Importance of Entrepreneur in The Process of Economic Growth

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Entrepreneurial Functions

tance of entrepreneur in the proc
onomic growth.

Presented by:-
Kumar Pal
Roll no-
An entrepreneur is an innovative person who maximizes his profits by
following new strategies or venturing into new products or services.
A good entrepreneur is one who is capable of inspiring confidence in
people, and has the ability to motivate them. He undertakes:

Øintroduction of a new quality in a product,

Øintroduction of a new product,
Ødiscover fresh demand and fresh source of supply, and
Øchanges in the organization and management.
Entrepreneurial Functions:-
Planning of the project :
To Face Risks :
Distribution of Rewards
Sale of Products:
Scale of Production
Joint stock Organization
Identifying entrepreneurial opportunity
ØFeasibility study
ØSetting up of the Enterprise
ØManaging the enterprise
ØGrowth and Development
ØTurning ideas into action

Importance of entrepreneur
in the process
of economic growth .
Employment Generation
National Income
Balanced Regional Development
Dispersal of economic power
Better standards of living :
Creating innovation

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