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Physician’s Warning Turn Fruitless Before Government Indifferent


Case Study -A :
“..... my affliction is not the problem of my life. The chief cause of my ailment is of rolling 400
numbers to 500 numbers of Bidis a day, for which I have been a victim of the dreadful disease Tuberculosis
(TB). This dreadful disease has not only driven me to such a position but also others of my village of my age,
who do this job have been facing of same diseases like TB, asthma, respiratory problems, spondeliteis,
blindness etcetera. My parents, brothers, sisters and other aged members of my family have been suffering
from these fearful diseases since long due to their involvement with this type of work, and still they do it and
do to maintain our livelihood cursorily. But of them only my sister and mother have come round from the
attack of this chronic disease. But others are still suffering TB. They roll 01,400 numbers to 01,500 numbers
of Bidis a day and earn a sum of Rs. 25 to Rs. 35, which is quite insuffi cient to by necessary protein-rich food
and medicines to combat the diseases. My grand-father died early in the age of 50 for want of this things
(protein-rich diet and medicines etcetera) .....”, lamented 13-years-old child Bidi worker, Jalenoor Khatun
of Dhuliyan village in Indian West-Bengal State’s Murshidabad district.
Case Study - B :
“..... we live in those areas where there is no good arrangements of sanitation. So we are in need of
building houses at low cost immediately to avoid this unhygienic condition of living. Over and above, we
require community lavatories and health centers, drainage-system and facility for pure drinking-water to
protect us from the attack of the dreadful diseases like TB, diarrhoea, jaundice, malaria, dysentery, cholera,
etcetera. But if this is not done, it will turn in to an epidemic and as a result, our men, women and children
will find no opportunity to survive and our generations will extinct in no time .....”, regretted -45-years old
male Bidi worker, Mantu Seikh, hailing from Molatikhamar village under Gauripur Police Station in Indian
Assam State’s Dhubri district.
Case Study - C :
“..... presently, the price of various commodities are rising day by day and this creates various
problems to keep the oil of family running smoothly. So everybody of the family is required to earn.
Therefore, till there is opportunity to work and earn, we should avail of that opportunity .....”, said 35 –years-
old Mahammed Iasin, one of the inhabitants of Domohona village under Karundighi Block village in Indian
West-Bengal State’s North-Dinajpur (earlier known as : East Dianjpur) district.

..... If any body of inquisitive nature intends to pay a visit to the few villages of Assam and West-
Bengal, he or she would be astounded to find that in many houses, some or all members of the family are
doing something bowing their heads upon their winnowing-platter (which is locally called : Kula or Kulo) at
the same time gossiping this or that or talking to each other on some current local affairs. This they are
doing is nothing but rolling ‘Kendu-leave’' or ‘tobacco-leave’' for making ‘indigenous-cigarett’’ called –
“Bidi”. This work of Bidi making is carried on by all sitting upon their open court-yard, usually called
veranda (that is, Uthan) in a circle from 08 a.m. to 07 p.m. from 08 years to 10 years old children, their
parents and even their grand-fathers and grand-mothers, all do this in a body. Even, house-wives do this
job in addition to their daily routine household works like cooking foods in the kitchen, washing cloths,
helping male members in the corn-field and so on, to earn something to support their family, which is the
chief object of this job …..

Of all the diseases that frighten the people with death and diabolic end, none is so dangerous than
Cancer. This incurable disease insulates thousands and thousands of soul’s everyday from this earth. Thus,
its intensity has so frightening that has terrified the entire globe and so every one from ordinary person to
inordinate one thinking on and on to find out. The means to fight out the disease and smoking being one of the
chief causes, all desire to put a land upon it either by socialization or enacting an Act. But the most mysterious
point is that realising all these dreadful consequences good number of people specially those, who live in this
North-East part of India. The inhabitants, whether he or she is a child, young and old prone to smoking and in
this case they use Bidi the cheapest means for inebriation.
Moreover, the employees related to this industry are not free from the victimisation of the hydra-
headed diseases like ‘Tuberculosis’ (TB), Cancer, Lung-diseases, Asthma, Respiratory-problems etcetera.
