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Miles Greatwood

The Moores/ Yula and the Extended Family

On October 22nd I went to the Plaza Bowl again. Some call it

the Paza Bowl since it’s missing the “L”. Speech Imepident opened
around 8 O’clock and we played our set in a half hour. Then The
Moores came on. I saw them once before at the Plaza Bowl and
they were missing their drummer as always. I listened to their
album titled Lonliness and Sorrow before the show and wanted to
hear their songs with the drummer. Despite their missing member
they did do a great song from the movie “The Big Lebowski”.
Over all they did a great job with the guitar work. After they
finished up and got off of the stage there was another band that had
a drunk singer and a guitarist that kept yelling at the rest of the
members on stage. They were all out of whack because there were
only about 20 people at the show. Wasn’t crazy about them. What
followed was a treat. They called themselves Yula and the
Extended family. The lead singer’s name was Yula. She had this
long black hair and played guitar and piano. Her voice was weird
but in a great way. Her band consisted of a trombonist, a
trumpeter, a bassist, and a very calm drummer. Since they were
from New York they didn’t have their drum set and they used a
bunch of chairs and what few pieces they actually had of the set. It
was a real last minute show but still resonated with me. The horns
were solid and the rhythm was never boring. They played 7 songs
before I had to leave but the main thing that stuck out was their
attitude. They had only 18 people in the crowd (including the other
band’s members) and they still managed to have fun with it. Yula,
before the show started said “Now, this is going to be more of a
gathering of friendly acquaintances rather than some big formal
thing so come on closer to the stage. Some of you can sit on the
edge. I want to tell you a story.” They drove all the ay down from
New York and still managed to keep composure when they found
out they weren’t getting paid anything more than the base fee
which didn’t cover gas.

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