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Optimization Techniques

And other approaches for
similar applications
Optimization Techniques
• Mathematical Programming
• Network Analysis
• Branch & Bound
• Genetic Algorithm
• Simulated Annealing
• Tabu Search
Genetic Algorithm
• Based on Darwinian Paradigm

Reproduction Competition

Survive Selection

• Intrinsically a robust search and optimization mechanism

Conceptual Algorithm
Genetic Algorithm
Introduction 1
• Inspired by natural evolution
• Population of individuals
• Individual is feasible solution to problem
• Each individual is characterized by a Fitness function
• Higher fitness is better solution
• Based on their fitness, parents are selected to reproduce
offspring for a new generation
• Fitter individuals have more chance to reproduce
• New generation has same size as old generation; old generation dies
• Offspring has combination of properties of two parents
• If well designed, population will converge to optimal solution
Generate initial population;
Compute fitness of each individual;
REPEAT /* New generation /*
FOR population_size / 2 DO
Select two parents from old generation;
/* biased to the fitter ones */
Recombine parents for two offspring;
Compute fitness of offspring;
Insert offspring in new generation
UNTIL population has converged
Example of convergence
Introduction 2
• Reproduction mechanisms have no
knowledge of the problem to be solved

• Link between genetic algorithm and problem:

• Coding
• Fitness function
Basic principles 1
• Coding or Representation
• String with all parameters
• Fitness function
• Parent selection
• Reproduction
• Crossover
• Mutation
• Convergence
• When to stop
Basic principles 2
• An individual is characterized by a set of parameters: Genes
• The genes are joined into a string: Chromosome

• The chromosome forms the genotype

• The genotype contains all information to construct an
organism: the phenotype

• Reproduction is a “dumb” process on the chromosome of

the genotype
• Fitness is measured in the real world (‘struggle for life’) of
the phenotype
• Parameters of the solution (genes) are concatenated to form
a string (chromosome)
• All kind of alphabets can be used for a chromosome
(numbers, characters), but generally a binary alphabet is
• Order of genes on chromosome can be important
• Generally many different codings for the parameters of a
solution are possible
• Good coding is probably the most important factor for the
performance of a GA
• In many cases many possible chromosomes do not code for
feasible solutions
Genetic Algorithm
• Encoding
• Fitness Evaluation
• Reproduction
• Survivor Selection
• Design alternative  individual (chromosome)
• Single design choice  gene
• Design objectives  fitness
• Problem
• Schedule n jobs on m processors such that the
maximum span is minimized.
Design alternative: job i ( i=1,2,…n) is assigned to processor j (j=1,2,…,m)

Individual: A n-vector x such that xi = 1, …,or m

Design objective: minimize the maximal span

Fitness: the maximal span for each processor
• Reproduction operators
• Crossover
• Mutation
• Crossover
• Two parents produce two offspring
• There is a chance that the chromosomes of the two parents are
copied unmodified as offspring
• There is a chance that the chromosomes of the two parents are
randomly recombined (crossover) to form offspring
• Generally the chance of crossover is between 0.6 and 1.0
• Mutation
• There is a chance that a gene of a child is changed randomly
• Generally the chance of mutation is low (e.g. 0.001)
Reproduction Operators
• Crossover
• Generating offspring from two selected parents
 Single point crossover
 Two point crossover (Multi point crossover)
 Uniform crossover
One-point crossover 1
• Randomly one position in the chromosomes is chosen
• Child 1 is head of chromosome of parent 1 with tail of
chromosome of parent 2
• Child 2 is head of 2 with tail of 1
Randomly chosen position

Parents: 1010001110 0011010010

Offspring: 0101010010 0011001110

Reproduction Operators comparison

• Single point crossover

Cross point
• Two point crossover (Multi point crossover)

One-point crossover - Nature
1 2 1 2

2 1
2 1
Two-point crossover
• Randomly two positions in the chromosomes are chosen
• Avoids that genes at the head and genes at the tail of a
chromosome are always split when recombined

Randomly chosen positions

Parents: 1010001110 0011010010

Offspring: 0101010010 0011001110

Uniform crossover
• A random mask is generated
• The mask determines which bits are copied from one parent
and which from the other parent
• Bit density in mask determines how much material is taken
from the other parent (takeover parameter)
Mask: 0110011000 (Randomly generated)
Parents: 1010001110 0011010010

Offspring: 0011001010 1010010110

Reproduction Operators

• Uniform crossover

• Is uniform crossover better than single crossover

– Trade off between
• Exploration: introduction of new combination of features
• Exploitation: keep the good features in the existing solution
Problems with crossover
• Depending on coding, simple crossovers can have high
chance to produce illegal offspring
• E.g. in TSP with simple binary or path coding, most offspring will be
illegal because not all cities will be in the offspring and some cities
will be there more than once
• Uniform crossover can often be modified to avoid this
• E.g. in TSP with simple path coding:
 Where mask is 1, copy cities from one parent
 Where mask is 0, choose the remaining cities in the order of the other
Reproduction Operators

