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Instrument Naam Email Telefoon

Altviool Rebeca Araujo 06-27842685

Altviool Floor Feleus 06-30125063
Cello Thomas Tooten 0032-475587010
Cello Mathieu Jocqué 0032-499434063
Cello Rinske Bosma
Cello Erik Woutersen 06-33706239
Cello Beatrijs Pronk 06-51936817
Cello Judie Faber 06-47007185
Cello Sebastiaan van den Bergh 06-18135034
Cello Eloi Jorda Saun
Cello Judith Groen 06-50986913
Cello Queralt Garcia 06-81930309
Cello Dionne Nijsten 06-36107638
Cello Andrea Amador Nores 0034-666217189
Cello Noam Staal 06-26957473
Cello Cedie Hoofdman 06-52458913
Viool Guggy Gudmundsdottir 06-42628766
Viool Laufey Jensdottir
Viool Hieke Dam 06-18265791
Viool Mihai Tanasescu Kadar 06-28302586
Viool Marthe Lasthuis
Viool Lieske Deij 06-11455058
Viool Fanny Wicart 06-34931142
Viool Samuel Tamarit Ortego 06-14128570
Viool Saskia Otto 06-17012518
Viool Angel Enrique Sanchez Marot
Viool/Alt Yael Kurzbauer 020-6267870
Viool Dioni info moet nog binnen komen
Altviool Bas Bartels info moet nog binnen komen
Jaar Leraar Kamermuziek Vegetarisch
2 Richard ja nee
3 Richard/Lis ja nee
4 Ran nee
5 Jeroen nee
0 Ran/Jeroen ja nee
3 Ran/Jeroen ja nee
1 Ran/Jeroen ja nee
1 Jeroen ja nee
2 Ran/Jeroen ja geen zuivel
4 Timora nee nee
4 Timora nee nee
4 Timora nee nee
3 Timora/Jeroen ja nee
1 Ran/Jeroen/Timora ja ja
1 Ran/Jeroen/Timora ja nee
x Ran/Jeroen ja nee
4 Kees ja / max 1 nee
4 Lis/Kees nee nee
6 Lis/Kees nee nee
6 Lis/Kees nee nee
1 Lis/Kees ja ja
6 Lis/Kees ja / max 1 ja
4 Lis/Kees nee nee
6 Lis/Kees/Richard ja nee
4 Lis/Kees/Richard nee nee
x Lis/Kees/Richard ja nee
0 Lis ja nee
Hoffmeister viola concerto
Zelter viola concert
Kabalevsky: Cello Concerto in G minor
Haydn Concerto in D

Elgar celloconcert

Franchoe ur sonata
Beethoven, Sonata nr. 3 in A major
Schumann folk songs
Dvorak schumann martinu bach
Schumann Phantasie Stü cke
Haydn C
Boccherini Concerto B Flat (Grüzmacher Version)
arpeggione sonate 1-3
Elgar celloconcert - 2e deel
Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso Camille Saint Saens
Carl Nielsen violin concerto
Bach: Violin concerto d minor, 1st movement
> G. Gershwin - Porgy and Bess (Violin and Piano transcription b
Mendelssohn violin concerto in E minor
Ysaye - Poeme Elegiaque (violin & piano)
Bach inventions for Violin & Viola
Hindemith - sonata in es
Saint Saens Introduction & Rondo Cappricioso
Johann Baptist Krumpholtz Sonata N.4 op.1
Saint Saens Havanaise
Romanze for viola and orchestra, Max Bruch
Scharwenka: sonate voor altviool en piano
Beethoven: Cello sonate Nr. 4
Davidoff concerto No. 2

Brahms Sonate in E-minor

Beethoven cellosonata n.5

Schubert Arpeggione
Beeethoven 2e sonate
Shostakovich Sonata
Saint-Saens celloconcert
Cassado - Requirebos
Violin sonata, Leos Janacek

Beethoven: Violin concerto D major, 2nd and 3rd movement

> L. van Beethoven - Violin Sonata No. 9 "Kreutzer"

