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Georgia Southern University

Department of Leadership, Technology, and Human Development

Instructional Technology Program

FRIT 7737
Practicum in the School Library Media Center
University Supervisor Feedback Form

Practicum Candidate: Matthew Earl

Site: Skype – Lafayette Middle School

Date of visit: 3/17/11 via Skype

Describe the activities observed and rate the candidate Unacceptable, Acceptable, Target
or Not Observed. Any ratings of Unacceptable must be explained at the end of this form.

Activity Observed U A T NO
Teacher You did an exemplary job X
of engaging your students in
the topic and gradually
increasing the difficulty of
the questions. You also
incorporated online content
via your digital literacy
Instructional Partner X

Information Specialist You talked about X

information literacy,
evaluating sources, what
sources to use, the
importance of citing sources
and not plagiarizing, how to
organize their writing – all
of this information is crucial
for students to know, and
with a class average of 96
on the Senteo quiz, I would
say that you are doing a
great job in ensuring their
understanding of the
importance of these topics.
Program Administrator X

Leader X

Ability to model the use of technology You used the Senteo X

clickers effectively to
engage students as well as
your whiteboard and
computer. You also were
able to immerse students in
digital content via their use
of the laptops for accessing
your wiki and the webquest
you created. You also made
use of Glogster.
Professionalism (including ethical You were very professional X
principles and dispositions) in the way you interacted
with students. You helped
students who were incorrect
understand why certain
answers were incorrect. And
you made them understand
that it’s okay to not know
something and encouraged
them to use inquiry learning
to find the answers that they
don’t know in the most
efficient and effective way

Comments and explanation of any unsatisfactory ratings:

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