• Mutation
• Generating new offspring from single parent

• Maintaining the diversity of the individuals

 Crossover can only explore the combinations of the current
gene pool
 Mutation can “generate” new genes
Reproduction Operators
• Control parameters: population size, crossover/mutation
• Problem specific
• Increase population size
 Increase diversity and computation time for each generation
• Increase crossover probability
 Increase the opportunity for recombination but also disruption of
good combination
• Increase mutation probability
 Closer to randomly search
 Help to introduce new gene or reintroduce the lost gene

• Varies the population

• Usually using crossover operators to recombine the genes to generate
the new population, then using mutation operators on the new
• Strategies
• Survivor selection
 Always keep the best one
 Elitist: deletion of the K worst
 Probability selection : inverse to their fitness
 Etc.
Parent/Survivor Selection

• Too strong fitness selection bias can lead to sub-

optimal solution
• Too little fitness bias selection results in unfocused
and meandering search
Parent selection
Chance to be selected as parent proportional to
• Roulette wheel

To avoid problems with fitness function

• Tournament

Not a very important parameter

• Strategies
• Parent selection
 Uniform randomly selection
 Probability selection : proportional to their fitness
 Tournament selection (Multiple Objectives)
Build a small comparison set
Randomly select a pair with the higher rank one beats the lower one
Non-dominated one beat the dominated one
Niche count: the number of points in the population within
certain distance, higher the niche count,
lower the
 Etc.

• Global Optimal
• Parameter Tuning
• Parallelism
• Random number generators
Example of coding for TSP
Travelling Salesman Problem
• Binary
• Cities are binary coded; chromosome is string of bits
 Most chromosomes code for illegal tour
 Several chromosomes code for the same tour

• Path
• Cities are numbered; chromosome is string of integers
 Most chromosomes code for illegal tour
 Several chromosomes code for the same tour

• Ordinal
• Cities are numbered, but code is complex
• All possible chromosomes are legal and only one chromosome for each
• Several others
Roulette wheel
• Sum the fitness of all chromosomes, call it T
• Generate a random number N between 1 and T
• Return chromosome whose fitness added to the running
total is equal to or larger than N
• Chance to be selected is exactly proportional to fitness

Chromosome : 1 2 3 4 5 6
Fitness: 8 2 17 7 4 11
Running total: 8 10 27 34 38 49
N (1  N  49): 23
Selected: 3
• Binary tournament
• Two individuals are randomly chosen; the fitter of the two is selected
as a parent
• Probabilistic binary tournament
• Two individuals are randomly chosen; with a chance p, 0.5<p<1, the
fitter of the two is selected as a parent
• Larger tournaments
• n individuals are randomly chosen; the fittest one is selected as a

• By changing n and/or p, the GA can be adjusted dynamically

Problems with fitness range
• Premature convergence
 Fitness too large
• Relatively superfit individuals dominate population
• Population converges to a local maximum
• Too much exploitation; too few exploration
• Slow finishing
 Fitness too small
• No selection pressure
• After many generations, average fitness has converged, but no
global maximum is found; not sufficient difference between best and
average fitness
• Too few exploitation; too much exploration
Solutions for these problems
• Use tournament selection
• Implicit fitness remapping
• Adjust fitness function for roulette wheel
• Explicit fitness remapping
 Fitness scaling
 Fitness windowing
 Fitness ranking

Will be explained below

Fitness Function
• Parent selection
• Measure for convergence
• For Steady state: Selection of individuals to die

• Should reflect the value of the chromosome in some “real”

• Next to coding the most critical part of a GA
Fitness scaling
• Fitness values are scaled by subtraction and division so that
worst value is close to 0 and the best value is close to a
certain value, typically 2
• Chance for the most fit individual is 2 times the average
• Chance for the least fit individual is close to 0
• Problems when the original maximum is very extreme
(super-fit) or when the original minimum is very extreme
• Can be solved by defining a minimum and/or a maximum value for
the fitness
Example of Fitness Scaling
Fitness windowing
• Same as window scaling, except the
amount subtracted is the minimum
observed in the n previous generations,
with n e.g. 10
• Same problems as with scaling
Fitness ranking

• Individuals are numbered in order of increasing

• The rank in this order is the adjusted fitness
• Starting number and increment can be chosen in
several ways and influence the results

