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Whitney Troutman Troutman 1

Professor Jan Rieman

English 1102-073

January 18, 2011

Writing to Explore: Choices

Ending up at UNC Charlotte was not exactly what I had planned. Even the school I

desperately wanted to go to was not what I had originally planned. My senior year changed

everything for me and honestly it was my fault.

Throughout high school all I wanted was to go to a small school, nothing were I would

feel like I would be a complete nobody. I was definitely going to be a high school teacher and

more than likely going to teach history. The closer my senior year got the closer the plant that

my dad was working at was about to shut down. A smaller/private school required a lot of money

and my dad getting ready to be out of a job was lingering in my mind that I was not going to be

able to go there. Even though the money was about to not be as abundant as before my parents

still told I could go anywhere I wanted to, but I wanted to try and be as helpful as positive.

I had started to narrow my choices down to UNC Wilmington, UNC Greensboro and at

that time possibility UNC Charlotte. I decided not to apply at UNCG and the application at

Charlotte was extremely easy so I did it anyway. My true focus was Wilmington. About two

weeks after I applied at Charlotte I got my acceptance letter, but all I could think about was

Wilmington. During this whole time I was and still am considering changing my career pathway

to Physical Therapy.

Two months later, I finally got the small envelope from Wilmington and it explained that

I was on the deferred list so I had to wait again. Another month or so went by when I received
the, “I’m sorry, but…” letter. At this point and time it was March and Charlotte and Wilmington

were the only places I applied so I just accepted my acceptance from Charlotte.

Charlotte is different and an extreme amount bigger than I was wanting. It is closer to

where I am from and I am grateful for that because I do go home a lot. I am a shy person and

making good friends is hard and sometimes this campus is overwhelming and it truly makes me

want to transfer somewhere else, but I stick with it and do my best with my school work. It was

not my first choice or my second, but deep down I do believe I am here for a reason, I just have

to figure it out.

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