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Name:........................................................................................... Student No:......................

Given Names Surname

Unit Code:.................... Unit Title:......................................................................................

Assignment No:.................... Name of Tutor: ..............................................................

Day and Time of Tutorial: ......................................................................................................

Date Due: …../....../...... Date Submitted: …../....../...... Time Submitted:...............

Your assignment should meet the following requirements. Please confirm this by ticking
the boxes below:

Prepared on A4 sized paper.

Clearly legible (hand or type written).

All pages stapled.

Assignment has a left-hand margin (at least 2cm).

Copy retained by me.

I have signed the declaration below.

All forms of plagiarism, cheating and unauthorised collusion are regarded seriously by the
University and could result in penalties including failure in the unit and possible exclusion
from the University. If you are in any doubt please consult the Unit Coordinator.


Except where I have indicated, the work I am submitting in this assignment is my own and
has not been submitted for assessment in another unit.

Signature: .........................................

Office use only

Date Received: Marked by: Marks/Grade:

Date Marked: Recorded by:

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