Company Profile: Hinza Awan Forum For Awareness & Empowerment (Ffae) 3/7/2011

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Company Profile

Hinza Awan

Awareness 3/7/2011
Education, Health
Environments in
Empowering the
world to make a
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To see a
difference, to
be different.


Our members
will interact
the whole
world & every

young & old,

Awareness is will become a unknown territory
for many. Our mission member of is to aware students
about the 3 most FFAE. important things of
everyone’s life which are education, health and environment.
As it is commonly known that "prevention is better than cure"
I strongly believe on it and want to make students aware of
things they are not aware of. Awareness will not only decrease
problems being faced by students of the present era but will
also help them to build a better-bright future by allocating
better future for themselves. I think that most of the problems
which students are facing in today's life are due to lack of
awareness in our society.

We don't know basics of the things we usually perform every


It is natural that people only inquire about the benefits

neglecting the drawbacks. Our mission is to make them aware
of the benefits with the drawbacks if any.

Education is the main brick for the success of everyone. It is

said that "teachers open the door, but you must enter by
yourself". We will try our best to make people interested in
acquiring more education which is better for them and the
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country alike. Countries are considered developed only when

the literacy rate of the particular country is high. Our dream is
to see Pakistan with 0% illiteracy rate.

Health is wealth. This is what we are grown up listening. Our

health is our 'everything'. Whether you are a toddler, a child, a
teenage or an adult, a good health enables one to perform the
daily functions of life. We believe we can help people by
educating them on this important factor.

Our motive it to make people aware to take care of

environment surrounding them by bringing changes in our
environment regarding awareness and education. The better
the environment will be the better
the people will be. Vision We believe that a
society is measured Our members will by the environment
it creates, thus it is interact the whole highly important for
world & every
students to search people, young & and recognize best
old, any community
environment for themselves and we
will become a
will make them able member of FFAE. to recognize the
best environment.

Last but not the least, we believe

that awareness without action is worthless and this is all FFAE
is all about.
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FFAE wants to make people understand what they are capable

of. Our vision is to see Pakistan where everyone is educated
and knows how to take care of their environment and health.
A dynamic civil society where all citizens will have knowledge
how to earn and have better livelihood and promote
sustainable development. A dynamic civil society where all
citizens will have knowledge how to earn and have better
livelihood and promote sustainable development.

Message from FFAE Team

It is a great honor and privilege for us to be able to serve the
people of Pakistan as FFAE Team.

My aim is simple, to make awareness and to empower the new

generation (the youth).
Welcome to the place, the platform, the panel where all professionals and Students as well as
all those who are seeking the best opportunity for their future.

We are FFAE means Forum for Awareness and Empowerment to New generation,
empowerment to students, and empowerment to people of Pakistan.

May ALLAH ALMIGHTY give us strength and courage to take the FFAE colors higher and
higher. Inshallah.
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About the FFAE


FFAE is the forum for awareness and empowerment. What we

hope to achieve via this forum is to provide a single platform
for all the citizens of Pakistan, especially the youth, from
where they can gather a sense of awareness about
themselves, their surroundings, their profession and life in
general. This is due to the fact that people are unaware of the
true potential that lies within them and through this forum we
try to enlighten them through the life experiences of
professionals and entrepreneurs whose achievements know no

What we do:
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FFAE Division ---- Education

The word education is derived from educare (Latin)

"bring up", which is related to educere "bring out",
"bring forth what is within", "bring out potential"
and ducere, "to lead".

The FFAE Education Forum has been formed to contribute to

education policy through research and debates, seminars and
workshop on the current issues, structures and expectations
at all levels of Pakistan education.

The Education Forum believes that Pakistan education

requires an approach to learning and achieving which
encourages all individuals, professionals to reach their full
potential, and which will take Pakistan to the leading edge of
international performance and achievement.

