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[15:44] ananth5: hi, completed structure exchange rate module completely.

what s
hall i do next? frnid?
[15:46] H Y: yea.. frnid
[15:47] H Y: reuse existing codes.. change skin... follow SDS
[15:47] H Y: 70% are the same
[15:47] H Y: db slight different
[15:47] ananth5: rite..will do that next

0:48] ananth5: looks like the old system is down.

[10:49] H Y: need to restart ap
[10:50] H Y: try again
[10:51] ananth5: ya...its working now.. i can only see the: FRNID Interest List
under corporate actions. is there any other links for frnid that i need to know
[10:51] ananth5: ?
[10:52] H Y: search customer with frnid, the function list will have more
[10:52] ananth5:
[10:55] H Y: FRNID Interest List -> dividend + interest, check with me when u ar
e with that module
[11:01] ananth5: ok...just to the drop down list , i can see only t
wo --FRNID early termination and FRNID internal fund transfer, is that all + the
earlier one - frnid interest?
[11:02] ananth5: i could remember seen more modules in the frnid system build by
the vendor
[11:05] H Y: interest is outside menu
[11:05] H Y: there is deposit, probably share with SP deposit
[11:06] ananth5: i see.ok..i will start first with this
[11:06] H Y: ok
[11:09] ananth5: can u give me a sample account number which has a frnid account
? coz got error when i go to early termination ( Unknown Error) and in internal
fund transfer - no account... how to create frnid account?
[11:10] H Y: select from customer portfolio la
[11:11] ananth5: where portfolio = frnid?
[11:11] H Y: select * from customer_portfolio where fund_code like 'F%';
[11:12] H Y: and unit_available>0;
[11:12] ananth5: ok..thanks
[11:13] H Y: just checked, in currect system, the deposit (investment) is shared
with SP
[11:13] H Y: but early termination is seperate
[11:13] H Y: SP's changes has been implemented 80%
[11:14] H Y: probably you will need to copy the deposit screean.. save as frnidd
eposit screen
[11:14] H Y: then work on that screen.. adding filter that, only show frnid prod

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