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Assalamu’alaikum Wr.


“Firstly, let’s pray to Allah S.W.T. who always bless us foREVer. Amin. Secondly, I want to
thank you to my english teacher, Mr. Mardi, who give me chance to speak english :D..

On this occasion, I wanna tell you about A Negative effect of internet

Is it important to us to control ourselves from the negative effects of the Internet?Absolutely is it.
Internet can make us are affected by negative things, such as pornography, crime, and also

Not infrequently, junior high school was pregnant outside marriage, and this is because of free
sex, and the most influential was the internet. Because internet give the user by providing a
highly open, and there is no limit.

In addition, other negative effects of are wasteful. Because many students who play games
online. They spend their pocket money rather than for savings, but to play games online.

Meanwhile, many student who often play on the internet become lazy and stupid

Therefore, we should be able to keep ourselves from the negative effects of the Internet. Perhaps
the internet can give a positive effect, such as business, findinng information, and look for
something new.

I thing that’s all, I’m sorry for all my mistakes, Thank you ..

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

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