Stravinsky - Divertimento (violin & piano)

Ravel Sonate Posthume
Violin sonata, Leos Janacek
Vieuxtemps concert no. 5
D. Scarlatti Sonate N. 3 for violin and basso
Schumann Sonata (a minor) and
Sollima: Alone

Khatchaturian, Cello Concerto

Dvorak cello concerto

Haydn D

Ligeti Sonata

(Piano trio No.1, op. 100 F. Schubert)

Tartini violin concerto in A major, D 96

> M. Ravel - Tzigane

Strauss Violin Sonata

Brahms 2nd sonata
Beethoven Sonate no. 1
Piazzola Milonga del Angel
Hopelijk/misschien Brahms piano trio in B, een d
Brahms piano trio in B, een deel
KAMERINDELING Badkamer Losse bedden

11 x x

12 Jeroen den Herder x x

14 x

15 x


17 Evelina x x
20 Guggy x

23 x

25 x


App2 Lis & Richard

App1 Kees Hulsmann
Congergerie Timora Rosler
Studio Buschauffeur x x
2 Persoons bed I persoons bed

Beste Josine,

Bedankt voor je aanmelding. Om je aanmelding compleet te maken vragen we je een aanbetaling van €200 te doen op AB
Verder zullen we dit jaar ook hatha yoga lessen aanbieden. Wij denken dat het erg belangrijk is om tijdens zo'n intensieve
Als je verder nog vragen hebt hoor ik het graag.


Tara Kumar
String Academy

Dear Fanny,

Thanks for applying for the Spring Academy. To finalize your application you have to put a deposit of €200 on ABN AMRO a
This year we will offer hatha yoga lessons to all of the students and teachers who are interested. During a busy week like t
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

with regards,

Tara Kumar
String Academy

Tara Kumar
String Academy

Some practical information:

On saturday the 1st of may we meet at 07.30 in front of the conservatory in Utrecht. The bus will leave at 08.00 so be on

I have a request from the pianist Evelina Vorontsova who will accompany you all. Could you please tell me as soon as poss

Don't forget to bring your:

- Stand, there are no stands there
- Pinholder, for the cellist. There are some nice wooden floors in the building and they won't like it if you make holes
- Pins, to attach music to your stand when you play outside
- Black clothes and shoes, for the concerts
- Money, there is a possibility to by drinks in the evening. Also there are some nice excursions planned.
- Sheet Music, don't forget the piano scores. Also bring chamber music you like, there might be a chance to play it.
- Towels! There are no towels but sheets will be provided.
Keep in mind that the village we are staying in have no shops so bring everything you think you might need. There is also n
Could the people who are vegetarian please tell me as soon as possible? I have now one vegetarian (Caroline)
Also there are some people who haven't paid the €150. Please do that as soon as possible!

If there are any more questions call or email me

Tara Kumar
Utrecht String Academy
g van €200 te doen op ABN Amro rekening nummer Deze aanbetaling kun je in geval van afmelding helaas niet meer ter
om tijdens zo'n intensieve week ook op een andere manier met je lichaam bezig te zijn. Dit zal bijvoorbeeld blessures voorkomen. De le

it of €200 on ABN AMRO account number in the name of Ad Libitum in Amsterdam. The deadline for this is April the 18t
During a busy week like this we think it is very important to do something else with your body and mind. These lessons will take place

will leave at 08.00 so be on time! If you are not we will leave without you. Keep your mobile phone on so I can reach you if necessary. A

ase tell me as soon as possible what pieces you will need piano accompaniment for? Also make sure you have the scores ready in the b

e it if you make holes

a chance to play it.

might need. There is also no possibility to take money from an ATM nearby so you should have the remaining course fee in the bus alre
ian (Caroline)
elding helaas niet meer terug krijgen. Het resterende bedrag moet je contant bij aankomst betalen.
blessures voorkomen. De lessen zullen van maandag tot en met vrijdag worden gegeven om 8u 's ochtends, voor het ontbijt. De eerste

ine for this is April the 18th. If you cancel after this date you will not be able to get his deposit back. The rest of the tuition fee needs to
hese lessons will take place from Monday till Friday before breakfast, so at 8 am. The first lesson on Monday will be an hour, the rest w

n reach you if necessary. Also programme my number: 06-44182772 in your phone so you can call me if anything is wrong. I know ther

e the scores ready in the bus, so don't put it in the bag you will place in the luggage compartments under the bus. Unfortunately she o

g course fee in the bus already.

