Different Types of Brokers

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There are different types of investment brokers. They range from the full service broker
(which is very costly) to the online broker (which is very cheap). If you are not educated
about stocks before you invest both types can be very costly when you loose your money
as a result of 6 6

The full service broker charges the highest fees and has a large research department,
which makes investment recommendations. The online broker in comparison, usually
charges the least in commissions, and in most cases, requires that you do your own
research. Below are brief explanations of some of the most common types of investment


Charges the highest fees, usually has an in-house research team who researches and
recommends stocks to buy. Sometimes the stock recommendations are those their
company specializes in. This information is usually made public by the company. In a full
service firm you are given your own personal broker who receives a commission for selling c c
you the investment, but on the other hand they can possess valuable knowledge you do
not have access to.


Gives you a discount in exchange for doing your own research. You are usually given a list
of recommended stocks to research.


Is is the newest form of broker. Their service is run online. You are given research, charts
and investment news to research your own investments. Recommendations of stocks to
research are sometimes given. They are usually the cheapest way to purchase
investments, but you must know investment basics before you can use these services.c

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