These employees do not know how in disguise this means of income is leading them to gate of annihilation.
Bidi is the cheapest of intoxication and so has got popularised in the countries like Britain, Europe, Russia,
Middle-East and many other developed countries of the world. They prefer Bidi to cigarette for the price Bidi
is lesser than cigarette.
Bidi industry is an important industry in India. It is one of the noted ‘village-small-scale-industry’ in
this part and a huge number of people belonging to poorer sections live upon the income derived from this
industry. This industry has also its firm stand in Eastern Indian states like Sikkim, West-Bengal, Assam,
Nagaland, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, and in the other states of India –
Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh (UP), Madhya Pradesh (MP), Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka
and Andhara Pradesh, etcetera. The peculiarities of this industry are that it does not require any heavy
machinery. Very small tools are required to carry out this trade. This ‘cottage-industry’ has now become a
‘family-profession’ for almost all the members of a family get involved in this business. This industry is chiefly
concentrated in entire Eastern Indian States, Assam, West-Bengal and even, Orissa also.
This industry laid it foundation some 70 years to 75 years back during British regime. But, it’s
expansion has been made after independence. This industry is going on full swing in West-Bengal Assam and
other ‘seven-sisters’ of North-East India. The poor Bidi workers of these states are still at the door of the afflu -
ence. This industry provides 10% (per cent) to 15% (per cent) employment to those who have neither money
nor education. The family background of these workers is also not a matter to be reckoned.
The observers, while on investigation found that even some students are engaged themselves in Bidi-
binding work upon enquiry they said that they were doing this to maintain the expenditure of their family and
education. The old men and women of some community absolutely live on this trade. Child labours are also
found engaged with this work. But the most pathetic fact is that they can not earn according to their labour.
Hence, the application of Karl Marx (the well known German Political Philosopher)’s surplus value. Theory is
noticed. As a result, the owners of the factory amassing money and property at the cost of these labours.
It is generally believed that for Bidi factory a vast space is required. But, in fact it is not so. The work of
Bidi making can be done in a very small space. In the villages this work is done in a small room or courtyard,
where husband, wife and their children get together do it. Even old members of the family do not hesitate to
render their help. The wage of the Bidi worker is not lucrative. They give Rs. 25/30 to Rs. 35/40 per thousand
only. The female workers and child workers get much lesser than the male workers.
“In these districts child labours and woman labours play with Bidi and though there is no correct
account of these labours with the authority of local Village Panchayet, Sub-division, District and City.
Although, approximately more than 25,000 numbers to 30,000 numbers child-Bidi-workers and 40,000
numbers to 50,000 numbers woman–Bidi-workers have in West-Bengal and Assam sector of Eastern India.
Of these worker 25% (per cent) to 30% (per cent) children and 15% (per cent) to 20% (per cent) women
and the rest, that is, 45% (per cent) to 50% (per cent) are males”, claimed the Bidi Union leader. But the
Government records their numbers are shown in another way. In these records they were shown much less
than the actual figure. These are made clear from the ‘Identity Card’ (IC) issued to them. The child labours are
not give any IC and so it is impossible to give a list of the actual figure or number of the child-labours are
employed in the Bidi factories. The women and men labourers have IC, when child labours have only nothing
and it is illegal.
This proves that the workers of the Bidi factories are related with it from grass root level. The
inhabitants of these villages also tell that apart from this work many of them live on the professions like
cultivators, rickshaw-pullers (known as : Rickshaw-wala), hand-barrow-pullers (known as: Thela-wala),
vegetable-vendors, labourer, daily-wage-earners, rag-pickers, fish-sellers, etcetera. A very small number of
male heads are found preparing Bidi. The male Bidi workers earn Rs. 02,500 to Rs. 03,000 a month after
completing their daily routine works. But yet it does not help them to arrange square meals for the members of
the family consisting 08 to 10 heads. This forces the children and the women members of the family to go on
for the Bidi making works.
