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Family: its
its significance
significance in
Consumer Behaviour
Based on the text by
Prof.Loudon and Prof.Della Bitta
Lecture by
S.Victor Anandkumar
University of Mauritius
Home work questions
(Reference Groups)
 Diet Hot Chocolate
 Q1
 Target segment – young adults and middle-aged – definitely not kids
 Who says an Olympic gymnast shouldn’t drink hot chocolate?’
(Celebrity endorsement featuring a woman gymnast)
 ‘He always loved Chocolates, but diabetes changed all that. But now I
changed it. I give him XXXX diet hot chocolate’
 ‘You always wanted a chocolate drink, but were afraid of those
calories. Here’s XXXX to fulfill your desire and nullify your fear’ (say,
as a print ad in a magazine who readership profile matches your
 ‘Before the screen and Behind the screen’ – slim girls and trim guys –
after a fashion show
 Q2
 Identify other ‘likeable’ product categories (say, chocolates or colas)
that also have this ingredient – and ask, ‘Well, do you still believe?’.
Another headline, ‘Do people ever gift cancer to their children?’ (based
on Hallmark’s line – ‘if you care to send the best’)
 Get a third-party evaluation done and present the results (provided, it’s
in your favour)
 Stimulate trials (samplers or as an offer)
 Who says so? Who doesn’t say so? You decide.

 Pervasive influence of WoM

 Extending
 Through face-to-face and vivid interactions
 Persuasive influence of WoM
 Convincing (more than written info)
 Through 2-way communication which gives
scope for clarifying things and leaves little to
Assignment guidelines
– with some good questions for analysis
– Tips to recognize the underlying structure of
– Advice about the purpose of analysis
– Advice about the process of analysis
Differences between
families and other groups
• Family
– Formation by marriage or birth
– More permanent relationship
– More interpersonal relations-oriented
– More intrinsic value seeking
– Group-oriented (co-operative)
• Other groups
– Formation by job or task
– More contractual relationship
– More goal-oriented
– More rational-oriented ties
– Self-oriented (competitive)
Family functions
• Socialization (imparting to children the basic values
and modes of behaviour consistent with the culture)
• Consumer socialization (the process by which children
acquire the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary
to function as consumers)
– Intergenerational brand transfer – specific brand
preferences for products like peanut butter,
coffee and ketchup are frequently “passed on”
from one generation to another
• Economic well-being (e.g. life insurance)
• Emotional support (e.g. Mother’s day cards)
• Suitable family lifestyles (e.g. the allocation of time)
Traditional Family Life Cycle

• Stage I: Bachelorhood – Young single adult living

apart from parents
• Stage II: Honeymooners – Young married couple
• Stage III: Parenthood – Married couple with at
least one child living at home
• Stage IV: Postparenthood – An older married
couple with no children living at home
• Stage V: Dissolution – One surviving spouse
Non-traditional Family
Life Cycle
• Family households
– Childless couples
– Couples who marry later in life
– Single parents
– Extended family
• Non-family households
– Unmarried couples
– Divorced persons
– Single persons
– Widowed persons
Roles in the family
decision-making process
(Instrumental, expressive and decision roles)

• Influencers
• Gatekeepers
• Deciders
• Buyers
• Preparers
• Users
• Maintainers
• Disposers
Roles That Household
Members Play

• The Roles of Spouses

– Husband-Dominant Decision
– Wife-Dominant Decision
– Autonomic Decision
– Syncratic Decision
Examining family
purchasing decisions
• Four perspectives
– Role structure
• Instrumental and expressive roles
– Power structure
• Patriarchal, matriarchal and equalitarian family
• Child-centered family
– Stage in the decision-making process
• In some purchases, the wives are involved more in the
initiation, information-seeking and purchasing stages
– Family-specific characteristics
• Culture
• Social class
• Stage in life cycle
Marketing Implications
• Development of ads and personal selling messages
– Wives are often the purchasers of their husband’s clothing
– Ads for products in which are children are significantly involved in the purchase
– Depending on the target market, portraying women as decorative or equal
partner or “successful and dominant” is appropriate
• Development of products
– Working women place a premium on youthful appearance and on the “maintenance
of self”
– Distinction between men’s and women’s work in the home has blurred, forcing
many appliances to take on a unisex image
– Smaller cars are the big sellers, with emphasis on styling and hedonic options
(Porsche estimated that in a recent year, 50% of their cars were bought by
• Pricing implications
– Price for some products may become less important than convenience,
availability, service and time savings
• Channel implications
– Longer store hours and weekend shopping
– Establish and promote children’s sections ( as well as supervised play areas)
• Dual roles, role-switching (cross-sex marketing) and role-blending
More examples
• Age-friendly shopping environment with easier-to-read labels,
well-lighted parking lots, comfortable seating throughout the
store, …
• 41% of the primary decision makers for interior design are women.
Glidden introduced Dulux paints with more colourful and stylish
packaging to attract this market
• BMW directly targeted professional women by running ads in
Martha Stewart’s Living, along with a mail-in card for a test drive
and free video
• Cause marketing, which focuses on critical women’s issues (such as
breast cancer and AIDS) is a particularly effective way to reach
• Hallmark has developed greeting cards that deal with a variety of
step-relationships (e.g. “Happy birthday step-father”
• In England, Shell Oil sponsored women’s workshops to teach women
how to perform routine maintenance on their cars
• Because of dual-career families, the need for child care services
has been rapidly on the increase

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