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Woochul Yang

Economic Map Project: Slovenia

Economic Data for Slovenia

GDP: $56.81 Billion
Growth Rate: 1%
GDP Per Capita: $28,400
Unemployment Rate: 10.6%
Population Below Poverty Line: 12.3%
Exports: $24.97 Billion
Imports: $25.96 Billion
National Debt: $51.57 Billion

Slovenia is a country in Central Europe touching the Alps and bordering the Mediterranean.
Slovenia borders Italy on the west, Croatia on the south and east, Hungary on the northeast,
and Austria on the north, and also has a small portion of coastline along the Adriatic Sea.
Slovenia has a high-income developed economy and enjoys the highest GDP per capita of the
new member states in the European Union. Slovenia today is a developed country that enjoys
prosperity and stability, as well as a GDP per capita higher than that of the other transitioning
economies of Central Europe.

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