K. Bose 15

M/M/1/-/K Queue (single server, infinite number of

waiting positions, finite customer population K)
λk = λ (K − k ) k<K
=0 otherwise ( Blocking or Loss Condition )
µk = µ k≤K
=0 otherwise

pk = p0 ρ k k=1,.….,K (2.25)
For ( K − k )!
λ 1
ρ= <∞ p0 = (2.26)
µ K

ρ k

k =0 ( K − k )!

Copyright 2002, Sanjay K. Bose 16

∞ Queue
Delay Analysis for a FCFS M/M/1/∞
(Section 2.6.1)

Q: Queueing Delay (not counting service time for an arrival

pdf fQ(t), cdf FQ(t), LQ(s) = LT(fQ(t)}

W=Q+T W: Total Delay ( waiting time and service time) for an arrival
pdf fW(t), cdf FW(t), LW(s) = LT(fW(t)}

T: Service Time
f T (t ) = µe − µ t FT (t ) = e − µ t LT ( s) =
(s + µ )
Since µ
LW ( s ) = LQ ( s) fW (t ) = f Q (t ) * [ µe − µt ] (2.30)
Q⊥T (s + µ )
Knowing the distribution of either W or Q, the distribution of the
other may be found

Copyright 2002, Sanjay K. Bose 17

For a particular arrival of interest -

FQ(t) = P{queueing delay ≤ t}
= P{queueing time=0} + [Σn≥1 P{queueing time≤ t | arrival found
n jobs in system}]pn Erlang-n distribution for

sum of n exponential r.v.s
µ ( µx ) n −1 − µx
FQ (t ) = (1 − ρ ) + (1 − ρ )∑ ρ ∫n
e dx
n =1 x =0
( n − 1)!

( µxρ ) n −1

= (1 − ρ ) + (1 − ρ ) ρ µe − µx ∑
n =1 (n − 1)!
dx (2.31)

= (1 − ρ ) + (1 − ρ ) ρ µe − µx (1− ρ ) dx = (1 − ρ ) + ρ (1 − e − µt (1− ρ ) )
dFQ (t )
f Q (t ) = = δ (t )(1 − ρ ) + λ (1 − ρ )e − µt (1− ρ ) (2.32)
dt t

fW (t ) = (1 − ρ ) µe − µt + λ (1 − ρ ) µ e − µ (1− ρ )( t − x ) e − µx dx = ( µ − λ ) e − ( µ − λ ) t

Copyright 2002, Sanjay K. Bose 18

Departure of
customer of
• PASTA applicable to this
Time spent in system by the
customer of interest queue
• N and NQ seen by an arrival
same as the time-averaged
Arrival of Arrivals coming while the
customer customer of interest is in the
of interest system

Arrival/Departure of Customer/Job of
Interest from a FCFS M/M/1Queue

N* = Number in the system that a job will see left behind when it departs
pn*=P{N*=n} for N*=0, 1,....,∞

Copyright 2002, Sanjay K. Bose 19

Departure of
customer of
Time spent in system by the For a FCFS queue, number left
customer of interest
behind by a job will be equal
to the number arriving while it
is in the system.
Arrival of Arrivals coming while the
customer customer of interest is in the
of interest system

∞ ∞ ∞
(λt ) n −λt
G* ( z) = ∑
z n pn* = ∑ ∫
e fW (t )dt (2.36)
t =0

= e −λt (1− z ) f W (t ) dt = LW (λ − λz )

dG * ( z ) dLW (s ) (2.37)
E{N * } = = −λ = λW
dz z =1
ds s = 0

Copyright 2002, Sanjay K. Bose 20

An important general observation can also be made along the lines
of Eq. (2.36).

Consider the number arriving from a Poisson process with rate λ

in a random time interval T where LT(s)=LT{fT(t)}. The generating
function G(z) of this will be given by

G ( z ) = LT (λ − λz )

and the mean number will be E{N}= λ E{T}

This result will be found to be useful in various places in our

subsequent analysis.

Copyright 2002, Sanjay K. Bose 21

∝ Queue
Delay Analysis for the FCFS M/M/m/∝
(Section 2.6.2)

Using an approach similar to that used for the M/M/1 queue, we obtain
the following

  mρ m    µp0 ρ me − µ ( m − ρ ) t 
f Q (t ) = 1 − p0   δ (t ) +   u (t ) (2.34)
  m!( m − ρ )    (m − 1)! 

  mρ m   − µt  µp0 ρ m [e − µ ( m − ρ )t − e − µt ] 
fW (t ) = 1 − p0    µe −   (2.35)
  m!( m − ρ )    (m − 1)!(1 − m − ρ ) 

See Section 2.6.2 for the details and the intermediate steps

Copyright 2002, Sanjay K. Bose 22


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