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Wildlife Gardening Forum

8th June 2011
Natural History Museum London

Draft Programme
9.45 Registration and coffee

10.20 Stuart Hine Manager of the Angela Marmont Centre for UK

Biodiversity Centre for UK Biodiversity
Welcome and introduction to the Centre’s work

10.35 Marc Carlton Web Author.

Close to Nature: How we can use garden flowers to attract and support
pollinating insects.

10.55 Ambra Burls Deputy Chair UK Man And the Biosphere Urban Forum
Education (as new innovative curricula for practitioners) and public

11.15 Shirley Thompson Bat Conservation Trust

Gardening for bats.

11. 35 Tea and coffee

12.10 Chloë Smith London Wildlife Trust

Results from the London Gardens Research Project

12.30 Zoe Randle Butterfly Conservation

Lepidoptera in Gardens

12.50 - 1.50 Lunch and networking

1.50 Caroline Ware Natural History Museum

The Museum’s Wildlife Garden: introduction to the afternoon programme

2.10 Guided walks and activities in the NHM Wildlife Garden

To include: Roy Vickery – Forgotten l uses of native plants
Nicky Reilly – The Butterfly Garden
TBA – Trial of the new OPAL Invertebrate survey
Caroline Ware – General garden walk and discussion

4.00 Tea, General Discussion and disperse

Please note: this programme is subject to minor changes in timing and titles.

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