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Name : Ain Nur Afiqah binti Mohd Fazli

Class : 1 Al – Farabi
Signature :

Title : Unicellular and Multicellular Cell

General Structure of Animal Cells and Plant Cells

A cell is the basic unit of life. Its function is to carry out life processes.

Its size is too small to be seen with the naked eye. We need an instrument

called a microscope to look at cells and to study the general structure of a


Microscopes are used in laboratories to make small objects appear

larger. Some school laboratories have microscopes that can magnify the size

of an object by as much as 600 times.

Notice that the epidermis of the onion is made up of cells. These cells

have the same shape. They are arranged in the same way as bricks in a brick


Plant cells have a green colouring or pigment. This green pigment is

known as chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is found in chloroplasts. Plant cells have a

fixed shape because they have a cell wall. What other structures do plant cells

have? They also have a cell membrane and protoplasm. The protoplasm is

made up of the cytoplasm and nucleus.

The Functions of Cell Structures are as follows:

Cell Membrane

This is the thin layer surrounding the cell. The cell membrane controls the
movement of substances in and out of the cell.


This part of the cell looks like jelly. It is colourless. This is where chemical
processes take place.


The nucleus controls all cell activities.


Vacuoles are where water and dissolved minerals are stored. Vacuoles in
plant cells are big. In some animal cells there are small vacuoles. Most
animal cells do not have any vacuoles.


These are found only in plant cells. They are tiny. Photosynthesis is the
process by which plants make food.

Cell Wall

Cell walls are found only in plant cells. The cell wall is made up of cellulose.
Its function is to support and maintain the shape of the cell. Animal cells do
not have cell walls.


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