Bidi is a common man’s article of smoking. It falls in the group of ‘cottage industry’. Thousands and
thousands of men and women make Bidi in their houses. The children make also it just before they go to play.
But the wage they (children) get for making Bidi is very small. These men, women and children do this work in
the yard of their houses. These yards are thus small industrial units. At the end of the week, the child labour
gets minimum Rs. 08/10 to maximum Rs. 10/12 per day against their service rendered for making 800 to
01,000 Bidis. While female labour gets minimum Rs. 14/15 to maximum Rs. 20/22 per day for making
01,200 to 01,500 Bidis. But astonishing fact is that both children and women Bidi workers are make highest
number of Bidi than the male Bidi workers and yet get minimum wages.
A woman labour earns averagely Rs. 400 to Rs. 500 per month, while a child labour acquires
averagely Rs. 300 to Rs. 350 per month for preparing Bidi. The demand of the child and woman labour is
great as because, their wage is much lower and they make more Bidis than the others. There are 04,000 to
05,000 child Bidi labours and 08,000 to 10,000 woman Bidi workers per district are engaged in this
profession in North-East India.
Price rise also compels every member to work and thus provide provision for the family. On the other
hand, Bidi is an art and bride who lacks this virtue is not entertained for marriage. So, the proverb goes on in
the villages, “The girl who does not know the art of making Bidi can not claim to be a bride”. Lack of
education, lack of finance, failure of crops, frequent attack of flood, lock-up of the mills and factories, family
department etcetera are the cause which force the members of a family work as a Bidi worker.
The Bidi workers work on contract basis. Therefore, they have no connection with the owner of the
factory. In Bidi making business, the contractors that is, middle man (known as : ‘Dalal’) play a prominent
role. There are various types of contractors who require various policies to carry out the business of Bidi
trade. Some are employed to collect Kendu-leaves, the most important raw material for making Bidi. Some
are appointed to prepare Bidi. These contractors move from village to village with Kendu-leaves and Tobacco
for making Bidi.
There is no direct intimacy between the Bidi worker and the owners of the factories. A Bidi worker is
given 250/300 grammes of Tobacco and 400/500 grammes of Kendu-leaves. The quantity of Tobacco and
Kendu-leaves goes on reducing as the workers fail to fulfill the contract. Therefore, the workers do their best to
abide by the instruction of the contractors and make at least 01,000 Bidi.

Sometimes, workers are penalized for supplying raw materials of inferior quality. At present, the Bidi
workers are getting Rs. 25 to Rs. 28 for making 01,000 Bidi while in 1986, they got Rs. 02 to Rs. 03 only. It is
better than that of the previous income of the workers but not as good as general labour. As usual a labour is
entitled to get Rs. 55 to Rs. 60 per day, as per Central Government Order or Notice. But, in 1994 the State Gov-
ernment formed as advisory committee for recommending scheme for the betterment of the Bidi workers. The
committee recommended that a Bidi worker should get Rs. 30 to Rs. 35 for making 01,000 Bidi to add with
Valuable Dearness Allowance (VDA) of Rs. 07 to Rs. 08 also. But the Bidi workers are not getting their wages
as proposed by the advisory committee that is, Rs. 37 to Rs. 43. This agitated the workers and that got
together to launch movement against this injustice.
But, whatever are the causes that compel Bidi workers to induce in ‘Labour Movement’, but they
cannot involved in it whole heartedly because, these workers depend on the Mahajan or Malik (that is,
Owner). They will have to starves and die if they go for the strike. So, the Bidi workers depend upon the owner
of the Bidi factories who, maintains the continuity of the supply of raw materials. This is how they impose
control upon the workers. But, the expenditure of the Bidi production also differs from State to State when,
Rs. 20 to Rs. 22 is required to be spent in MP for making 01,000 Bidi, Rs. 25 to Rs. 26 be spent in Assam.
