Questionnaire (Target Audience Research)

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Questionnaire (Target Audience Research)

1. Age

16-19 21-24

2. How often do you buy Rap Magazines?

Once a week Once a month Sometimes Never

3. How much are you willing to pay for a Rap Magazine, monthly?

Below £0.99 £1.00-£2.00 £2.00-£3.00 £3.00+ Other

4. How often do you attend live Rap gigs, concerts, festivals? Choose only one answer

a. At least once a week

b. At least once a month
c. At least once a year
d. Other

5. Are you a big music fan? Please state how much influence music has in your life.


6. Who is your favourite Rap artist, and why?


7. On a Rap magazine front cover, what catches your eye first?

a. Masthead
b. Main Image
c. Celebrity Images
d. Music Reviews
e. Other

8. If a celebrity was not included in the front cover of the magazine, would you still buy it?

Yes No

9. Why?


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