8 Steps Dna

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8 Steps to Change 
Your DNA – and Your 
Destiny – Now 
By: Al Sears,  M.D. 
 Wellness Research & Consulting                                                                                       
© Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved | Al Sears, MD 

Al Sears, M.D. 
Wellness Research & Consulting 
You’re Not Stuck With Your Family’s Genes

Have you seen the January 18th, 2010, issue of TIME magazine?

The cover story presents some exciting new research. It’s

putting to rest the long-held belief that you’re stuck with what
you got at birth.

If you think there’s nothing you can do to prevent getting a

disease that runs in your family, think again.

As it turns out, you can literally reprogram your DNA – telling

your body to slow aging, live longer, and prevent diseases.

Emerging New Science Puts

You in the Driver’s Seat
This new branch of science is called epigenetics. Much to the surprise of the old way of thinking,
your fate isn’t sealed by your DNA.

The evidence is startling: A study I read in Genome Research shows how one twin avoided
disease while the other didn’t.

Identical twins share 100% of the same DNA. Not only do they share the same looks, they also
usually share the same disorders and ailments.

For the study, researchers wanted to figure out why one twin had an autoimmune disease like
lupus, and the other one didn’t, despite sharing identical genes.

The answer was found in their DNA. The twin that didn’t get lupus had genes that were
programmed to keep the disease at bay. The one that did have it had that particular gene
expression turned “on.”1

How was this possible? The choices each twin made had literally reprogrammed their DNA.

Express the Genes That Fight Disease…

The impact of this study is far reaching.

Just because a disease like cancer runs in your family doesn’t mean you’re helpless. You don’t
have to sit and wait to get sick.

You have some control over whether or not a disease catches up with you.
Change Your Children’s Genes
The “epigenome” makes this possible.
Did you know that any changes in your
Simply put, the epigenome is a complex network of genetic expression made during your
chemical switches. These switches surround your DNA lifetime may get passed on to your
and turn genes “on” and “off.”

But here’s where it gets interesting. A study in the Proceedings of the

National Academy of Sciences studied
Your epigenome interacts every day with your two groups of genetically identical
environment. That means everything you come into pregnant mice.
contact with and everything you put into your body has the
Both groups were fed a normal diet. The
power to turn genes on or off via different chemical only exception was that the second
pathways. group received supplements that
positively affect gene expression (B12,
The end result is the ability to change the way your body folate, zinc, and choline).
expresses your genetic coding.
Both groups of mice gave birth to
Live Longer, Beat Disease female mice. Those mice then gave birth
as well.
Today’s modern world is already predisposing your genes
toward negative “expressions” that include disease. The end result? The original
“grandparent” group that received
That’s because your body is constantly absorbing toxins supplements passed on the changes in
like heavy metals and harmful chemicals. Everything from gene expression to the children and
the detergent you use to clean your clothes to the plastic grandchildren. 2
bottles you drink from are to blame.
If you’re planning on having kids, this is
Smoking, excess alcohol, and poor diets also interact with huge. The actions you take today will
most likely affect them and their own
the epigenome, telling it to switch on the “disease” genes.
The good news is, taking control of your genetic code is
simpler that you might think. One of the easiest ways to affect your
gene expression in this lifetime is to live
It’s just a matter of developing good habits that promote in a healthy environment. Take personal
positive gene expression. By doing so, you’ll boost your responsibility and eat right and exercise.
chances of living a longer, healthier, disease-free life.
Avoid bad habits like smoking, excess
Here are 8 steps to change your DNA – and your destiny – drinking, and eating chemical-laden
now… junk foods. All these negatively affect
your genes and predispose you to
Step 1: Eat whole, unprocessed foods. That means disease.
eating a similar diet to that of our ancestors.

Step 2: Choose healthy proteins, like grass-fed beef or free-range chicken. Wild-caught fish is
good as well.
Step 3: Eat plenty of vegetables and some fruits (preferably berries, as they’re high in
protective antioxidants). They contain critical methyl-precursors. These are compounds that play
an important role in the chemical process that actually changes gene expression.

Step 4: Take omega-3 fatty acids daily. One study in the American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition found that taking omega-3 daily tells your genes to prevent inflammation and
hardening of the arteries.3 After just six months, the participants in the study had experienced a
positive change in 1,040 of their genes. The best way to get your omega-3s is with a quality fish
oil supplement. Aim for 1,000 to 2,000 mg per day.

Step 5: Take a red wine extract supplement. Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant found in
red wine. It has recently been found to counteract age-related genetic change 92 percent of the
time.4 That means it prevents your DNA strands from deteriorating, letting them live longer.
Ultimately, this keeps you vibrant and healthy. You can find resveratrol as a supplement at your
local health-food store. I suggest 200 mg per day.

Step 6: Take SAMe (s-adenosylmethionine). SAMe is a power methyl-donor. Simply put, it

provides your epigenome with the critical building blocks it needs to switch your “good” genes
on. It also prevents harmful substances in the environment from blocking vital chemical
processes your DNA goes through to stay healthy and intact. Take 200 mg of SAMe per day for
maximum benefit.

Step 7: Get plenty of vitamin B12. This natural and inexpensive vitamin affects how long your
DNA strands live. It does this by lengthening your DNA’s telomeres. Telomeres are a “tail” end
to all your strands of DNA. Think of them as the biological countdown clock that tells your cells
how long they have to live. As your cells divide, the telomeres become shorter. Once there’s no
more telomere left, the cell dies. One of the best food sources are egg yolks and grass-fed beef.
Otherwise you can supplement. Take anywhere from 100 to 500 mcg every day.

Step 8: Keep your heart and lungs in good shape. Exercise as I describe in my PACE
program. Not only will this prevent a slew of diseases on its own, it’ll also make your body
better able to respond to negative environmental factors.

1. Javierre BM, Fernandez AF, Richter J, et al. “Changes in the pattern of DNA methylation associate with 
twin discordance in systemic lupus erythematosus.” Genome Res. 2009 Dec 22. [Epub ahead of print] 
2. David I. K. Martin, M.D., Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute, Oakland, Calif; Marcus Pembrey, 
M.D., emeritus professor, pediatric genetics, Institute of Child Health, University College London, U.K.; 
Nov. 13‐18, 2006, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 
3. M. Bouwens, O. et al. “Fish‐oil supplementation induces anti‐inflammatory gene expression profiles in 
human blood mononuclear cells” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Volume 90, pages 415‐424. June 
4. University of Wisconsin‐Madison (2008, June 8). Substance In Red Wine, Resveratrol, Found To Keep 
Hearts Young. ScienceDaily.  

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