• No problems with super-fit or super-unfit

• Often superior to scaling and windowing
Fitness Evaluation
• A key component in GA
• Time/quality trade off
• Multi-criterion fitness
Multi-Criterion Fitness
• Dominance and indifference
• For an optimization problem with more than one
objective function (fi, i=1,2,…n)
• given any two solution X1 and X2, then
 X1 dominates X2 ( X1 X ), if

fi(X1) >= fi(X2), for all i = 1,…,n

 X is indifferent with X ( X
1 2 1 ~ X2), if X1 does not dominate X2,
and X2 does not dominate X1
Multi-Criterion Fitness
• Pareto Optimal Set
• If there exists no solution in the search space
which dominates any member in the set P, then
the solutions belonging the the set P constitute a
global Pareto-optimal set.
• Pareto optimal front
• Dominance Check
Multi-Criterion Fitness
• Weighted sum
• F(x) = w1f1(x1) + w2f2(x2) +…+wnfn(xn)
• Problems?
 Convex and convex Pareto optimal front
Sensitive to the shape of the Pareto-
optimal front
 Selection of weights?
Need some pre-knowledge
Not reliable for problem involving
Multi-Criterion Fitness
• Optimizing single objective
• Maximize: fk(X)
Subject to:
fj(X) <= Ki, i <> k
X in F where F is the solution space.
Multi-Criterion Fitness
• Weighted sum
• F(x) = w1f1(x1) + w2f2(x2) +…+wnfn(xn)
• Problems?
 Convex and convex Pareto optimal front
Sensitive to the shape of the Pareto-
optimal front
 Selection of weights?
Need some pre-knowledge
Not reliable for problem involving
Multi-Criterion Fitness
• Preference based weighted sum
(ISMAUT Imprecisely Specific Multiple Attribute Utility Theory)
• F(x) = w1f1(x1) + w2f2(x2) +…+wnfn(xn)
• Preference
 Given two know individuals X and Y, if we prefer X than
Y, then
F(X) > F(Y),
that is
w1(f1(x1)-f1(y1)) +…+wn(fn(xn)-fn(yn)) > 0
Multi-Criterion Fitness
 All the preferences constitute a linear space
w1(f1(x1)-f1(y1)) +…+wn(fn(xn)-fn(yn)) > 0
w1(f1(z1)-f1(p1)) +…+wn(fn(zn)-fn(pn)) >
0, etc

 For any two new individuals Y’ and Y’’, how to

determine which one is more preferable?
Multi-Criterion Fitness
Min :    wk [ f k (Y' ))  f k (Y' ' )]

s.t. : Wn

Min :  '   wk [ f k (Y' ' ))  f k (Y' )]


s.t. : Wn
Multi-Criterion Fitness
  0  Y'  Y' '

 '  0  Y' '  Y'

Y’ ~ Y’’

Construct the dominant relationship among some

indifferent ones according to the preferences.
Other parameters of GA 1
• Initialization:
• Population size
• Random
• Dedicated greedy algorithm
• Reproduction:
• Generational: as described before (insects)
• Generational with elitism: fixed number of most fit individuals are
copied unmodified into new generation
• Steady state: two parents are selected to reproduce and two parents
are selected to die; two offspring are immediately inserted in the
pool (mammals)
Other parameters of GA 2
• Stop criterion:
• Number of new chromosomes
• Number of new and unique chromosomes
• Number of generations
• Measure:
• Best of population
• Average of population
• Duplicates
• Accept all duplicates
• Avoid too many duplicates, because that degenerates the population
• No duplicates at all
Example run
Maxima and Averages of steady state and generational
45 S t_max

40 S t_av.

35 Ge_max
0 5 10 15 20

• What
• Exploits an analogy between the annealing
process and the search for the optimum in
a more general system.
Annealing Process
• Annealing Process
• Raising the temperature up to a very high level
(melting temperature, for example), the atoms
have a higher energy state and a high possibility
to re-arrange the crystalline structure.
• Cooling down slowly, the atoms have a lower and
lower energy state and a smaller and smaller
possibility to re-arrange the crystalline structure.
Simulated Annealing
• Analogy
• Metal  Problem
• Energy State  Cost Function
• Temperature  Control Parameter
• A completely ordered crystalline structure
 the optimal solution for the problem

