Faith Case Lesson 1 Trivia About The Bible

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Faith Case Lesson 1

Trivia About the Bible

Can you tell me facts about the Bible that you know?

How many books make up the Bible? 66

How many sections does it have? 2

What are the sections called? Old Testament & New Testament

How many people wrote the Bible? About 40 different people.

How many years did it take to write the Bible?

Who’s word is the Bible? God’s word

Name the books in the Old Testament.

Name the books in the New Testament.

Who told the writers what to write? God did

*Instead of memorizing a bunch of verses we’re going to give you a Bible Reading
plan to take home with you.
Activity Room: How to Use your Bible.

Every week that you bring your Bible you get a prize. If you bring it all 3 weeks,
you get a special prize.

Activity Room: 1.1 God Breathed: Telephone Game

History was passed down by word of mouth. Instead of sitting down to read a
book like we do now, people would gather to listen to history told from elders in
the family.

Activity Room: Bring computer in there & show them how to log online & see the
website for Faith Case.

Activity: String & Straw. Get a partner, blow up the balloon, attach to straw &
string & hold one end up higher than the other. Let the balloon go. As you can
see the balloon has direction. The reason God inspired certain people to write
the Bible was to make sure that the message got through to the right people.

2nd Activity Room: The Bible is God’s word & plan for me.

Lego plan – Need 2 levels of buildings for this. 1st one for the younger kids & 2nd
for the older kids. Show kids a Lego building. They are only allowed to look at it
from a distance. Ask they to build their building. They have 3 minutes. Now hand
out directions to build the Lego building. Was it easier to build with the
directions? Yes. Why, because the directions were all laid out in a plan for you.
Now let’s compare this to our lives. When we have a blueprint or plans things go
easier. God gave us a plan for our lives. He gave us the Bible so that we would
know what kinds of choices we should make to live our lives the way God wants
us. So God’s word, or the Bible is God’s plan for me and will help me in my life.
3rd Activity Room:

Review the Jeopardy Trivia about the Bible each week.

For the Search & Find game from the lesson, hide real objects in the game room.
Divide into groups. Tell the kids to look for the objects. 1 team will take their
turn at a time. Time the groups & see who has the best score.

Add some stuff to the last lesson to bulk it up a little.

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