voor het ontbijt. De eerste les zal een uur duren, de volgende drie kwartier. Ze zullen worden gegeven door Monique Swart. Binnenkor

of the tuition fee needs to be paid in cash upon arrival.

will be an hour, the rest will be 45 minutes. The teacher will be Monique Swart, soon you will find information about her on the websi

thing is wrong. I know there are some people who will not come by bus. Please tell me, even if you already told me, so I know for sure

e bus. Unfortunately she only has two hands so she will divide her time according to priority (e.g. people who will have their final exam
Monique Swart. Binnenkort zul je op de website informatie over haar kunnen vinden. De lessen zijn open voor iedereen, onafhankelijk

on about her on the website. Anyone can join the lessons, from absolute beginners to people who already have a lot of yoga experienc

old me, so I know for sure I don't have to wait for you. Last year there were some people who could not get to Utrecht that early beca

o will have their final exam this year)

or iedereen, onafhankelijk van of je al dan niet ervaring hebt met yoga. Het enige wat we van je vragen is dat je de lessen serieus neem

ave a lot of yoga experience. The only thing we ask of you that if you sign up you will take it seriously and be there every day. The lesso

to Utrecht that early because of the trains. If this is the case, please tell me, maybe I can arrange for you to spend Friday night already
t je de lessen serieus neemt en dat als je jezelf opgeeft je er ook elke dag bent. De yoga lessen zijn erg goedkoop, maar €15 in totaal. D

there every day. The lessons are very cheap, only €15 for the entire week. This is only €3 per lesson! You will have to pay this in cash u

spend Friday night already in Utrecht.

oop, maar €15 in totaal. Dat is dus €3 per les. Dit moet contant worden voldaan bij aankomst. Er is helaas niet genoeg ruimte om iede

l have to pay this in cash upon arrival. Because there is not enough room for all the students it will be on a first come first serve base.
et genoeg ruimte om iedereen mee te laten doen dus wie het eerst komt wie het eerst maalt. Wees dus snel als je mee wil doen.

rst come first serve base. So be quick!

l als je mee wil doen.
Maandag Dinsdag Woensdag Donderdag Vrijdag Maandag
Kees Guggy Guggy Guggy Guggy Guggy Jeroen Mathieu
Laufey Hieke Laufey Hieke Laufey Erik
Marthe Mihai Marthe Mihai Marthe Judie
Fanny Lieske Fanny Lieske Fanny Beatrijs
Saskia Samuel Angel Samuel Angel Noam

Lis Hieke Floor Hieke Floor Hieke Timora Eloi

Mihai Laufey Mihai Laufey Mihai Judith
Lieske Marthe Lieske Marthe Lieske Queralt
Samuel Fanny Samuel Fanny Saskia Dionne
Yael Angel Saskia Yael Yael
Yael Yael

Richard Rebeca Rebeca Rebeca Rebeca Rebeca Ran Thomas

Floor Saskia Floor Angel Floor Rinske
Angel Samuel Sebastiaan
Dinsdag Woensdag Donderdag Vrijdag
Mathieu Mathieu Mathieu Mathieu
Rinske Erik Cedie Erik
Judie Judie Judie Judie
SebastiaanBeatrijs Sebastiaan Beatrijs
Dionne Andrea Dionne Queralt
Noam Noam
Eloi Eloi Eloi Eloi
Judith Judith Judith Judith
Queralt Queralt Queralt Dionne
Andrea Dionne Noam Andrea
Rinske Rinske

Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas

Erik Cedie Erik Noam
Beatrijs Sebastiaan Beatrijs Sebastiaan
Andrea Cedie

Altviool Floor
Cello Sebastiaan

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