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Computing and The


By Naim Danial Johar

4 Beta
 The United Nations has designated 1981
the International Year for Disabled Persons.
 It is therefore appropriate that Computer is
dedicating its first issue of the year to
computing and the handicapped. The
evolution computing technology promises
opportunities for the developmentally
 From aids to independent living to flexible
tools that can greatly increase the variety
and quality of job opportunities, the rapidly
evolving field of computing is pregnant with
 To help turn these possibilities to reality,
Johns Hopkins University is conducting a
national search/contest in applications of
computers for the handicapped.
•How Computers Help The

Computers have completely changed the

quality of life and have become a primary
source of assistance for the disabled.
Computers Bring Independence
 Computers free a person with
disabilities from relying on others for
 With the use of a computer, an
individual can learn at his or her own
 Adaptive aids have either replaced or
augmented the standard input and
output devices of the computer.
 They are the key that has opened the
computer world to the disabled.
Computers Address Hearing, Sight,
and Cognitive Disabilities
 The computer can be the tool that
overcomes many physical
 With a hearing disability, the
computer can easily substitute words
and images for sounds.
 With a sight disability, words,
numbers, and symbols on the
keyboard are replaced with symbols
from the Braille System.
 For cognitive diasbilities, head
mounted pointers and voice input are
 For people with limited mobility and
dexterity, ultra-sensitive hyperlinks
( hovers ) allow use of alternative
mouse equipment to activate a link
just by coming within range.
Internet Resources For The
 Besides offering efficient tools for the
disabled to access a computer, the
world of technology also offers great
resources for information.
 Sweden has long been very
progressive in exploring new
technology for the disabled.
 The handicapped and disabled can
also use e-mail to stay in the know
about the latest news in adaptive
PC Manufacturers Provide Access
 Both Microsoft and Apple, the
developers of two of the most popular
operating systems, have corporate
policies for accessibility for people
with disabilities.
 Windows and Mac computers both
have accessibility features like screen
magnifiers built into the operating
 Many printers can be controlled and
monitored from the computer site,
which is advantageous for mobility-
impaired persons.
 Today’s technology has helped a lot
of people with disabilities.
 Just because they are born with
unwanted disabilities does not mean
they can’t use modern technologies.

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