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Principles of Naval Architecture Second Revision Volume I + Stability and Strength Edward V. Lewis, Editor 1988 Published by ‘The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers 601 Pavonia Avenue Jersey City, NJ Introduction A Word From the President “The orginal version ofthis book, Principles of Noval Architecture, was fist published ty le Sey tn 1200 Boe Hs. Roce aed LB. Choprnan stat thatthe purpose RS wonk wa to “adequately cover Ue field of naval architectare in one text.” This ‘hey did nto volumes, serving the Society's students and members more than adequately for nearly 3D years "The Fst Revision was publihed in 1967, with John P. Comstock serving both as ‘chairman of te Control Commitee and ltr Te consisted of one volume containing 11 ‘haplers and an Appendix. Continuing changes in naval architectare sch as technical practices, new enteria and regulations regarding damage stability and ship strength, new Tnowledge about ocean waves and seakeeing, and the use of computers, prompted the Society to undertake the Second Revision in 1978. President Robert, Young appointed Som J. Nachtsheim as Charman ofthe Control Committee, and Professor Edward V {Lewis was named Bator. Serving onthe Control Commitee, charged with the important tials of choosing te authors and review ofthe chapters, wore Thomas M. Buermann, Willa A Clear, Richard. Couch, Jerome L. Goldman, Jacques B. Hader, Ronald K iss, Donald P. Roseman, Staney G. Stancen and Charles ote. This Second Revision if Principles of Naval Architecture (PNA) Oe result ofthis Committee's work, en thought the Firs Revision chapters om tonnage admeasurement, od ine assign manta Taunching were removed from PNA to the 1980 ation of Ship Design and onstruction, the Femaining PNA chapters were so enlarged by new material thatthe Alcon a tad to expand the Second Revision into three voles, ‘nly the authors and the editors can appredate the time and difficulties involved in wring, reviewing and editing ths mast of knowledge into suitable form for pubiation. The work ofthese people, who ae esteemed intel espetve fields, hasbeen as sees wicks prices tour Sovety and ts membership. The Sole s deeply indebted to the Authors and tothe feles reviewers of the Cotzol Commitee “To quot te late Matthew G. Forrest, a Pst Presiden ofthe Society, “The Society hopes that ths First Revision of Priniples of Noval Avokitecture will rove to be teefal both to students and to thooe engaged inthe practice ofthe profession, as the ‘rig edition proved to be Trould ot say any better regarding the Second Revision, owano J. Camron ‘President, SNAME

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