AGTL Has The Distinction of Bring The First Automobile Industry in Pakistan To Earn The ISO

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AGTL has the distinction of bring the first automobile industry in Pakistan to earn the
ISO-9002 recognition. This major advance of tuning up the production activities through
ISO9000 has put in place a system of sound quality activities and cross functional
integrated process through out the company.

Their manufacturing plant is the symbol of engineering dynamics the AGTL plant at D.G Khan.


Their 3% parts are make locally.

Lower cost producers of high quality products.

For customer satisfaction AGTL has dotted whole country with large dealer network(100
dealers and 1000 customer care service center) customer care center and tractor

AGTL has won the following rewards which adds to their strengthens
Al-Ghazi Tractors Limited

1. Top companies performance awards.

2. Corporate excellence awards
3. Best calendar awards
4. Golden jubilee award

Their worker commitment to their organization is also their great strength.

Quality products with strong threshing power

As AGTL is currently market leaders, they are few weaknesses as compared to strengths.

Low advertising budget as compare to competitors


They are looking forward to capture market with more diversification in the product.
Through introduction of new product and they think that product will become market
success in the future, as they are delivery all, that which is demanded by the customer


New model introduce by competitor having turbo charge whose major advantage is
That it result in less consumption of fuel.

Sales tax if implemented by the government than it will increase the price and it will
Not be beneficial for organization as it will reduce the total sale.

Government has plan to import duty free tractors from Russia which are less costly
Then FIAT quality products

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