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How could the North Korean dictatorship end?

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In the 1970s, the formerly strong economy of the Soviet Union begins to slow down and fail.
Agricultural production decreases and Soviet factories fail to keep up with demand for consumer
goods like clothing and TV sets. By the 1980s, members of the Communist Party decide that the
current system is not working. They institute glasnost (openness), allowing greater freedom of
the press and speech. And they also allow private ownership and foreign investment for the first
time since the 1920s.
Positive Negative

In the 1980s, students in Czechoslovakia peacefully protested against their government. The
turning point in this “Velvet Revolution” was when the army chose not to shoot the student
protestors. The dictatorship was dismantled and Vaclav Havel, a playwright and intellectual, was
elected as the country’s first non-Communist leader since 1948. His cabinet includes low-level
Communists from the old regime to ensure a peaceful transition.
Positive Negative

In the late 1970s, Deng Xiaoping decides to reform the communist economy in China. He claims
that ideology is less important than economic growth and introduces Special Economic Zones
(SEZs) in major cities like Beijing. In the SEZs, capitalism is allowed and encouraged through
lower taxes. The government remains a dictatorship.
Positive Negative

Frustrated with the elected socialist president, the Chilean army overthrows him and installs the
head of the Army, Augusto Pinochet, as the new president. He deregulates business, cuts taxes
and builds a stronger army. The Chilean economy grows tremendously, but Pinochet rules
through fear and imprisonment of dissidents.
Positive Negative

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