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Explanation for application short term permit

Ex art. 149a, 2e lid, WVW 1994 jo Besluit ontheffingverlening exceptionele transporten

Toelating Exceptioneel Transport (TET)
Postbus 777 – 2700 AT Zoetermeer
2011 Tel. + 31 (0)79 345 8134 – Fax +31 (0)79 345 8022

I Applicant
The details of the applicant must always be filled in. The client number is assigned with the first application. You will
find this number in the address data on the permits which are send to you. The reference number given by you will be
mentioned on the permit and on the invoice. The permit will be sent to the applicant by e-mail. If there is no e-mail
address filled in, the permit will be send by fax to the faxnumber given by the applicant.

II Haulier
If the application is made on behalf of a haulier, the haulier’s company name must be stated on the application form.

III Validity Transport

In this heading you have to fill in which date the transport has to take place. You also have to pronounce what the desired
validity of the transport is. In principle a permit is granted for a period of two weeks from the date of issue, but under
certain conditions you can get a validity of 4 up to a maximum of 12 weeks.

IV Route information
The full address data of both points, departure and arrival, must be given. Also, a preferred route must be described as
precisely as possible. Any unloaded rides for which a permit is required and which is necessary for the execution of the
transport must be given.
If a route leads through a place, which deviates from the most common route, the load must be the same. For splitting
up a route, extra costs will be charged (see price list TET).

V Vehicles
Per application, a maximum of 4 vehicles / vehicle combinations can be entered. For transports with a total weight over
50.000 kg the axle loads must be given.
Non-Dutch registered vehicles
For vehicles not registered in the Netherlands, the following applies:
A Length (un)loaded
Compliance with Dutch regulations* regarding turning behaviour must be shown, by submitting:
- reference to RDW document (type approval or SERT no.), or
- (copy of) registration certificate or other official vehicle document with relevant information + any further
information of the vehicle manufacturer, or
- other (copies of) documents, at the discretion of Toelating Exceptioneel Transport (TET).
* These regulations can be obtained from TET; see also our Internet site
B Total mass (GTW)
In case of excess of the legally admissible maximum total mass (GTW) and axle loads it must be shown that
the given vehicles are suited for this, by submitting:
- reference to RDW documents (SERT and exemption certificate), or
- (copy of) registration certificate or other official vehicle document with relevant information), or
- other (copies of) documents, at the discretion of Toelating Exceptioneel Transport (TET)

VI Transport information
The load must be described as precisely as possible, demonstrating its indivisibility. During the process of the
application additional information can be asked.

VII Aslasten
The axle loads need to be filled in if the transport has a total maximum mass > 50.000 kg. The sum of the axle loads
must be equal to the total mass.

By placing his signature, the applicant declares to have completed the form truthfully, and affirms to pay the due fees of
the permit.

Applications may be sent by e-mail to 2 B 0635d

Mistakes due to illegible writing are at risk of the applicant.

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