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Unit Instructional Video

Author: Ryen, Tyler, Katie, and April

Revision Date of Lesson Plan:

Overall Goal for the Lesson: To familiarize significant people involved in

the Civil Rights Movement.

Description of classroom, grade level, and students: Third grade social

studies classroom.

Student Objectives for the lesson. Given a list of significant figures in U.S.
History, the student will be able to create imaginative journal entries related
to their opinion on a historical figures point of view.

Length of Lesson: One class period.

Schedule of Activities: Teachers’ make a video introducing the unit of civil

rights. During the video the teacher’s will introduce four key figures in the
civil rights movement, then each student will pick one figure to create a
journal entry about the person. We would like the student to write through
the eyes of the person they are writing about.
PASS Content Standards Addressed: Standard 2:2,4: Write brief personal
descriptive narratives (stories) with a consistent focus of a beginning, middle, and
ending that:
a. Present a logical sequence of events.
b. Develop a main idea.
c. Use details to support the main idea.
4. Make journal entries.

1. PASS Instructional Technology Standards: Standard 6:1: Use

technology resources (e.g., calculators, data collection probes, videos,
educational software) for problem solving, self-directed learning, and
extended learning activities.

Assessments: How will these activities be assessed? Once the journal

entries are written, the students’ will share their journals with the class. We
will discuss them as a group and this will lead into our individual lessons
over each figure in history.

Accommodations: How might the lesson need to be adapted for students

with special needs?
If a student has a speech impairment, the child can type out their journal
or use a voice recorder to tape an oral journal entry.
Materials Needed: Video Camera, voice recorder, computer, paper and

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