Therefore, the Government should under take some programmes and make schemes to bring some
betterment in the miserable life of these so called poor, helpless and deprived Bidi workers. The Bidi facto ries
export a good number Bidi to foreign lands in order to fetch much profit. In the United States of America
(USA) and other European states where each packet is sold for Rs. 70 to Rs. 80 only whereas the same is sold
here in India for Rs. 02.50 to Rs. 03.00 only. According to Indian Labour & Health Department, the rate of
per 01,000 numbers of bidis, in Indian States : Rajasthan - Rs. 22, in Bihar - Rs. 26, in Uttar Pradesh (UP) -
Rs. 35, in Madhya Pradesh (MP) - Rs. 22.50, in Maharashtra - Rs. 20.35, in Gujarat - Rs. 18.50, in Tamil Nadu
- Rs. 16.25, West Bengal - Rs. 14.50, in Kerala - Rs.25.20, in Karnataka Rs. 16.25, in Andhara Pradesh -
Rs.17.85 and in Assam – Rs. 18.00.
Thus, it can easily be realised how much profit the Bidi factories derive from this trade. Kendu-leaf is
necessary for making Bidi. These leaves come from Maharastra, Madhya Pradesh (MP), Andhra Pradesh (AP),
Bihar, Orissa, West-Bengal and its adjoining areas. Of them Bihar's leaves are very inferior quality. But the
major supplier state of Kendu-leaves are the Western Indian States, Karnataka, Gujarat, etcetera.
It is learnt that about 60% (per cent) Kendu-leaves are supplied from MP. Although, West-Bengal also
supplies more than 40% (per cent) of the leaves. So far the North-East is concerned, the Bidi workers of the
West-Bengal are more efficient than others and so they produce better Bidis in comparison with others of
Bihar, Orrisa, Maharastra, Karnataka, MP, AP, etcetera. The Bidi factories in the districts of Assam and West-
Bengal produce more than 50% (per cent) to 60% (per cent) that is, 50 to 60 lakhs, Bidi in India.
This is one of the good virtues that the workers of these regions possess. Bidi working is not done in an
organised way. The Bidi factory owner paid Rs. 01 to Rs. 02 per thousand to the Government as labour-welfare
fee and Rs. 05 to Rs. 06 as tax. The Bidi workers alleged that the Bidi factory owners do not spend any fur
thing for labour welfare, from the profit earned at their cost. The workers further told that thus they get
deprived from the Bidi factory owners day to day. Even, yet their living standard is very poor.
The worker can not provide necessary amenities to the members of their families. This happen
because they have neither any organisation nor any good leader. The condition of the factories is also pathetic.
Further, the factories lacked modern machines etcetera.
Over and above, this is the very big arts and crafts. But, it has no composite factory. The owners of the
Bidi factories know socio-economic conditions of the Bidi workers. They also know that they have future of
their own yet the owners do not like to realise their poverty. The owners hesitates to spend a very little of the
income derived from the labour sacrificed by the workers on the contrary, they spend this surplus value to
enjoy life in pomp and pleasure. Provident Fund (PF) and gratuity are very necessary to protect the future of
the Bidi workers.
But, the factory owners intend to keep themselves apart from these especially in the State, Assam. In
other provinces, the workers have their organisations and through these organisations they compelled the
owners to make provision for PF etcetera. But this is not with the factories in Assam. They keep silent in this
respect. It is true that the actual figure of the Bidi workers will come to light, if and when the PF system or
scheme will be introduced. Apart from this, the actual volume of production will also be divulged which the
owners of the Bidi factories never desire.
The workers also get disheartened when they found that (Central and the State) Bidi organisations did
not put any importance to open Provident Fund system in this province. The Bidi workers are not allowed to
have these facilities like other factories granted by the Central Government, such as : free education, free
medical treatment and provision for free shelter, drinking-water-system, job opportunity, etcetera. In the
mean time, the owners have made a provision to allow Rs. 20,000 as an advance to build a shelter to live in.
The money is given to them in three different installments or stages, that is, however, Rs. 08,000, Rs. 07,000
and Rs. 05,000 to see the progress of works.
But, about 10 years ago, this house building advance or so called ‘loan’ was Rs. 13,000. Of this the
worker were required to repay Rs. 10,000 with interest within 09 months. The workers are now free from
these obligations.
