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Internet Safety Tips Resources

Research and install anti-virus programs to

ensure safety for your computer. .php?showtopic=90347
Research and install programs that can filter
what your children are viewing on the

Teach your children to not give out any

personal information on the internet such as px?id=2323
name, address, telephone number etc.

Monitor your children’s e-mail to make sure

they are not getting any threatening
messages from unfamiliar senders. Talk to
your children about not responding to these jects/SafeSurfingEng/TeenagersEng/SSETSurfSaf
messages and to never meet anyone in etly/SSETSTheInternetDangers/
person that they first “met” online.

Put the computer in an open room where it

is easy to view what your child is viewing
on the internet.

Encourage your children to use child-

friendly and educational websites and search

Most importantly talk to your children about

computer and internet safety. The more they
know the safer they will be on the internet.

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Exposure to Inappropriate Material
Social Networking Sites Computer Viruses
Most internet users are members of one of Without monitoring what your children are Inside
The internet is a world of wonders. ItCenter
is a Panel
the many social networking sites that are viewing on the internet, they can stumble piece of technology that we rely on very
available on the web. These include upon links that will lead them to much now-a-days. Unfortunately, the
anything from Facebook and MySpace, to inappropriate material. internet is also a very easy way to catch a
dating services like E-Harmony. virus on your computer. You not only want
Children have the tendency to be curious, to keep your children safe on the internet,
but we need to make sure that their curiosity but you also want to keep your computer
is guided into the right direction. safe while your children surf the internet.
Not monitoring what your children are Viruses can be caught many ways.
viewing on the internet gives them access to Computers can be infected by hackers,
x-rated pictures, videos and much more. through e-mail’s, instant messages, pop-ups,
The internet can expose your children to chat rooms and unreliable websites. Viruses
Users need to understand that anything websites that operate illegally, display can affect just a few files, to making the
posted on these kinds of websites, such as unreliable content, and could be extremely entire computer crash. Computer viruses are
personal information or pictures, can be offending to them. very dangerous and not something to be
viewed by anyone who has access to the taken lightly.
internet. Users need to make sure to post
only things they are comfortable with
sharing to the Internet world.

Also, because these websites require such

personal information such as e-mail The internet can also expose children to
addresses or even phone numbers, they can websites promoting things like drugs and
attract very dangerous predators. There alcohol. If children view these things on the
have been reports of things from internet for the first time, they will not be
kidnappings, to sexual abuse. It is easy for educated enough to understand the dangers
predators to pretend they are someone they of drugs and alcohol. Websites promoting
are really not on the internet. They can post such habits can have a negative influence on
fake pictures and have fake conversations your child’s life. Children need to
just to get more personal information. This understand that just because celebrities do it
can be extremely dangerous if users are not in the movies; it does not mean it is safe.

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