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plots[densityplot] - two-dimensional density plotting

Calling Sequence
densityplot(expr1, x=a..b, y=c..d)
densityplot(f, a..b, c..d)

f - function (or set of functions) to be plotted

expr1 - expression or set of expressions in x and y

a,b,c,d - real constants

x,y - names

 The two different calling sequences to the densityplot function above define two
dimensional density plots of surfaces.
 In the first call, densityplot(expr1, x=a..b, y=c..d), the expression expr1 must be an
expression in the names x and y. The ranges a..b and c..d must evaluate to real constants.
They specify the range over which expr1 which will be plotted. In the second call,
densityplot(f, a..b, c..d), f must be a Maple procedure or operator which takes two
arguments. Operator notation must be used, that is, the procedure name is given without
parameters specified, and the ranges must be given simply in the form a..b and c..d, rather
than as an equation.
 Any additional arguments are interpreted as options which are specified as equations of the
form option = value. For example, the option grid = [m, n] where m and n are positive
integers specifies that the plot is to be constructed on an m by n grid at equally spaced points
in the ranges a..b and c..d respectively. By default a 25 by 25 grid is used; thus 625 points
are generated. You can specify Hue or RGB coloring via the colorstyle = t option (where t is
one of HUE or RGB). All other options are the same as those found for two dimensional
plots. See the help page for plot[options].
 The result of a call to densityplot is a PLOT data structure containing enough information to
render the plot. The user may assign a PLOT value to a variable, save it in a file, then read it
back in for redisplay. See the help page for plot[structure].
 The command with(plots,densityplot) allows the use of the abbreviated form of this

> with(plots):

See Also
plot, plot[option], plot3d[structure], plots

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