In fact, the Bidi workers have no future, which is also another cause of indulging into movement. “The
Bidi workers working in the Bidi factory often fall victim of diseases like Asthma, Tuberculosis (TB),
Arthritis, Spondelities, eye, shoulder and back bone pain, blindness etcetera”, claimed the TB Hospital
Doctor, of the State, Assam. These diseases many a time takes away life of the Bidi workers. The workers are
low paid and so can not bear the burden of treatment of these long standing diseases. The owners of the
factory too try to avoid the responsibility of the problems, alleged the Bidi workers. So TB has become an
epidemic in these areas, where Bidi worker live and work. “75% (per cent) to 80% (per cent) of the workers
who remain engaged with this profession are the victims of this disease. Of them 50% (per cent) to 70% (per
cent) workers bears the TB virus”, claimed the physician, Dr. S. D. Mazumder of a Public Health Centre of Bidi
Workers of the Indian Assam State.
According to the physician of the Primary Health Centre or Public Health Centre (PHC), TB virus
dwells here every where and waits to have an entrance in to the bodies of the workers. Generally the members
of each family prepare Bidi sitting together in a circle where one or more TB patients live, who spread TB
virus. This virus later on is inhaled by others and become the victims of TB. Because, its virus has acquired
epidemic proportions and spreads through nasochromial infarction. Although, poverty is the chief cause that
forces the Bidi workers to become the victims of TB disease even though the industry earns crores of money
also helps the state to earn a lot. The Bidi workers afflicted with TB are very poor and so they can not continue
their medicines and as such the disease re-attack and make them weak and ill.
Therefore, only medicines and rich foods will not put an end to recurrence to this disease but social
awareness and economic rehabilitation are also necessary. In this connection, it is also noted here that in USA,
Bidi smoking has been bent, which the cheapest sort of smoking is. The chief cause of it, it has been increasing
TB and Asthma patients very rapidly in the USA.
It is fact that the, Bidi is the poor man’s smoke. But, it also fact that with nearly 85% (percent) of the
world’s bidi tobacco grown in India and with 70% (percent) of tobacco smoked in the country being in the
form of bidis, more Indians have now been found to be dying of bidi smoking than from all other forms of
tobacco combined. According to the country’s first bidi monograph, for every cigarette, eight bidis are sold in
India. And what’s worse, nearly 02.3% (percent) children, aged 13-15 years, have taken to it. Compared to less
than 100 billion cigarettes, India produces approximately 700 billion bidis annually, almost all of them
consumed locally. While India has 02.9 lakh bidi growers and 44 lakh bidi workers, 50% (percent) of them
ultimately die of tuberculosis or asthma. Shockingly, children and women constitute 76% (percent) to 80%
(percent) of the total labour force in bidi manufacture, earning anywhere between Rs. 29 and Rs. 64 per
10,000-numbers of bidi rolled. It is also estimated that 10% (percent) of all female bidi workers and 05%
(percent) of all male bidi workers are children under 14, who work 12-hours to 15-hours a day, 07-numbers of
day a week without a break. Sometimes, women Bidi workers do this work whole day after finishing their own
household works, with their aged men and women.
According to World Health Organisation (WHO) and United States Department of Health and Human
Services — revealed that Bidi is killing 06,00,000-numbers of people annually in India. India is home to 100-
numbers of million bidi smokers. At present, 08,00,000-numbers of people die due to tobacco consumption
in India, among whom 06,00,000 should be due to bidis alone.
According to the doctor, bidi smoke contained high levels of proven class ‘A’ carcinogens like
nitrosamines and toxins like carbon monoxide, ammonia, phenol and hydrogen cyanide. Bidi may contain
lesser tobacco than cigarettes — 0.2 grams, but delivers as much or more tar and nicotine. Bidi workers with
TB are three times more prone to die. According to the Indian Health Department, bidi crop cultivation
occupied 35% (percent) of the area under tobacco cultivation. Assam, West Bengal, Tripura, Bihar, Orissa,
Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka were the epicentres of bidi rolling in India, while Gujarat and
Maharashtra were the major suppliers of bidi tobacco leaves. Annually, 150,000 tonnes of tobacco and
03,00,000-numbers of ton of Kendu Leaves are used to manufacture bidis. What’s worrying is that bidis are
mostly smoked by people belonging to economically backward classes. In India, about 19% (percent) of
tobacco consumption is in the form of cigarettes while 53% (percent) is in the form of bidis. This monograph
will help us work out useful interventions to curtail bidi smoking habits.
