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On the 9th april, 2011 we had a learning session with Mr. Raj sir. The learning session was an
introduction to what consulting actually meant. He detailed us about the working of Ichiban.

He started the session by bringing out the meaning of Consultancy to us. He said Consultancy is an
engagement – two way sessions. It is also similar to medicine or law which is like a professional practice.
Then he spoke about what consultancy can be in the field of Info assurance and governance, but Ichiban
Presently works in two fields – Strategy and Operations & Organization development.

Strategy Consultancy is for entrepreneurs and for formulating their ideas but operations and
organization development is developing on an already built firm in its process, optimization, efficiency
importance and effective importance.

Through experience Ichiban can have its own way of pattern i.e. Approach, Knowledge and Usage of
knowledge. The team members of Ichiban should have constant learning, constant delivery, convincing
customers well and helping the client understanding the value well. We should build strong values

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