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Communication in Organization

By Group No : - 1
 Communication
- Communication is defined as the process of sharing the message,
that produce response.

- The word communication is derived from Latin word “ Communis”

which means common.

 Organization
Organization is form of every human association for the attainment of
common purpose. (Definition By- James Mooney)
 Communication in Organization
In an Organization, communication is the process of exchanging the information
in a way that achieves mutual understanding between two or more people about
work related issues.

Communication plays an important role in:

 Planning

 Organizing

 Directing

 Controlling

 Motivating
 Specific Characteristics of Communication

 Social process

 Continuous

 Relates to human being

 Contextual

 Symbolic in nature

 Shares thoughts & ideas

 Nature of Communication

 Process.

 Inevitable

 Two-Way

 Spiraling Process

 4 Specific Skills

 Pervasive

 Blood of Business
 Function of Communication Skills

 Helps in Coordination

 Assists in decision making

 Motivates People

 Performance feedback

 Job Instructions

 Controlling People

 Spreading Rumors

 Emotive Function
 Scope of Communication
1] External Dimension

2] Internal Dimension
 Scope of Communication in relation to external & internal dimension

1] Includes Oral & Nonverbal communication.

2] Interpersonal, Intrapersonal & mass communication.

3] Covers only human communication.

4] Covers 4 skills viz.,

a) Reading
b) Writing
c) Speaking
d) Listening

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