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Muhammad Ali Azeemi


1) select j.jname, p.pname from p,j,spj where spj.j# = j.j#

And spj.p# = p.p# and spj.p# in
(select p# from p where rownum < 3
Order by weight desc)
group by spj.p#,, p.pname;

2) select rownum, tst.sname from

( select rownum, * from s
where rownum <=10
order by sname
) tst;

3) select j#, count(p#) from spj

group by j#
having count(p#) > 5;

4) select spj.j# from spj, j, s

where spj.s# = s.s#
and spj.j#=j.j#
and <>;

5) select j# from j where city like ‘_o%’;

6) select j# from j where

( select avg(qty) from spj
where j#.j.j#
and p# = ‘p1’
select max(qty) from spj where j#=’j1’

7) select distinct spj.j# from spj

where (s#, p#) not in (
select s#, p# from s,p where’london’ and p.color=’red’

8) select s# from s where exists

(select * from p where not exists (
(select * from spj where spj.j# = j.j#
and spj.p# = p.p#
and spj.s# = s.s# )));

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