Children and Women comprise a whopping 72.4% of the bidi rolling industry workforce in India’s Assam,
Tripura, West Bengal states, according to a new study titled ‘Hands That Roll Bidi’, conducted by the Self-
Employed Women’s Association-Bharat. The report, based on a socio-economic survey, pointed out that bidi
rollers suffered posture-related problems and complain of pulmonary diseases caused by inhaling nicotine.
The study also revealed that on average bidi rollers (children and women) contributed 55.41% (percent) of the
total income of families studied. “Bidis seem to be the major source of income of the surveyed households. It
was found that the percentage of working children and women in the total population of surveyed households
exceeds men. A majority of them are in the bidi industry, while the remaining are in agriculture”, the study
concluded. According to the report, the minimum wage rate is fixed on a piece-rate basis -- the traditional
measure being 01,000-numbers of bidi. Though the state wage rate is Rs. 35 to Rs. 39 for 01,000 bidis, many
rollers are actually paid Rs 35.30, as contractors reject bidis that lack quality and do not conform to
Bidi industry is an important industry in India. Specially for the States of Assam, West-Bengal, Tripura,
Bihar, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, it is one of the noted ‘village-small-scale-industry’
in this part and a huge number of people belonging to poorer sections live upon the income derived from this
industry. The Children (specially, hamlet areas), women and young chaps, who are working in the Bidi
industry are compelled to adopt this particular odd jobs due to various reasons, the chief reasons are as
follows – Firstly : The people of the aforesaid states are poverty stricken, Secondly : Lack of education,
Thirdly : Reduction of cultivable land and so agricultural activities have been affected, Fourthly : Seasonal
unemployment. During off season, when agricultural activities remain suspended, the agriculturists go to Bidi
factory to work and earn for their family and Fifthly : Lock-up of the factories or mills and job scarcities.
Sometimes, some mills or factories are compelled to close down for want of finance or such other causes. This
closer leads the unemployed labours to work as a Bidi worker.
Children are the main bread-butter earner for their family. And to support and earn two-meals-a-day,
these unfortunate children are bound to go and to adopt aforesaid so-called cottage industry’s job with their
parents. As a result of this, their health, nutrition, education, social and economic conditions are day-to-day
detoriated. The most unfortunate think is that even, hearing this, Government of India doesn’t pay any heed
to it. According to the social scientist, it becomes one kind of ‘Children Right Violation’ case. Apart from this,
for better and safe life, to protect social security and to meet up their basic necessary amenities, these
unfortunate children (most of the rural areas of India), who’re working in the Bidi industries are forcibly fallen
in the aforesaid dangerous hazardous atmosphere.
Therefore, though Bidi is a common man’s article of smoking, but, in fact, the Bidi workers have no
future, which is also another cause of indulging into movement. So, Governemnet of India takes immediate
suitable steps for this reason (specially care for the children, who are working in this particular hazardous
industry), before the situation go out of hand.
(Author is former BBC, The Statesman, The Times of India & Hindustan Times & The Telegraph,
AP, AFP & PTI Contributor-cum-Photographer of Northeast India
/The writer specialises in Northeast Affairs)

References :
a) Behind The Smokescreen, Northeast Sun, New Delhi, Delhi, India, Dated May 15-31, 2001, Page
Number-18, by Shib Shankar Chatterjee.
b) Death Conceals Making & Puffing Bidi, Dainik Asam, The Assam Tribune Group, Guwahati, Assam,
India, by Shib Shankar Chatterjee.
c) Report of World Health Organization.

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