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SEO Marketing Strategies

10 Killer Ways To Beat Your Competitors

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Part 1: The hidden power of Article Marketing

Why is article marketing one of the most powerful way to get quality inbound links? Many marketers
already forgot about this SEO technique. Some don’t even know how to use it. For article marketing to
be an effective SEO campaign, you’ll need to know how to implement this SEO marketing technique to
get tons of inbound links automatically.

Discover the hidden benefits of article marketing

Article marketing is the fastest and most powerful way to spread your knowledge around the World
Wide Web. Posting articles is a proven way to help increase search engines ranking and your web

More inbound links means more traffic. More exposure means more sales. Article marketing can easily
translate to more sales, if done right. There are four main benefits that articles can do for your website.

1. You can become an expert in your field

2. You build lots of quality links
3. You articles will go up ranking (driving more customers to your site)
4. Article can boost your website ranking at the same time
If you have useful well written articles about subjects related to your site, you gain credibility. This is
especially important if you are in a small niche. If readers find a quality article on your site, they will
return to look for more information or refer your article link to a friend. Nothing beats a good viral

Article marketing is FREE and is good for the search engines too
By promoting your articles online for free on several websites it will be indexed by search engines
quickly. Article marketing is one of the most reliable free SEO marketing strategies, no matter how the
Google algorithm changes.

Most people go online to search for information by typing keywords into the major search engines
(Google, Yahoo and Bing). Search engines try to match what people searched for by providing relevant
website content in the search engine results.

So if you have used the same keywords your targets used on the search engines in your articles, your
articles will be listed on the top of the search engine results. More target readers can find you through
these niche articles.

Search engines place emphasis on the use of keyword search terms in the headline and the body of web
content. Using your keywords in this manner,
will encourage the search engines to present your articles to web visitors, when they search with such
keywords, thereby driving targeted traffic to your website.

How to implement Article Marketing in 3 easy steps

Step 1: Write for your targeted readers
Your articles must be targeted and relevant to those readers who are likely to buy from you. Ideally you
should choose a niche and write about tips and solutions. You can compare different products or
services in your article. You can provide advice or tips about a certain problem. Make sure you don’t
write like a sales man. Your article should a problem-solving document.

Choosing a target group helps you understand what your customers want and helps your write a better
article. This is the most important step of the article marketing, because it will help to select the right
keywords to use in your article marketing. These niche keywords can quickly go up in the ranking.

Step 2: How to find keyword search terms to promote you articles?

To get the right keyword search terms for your articles, you’ll need to:

1. List out the search terms that are related to your chosen niche, targets
2. List out the search terms of your products/services
3. Use Google Adwords Keyword tool to get more related keywords
4. Use Word Tracker to find missing keywords

The Google keyword tool will probably give you several related search terms and their synonyms. You
can then use those specific search terms to create the headlines of your articles and also use them in the
body of your articles.

Try find as many words or phrases your targets may use online to search for anything relating to your
niche. This can break or make your article marketing, so spend some time to find the right keywords.

For example, if your chosen niche is shoes, you can then list the following words/phrases as possible
search terms that may be used for your niche, that is men shoes, women’s shoes, kids shoes, shoe
brands, shoe sizes, shoe charts etc.

Step 3: How to publish articles to get quality inbound links

Let’s face it. You need links! Your articles will be a crucial part of your SEO marketing campaign. It is
important to be on the first three pages of an organic search and if your keywords are used properly,
articles can help.

If you are posting your articles around the web, a resource box appears at the bottom, which contains
information about you and a link to your site. How do you start submitting your articles?

1. Do you keyword research first

Your articles should be targeted to your SEO campaign to drive up your search engine rankings.
These keywords must relate to your site or they are useless.
2. Decide if you are going to write the articles
Even if you don't consider yourself a good writer, there are many places to get help on the web.
If you aren't confident in your writing abilities or you simply don't have time you can hire
someone to write for you, get free articles, or buy PLR articles.
3. Write about applicable topics
Your articles should always be related to your site and your products. If you write an article
about dogs and link it to your site about horseback riding, it is not going to help your business
4. Where will your articles be published?
There are three main channels to distribute your articles: Ezines, Announcement Lists, and
Article Directories. Publishing to Ezines in your field gives you targeted traffic. Announcement
lists are subscription email lists where you can publish or find articles. Article directories give
you instant publication and are indexed by search engines, raising your ranking.
5. Spend time on the Resource Box!
This is as important as the article itself because it is the only place you can talk about your
business. What is written here can evoke a click or.... not. The box should contain less than 450
characters and should contain biographical information about you and a link to your site and/or
your email address.
Need more help with article marketing?
Killer Strategy 2 coming soon… visit

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