How we do:

Forum for Awareness & Empowerment--- FFAE has been

engaged in various kin d of activities which would enhance the
students and professional’s skills and capabilities. This is this
platform, where students and professional can express their
inner ability and gets the new career opportunity.
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FFAE Activities:

1. Image management training programs

2. HR consulting training programs
3. Management consultant & training program
4. Educational Fairs
5. Career development programs
6. “Meet your future” seminars
7. Recruitment Fairs

FFAE Division ---- Health &

Forum for Awareness & Empowerment--- FFAE has been
engaged in various kinds of activities

like Industrial Health Programs, National Health Programs,

School Health Programs, University Health Programs and other
health training programs.

Health and safety awareness in not just the concern of

management, It is the responsibility of all. We each hold
responsibility for our own actions and omissions.

Our way is to start teaching people how to be active about

their health and the environment. Brochures, lectures, classes
etc. There are so many options out there; people just need to
take advantages. It is up to the people who are aware to
spread the word.

FFAE Division ---- Environment

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Our motive is it to make people aware to take care of

environment surrounding them. The better the environment
will be the better the people will be. We believe that a society
is measured by the environment it creates, thus it is highly
important for youth to search and recognize best environment
for themselves and we will make them able to recognize the
best environment.

Strengths of FFAE

1. New Generation: The empowerment of young people lies

at the heart of moving our communities forward. Young people
are individual bundles of positive energy. If they feel
empowered, they will tackle the issues that are of most
interest to them. Collectively, this young energy and idealism
will be the key to addressing the many problems we face. It
will provide the opportunity and means for the youth to
genuinely serve others.

2. New ideas: It Offers ideas for young leaders and will

enhance some activities to facilitate with youth and/or adults
to build on the empowerment assets. Some activities are
geared for communities and organizations new to the concept
of youth empowerment, while others help individuals and
groups enrich current youth empowerment and participation.

3. Opportunity : Empowerment is an issue that crosses all

demographic groups. The need to empower young people is
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important in the most privileged socioeconomic groups as well

as the least privileged socioeconomic groups in our society so
it will automatically provide new opportunities to improve the
society renders.

4. Determination, efforts and motivation: The world is full of

people who have achieved a level of greatness that today's
youth only dreams of. With the help of FFAE youth are
motivated to achieve the goals they’ve set in their lives.

5. Upcoming new leaders: The youth of this world already

has the potential to earn their place in history right alongside
the others if they are properly guided. Leadership and support
are the most powerful motivators any of our youth today can
have to go after their dreams. FFAE is formed with the mission
of empowering teens to take their lives to the next level
through instilling life-skills and leadership


This is Hinza as Project coordinator, Leading the project team and

coordinating the project all matters related to project content and
implementing the agreed action plan to the agreed standards and
deadlines, ensuring the effective preparation and delivery of all project
events and meetings and production of all necessary documentation,
taking responsibility for the effective flow of information between team
members and participants in project activities.

I am Nauman Adil working with FFAE and looking after the administrative
as well as the operations of FFAE. Also serving my time as the corporate
advisor to the FFAE Director.
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I am Lareb working with FFAE as a media coordinator, I am

responsible for coordinating with the purchase of print space in
newspapers, magazine and broad time on radio and television for
the clients of the advertising agency. my duties involve, multi-
tasking, detail oriented, and have the ability to articulate clearly
and speak extemporaneously with a good communication skills

I am Asma, as a management coordinator, it is my duty in FFAE to

coordinate all the activities among the different parties involved,
from greeting the guests to coordinating with the multimedia
people on the importance of each guest and act as the prime
contact to external sources of information. I provide ongoing
support and assistance to staff for the guests and for the reporting
request. My Job duties can be both administrative and supervisory.

This is Abbas Sarfraz Sheikh providing services to FFAE as an IT Consultant My job

description is seeking ways to apply technology to business processes
Researches and provides information on technical trends, Consults with
program/project management to develop appropriate technical solutions and advise
on options, risks, costs vs. benefits, impact on other business processes and system

Our Supporters

FFAE is open forum for everyone and we are not working with
any political parties and other institute. We believe in
freedom, Youth freedom, Thought freedom, Nation Freedom.

FFAE Supporters:
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