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This is a receiver developed set of standards/expectations that will lead us to the quality of our year in 2011. Our spring
practices, summer work outs, 7 on 7, Two a Days and finally our football season will be affected by the development of
our attitudes and our mentality through this self-developed standard. It will convict us to remember and strive to reach our
goals. What can we become? What can we help the team become?



List all qualities, goals and expectations that come to mind.

Classroom Standard of Performance:

1) Dress code 2) No Tardies

Weight Room/ Work out Standard of Performance:

Practice Standard of Performance:

Game day Standard of Performance:

ºeeting Standard of Performance:

Weekend Standard of Performance:

Blocking Standard of Performance:

Route Running Standard of Performance:

*These standards should define your view of how a professional and perfect receiver would act in all
aspects of his daily life. I do not expect perfection, mistakes will be made. But, if we define what we
believe to be qualities of perfection we can always strive and pursue those qualities in our lives.

This is Due ºonday, we will meet after school as a group and decide on our standards from what you
have written down. You must also find a quote you think will fit to the entire group and a Bible verse
that will fit the entire group.




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