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By Samson
 There is 5 types of Mode,
 Mode 1 is Register mode

By Samson
 Mode 2 is X-report mode

 Mode 3 is z-report mode(TRA report)

 Mode 4 is Programming mode

 Mode 5 is Programming and Setting mode

 To entering to Modes press VD Mode button.
 Press VD MODE button till you find the mode

By Samson
which you need to use.
 To escape from selected mode press SHIFT
then VD MODE.
 Each Mode has got specific password.

 Example:

 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ this is mode no 1

 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ this is mode no 2
 MODE NO 1 PASSWORD = 100 000
 MODE NO 2 PASSWORD = 200 000

By Samson
 MODE NO 3 PASSWORD = 300 000

 MODE NO 4 PASSWORD = 400 000

 Note: Before you open MODE you should insert

the password so that you can start using the
MODE NO:1(Register-mode
 Quantity(12) QTY Price(5,000) PRC
Item no(1,2,….15) PLU TOTAL.

By Samson
 Select mode 1, put the password(100000)
press Total, Screen will show: 0.00
 Now you can start selling by follow this steps:

1.Insert amount(5,000) press PRC button

2.Press Items No(1,2,3,4,……..200. ) then press
PLU button the finish by pressing TOTAL
 Start with Quantity(2,3,….100) Press QTY

By Samson
 Enter the amount for 1 item, not total amount
and press PRC button.
 Enter item no(1,2,…..125) then press PLU
button. Repeat the process for any added
item to the list till you finish the finally press
TOTAL button to cut the receipt.
MODE 2 (X-report)
 Select Mode 2 enter password which is : 200,000
 Then press TOTAL button.

By Samson
 To start printing X-report just press TOTAL button

 NOTE: You can print X-report at any time this is for

you to view your sales. Also x-report is the same
to Z-report but X-report is for you to view your
sales of the day before send Z-report
MODE NO 3(Z-report(TRA))
 To enter into Z-report select mode 3 enter
password(300,000) then Press TOTAL button

By Samson
 To print z-report press TOTAL button then the
following no: ( [00 ) will appear on screen so
just press button with two zero(00) report
will come out.
 NOTE: Z-REPORT is Closing report so you can
print only once per day at closing time the
report go direct to TRA.

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