Global optimal solution can be achieved as long as the

cooling process is slow enough.
Metropolis Loop
• The essential characteristic of simulated annealing
• Determining how to randomly explore new solution,
reject or accept the new solution
at a constant temperature T.
• Finished until equilibrium is achieved.
Metropolis Criterion
• Let
• X be the current solution and X’ be the new solution
• C(x) (C(x’))be the energy state (cost) of x (x’)
• Probability Paccept = exp [(C(x)-C(x’))/ T]
• Let N=Random(0,1)
• Unconditional accepted if
• C(x’) < C(x), the new solution is better
• Probably accepted if
• C(x’) >= C(x), the new solution is worse . Accepted only
when N < Paccept
Initialize initial solution x , highest temperature Th, and
coolest temperature Tl
T= Th
When the temperature is higher than Tl
While not in equilibrium
Search for the new solution X’
Accept or reject X’ according to Metropolis Criterion
Decrease the temperature T
Simulated Annealing
• Definition of solution
• Search mechanism, i.e. the definition of a
• Cost-function
Control Parameters
• Definition of equilibrium
• Cannot yield any significant improvement after certain
number of loops
• A constant number of loops
• Annealing schedule (i.e. How to reduce the
• A constant value, T’ = T - Td
• A constant scale factor, T’= T * Rd
 A scale factor usually can achieve better performance
Control Parameters
• Temperature determination
• Artificial, without physical significant
• Initial temperature
 80-90% acceptance rate
• Final temperature
 A constant value, i.e., based on the total number of solutions
 No improvement during the entire Metropolis loop
 Acceptance rate falling below a given (small) value
• Problem specific and may need to be tuned
• Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)
• Given 6 cities and the traveling cost between any
two cities
• A salesman need to start from city 1 and travel
all other cities then back to city 1
• Minimize the total traveling cost
• Solution representation
• An integer list, i.e., (1,4,2,3,6,5)
• Search mechanism
• Swap any two integers (except for the first
 (1,4,2,3,6,5)  (1,4,3,2,6,5)
• Cost function
• Temperature
• Initial temperature determination
 Around 80% acceptation rate for “bad move”
 Determine acceptable (Cnew – Cold)
• Final temperature determination
 Stop criteria
 Solution space coverage rate
• Annealing schedule
 Constant number (90% for example)
 Depending on solution space coverage rate
• Global optimal is possible, but near
optimal is practical
• Parameter Tuning
–Aarts, E. and Korst, J. (1989). Simulated
Annealing and Boltzmann Machines. John
Wiley & Sons.
• Not easy for parallel implementation
• Randomly generator
Optimization Techniques
• Mathematical Programming
• Network Analysis
• Branch & Bound
• Genetic Algorithm
• Simulated Annealing
• Tabu Search
• What
• Neighborhood search + memory
 Neighborhood search
 Memory
Record the search history
Forbid cycling search

• Choose an initial solution X

• Find a subset of N(x) the neighbor of X which are not in the
tabu list.
• Find the best one (x’) in N(x).
• If F(x’) > F(x) then set x=x’.
• Modify the tabu list.
• If a stopping condition is met then stop, else go to the
second step.
Effective Tabu Search

• Effective Modeling
• Neighborhood structure
• Objective function (fitness or cost)
 Example Graph coloring problem: Find the minimum number of
colors needed such that no two connected nodes share the same
• Aspiration criteria
• The criteria for overruling the tabu constraints and
differentiating the preference of among the neighbors
Effective Tabu Search

• Effective Computing
• “Move” may be easier to be stored and
computed than a completed solution
 move: the process of constructing of x’ from x
• Computing and storing the fitness
difference may be easier than that of the
fitness function.
Effective Tabu Search
• Effective Memory Use
• Variable tabu list size
 For a constant size tabu list
Too long: deteriorate the search results
Too short: cannot effectively prevent from
• Intensification of the search
 Decrease the tabu list size
• Diversification of the search
 Increase the tabu list size
 Penalize the frequent move or unsatisfied constraints
• A hybrid approach for graph coloring problem
• R. Dorne and J.K. Hao, A New Genetic Local
Search Algorithm for Graph Coloring, 1998
• Given an undirected graph G=(V,E)
• V={v1,v2,…,vn}
• E={eij}
• Determine a partition of V in a minimum
number of color classes C1,C2,…,Ck such that
for each edge eij, vi and vj are not in the
same color class.
• NP-hard
General Approach
• Transform an optimization problem into a
decision problem
• Genetic Algorithm + Tabu Search
• Meaningful crossover
• Using Tabu search for efficient local search
• Individual
• (Ci1, Ci2, …, Cik)
• Cost function
• Number of total conflicting nodes
 Conflicting node
having same color with at least one of its adjacent
• Neighborhood (move) definition
• Changing the color of a conflicting node
• Cost evaluation
• Special data structures and techniques to improve the

• Parent Selection
• Random
• Reproduction/Survivor
• Crossover Operator
• Unify independent set (UIS) crossover
 Independent set
Conflict-free nodes set with the same color
 Try to increase the size of the independent set to
improve the performance of the solutions
Unify independent set
• Mutation
• With Probability Pw, randomly pick neighbor
• With Probability 1 – Pw, Tabu search
 Tabu search
Tabu list
List of {Vi, cj}
Tabu tenure (the length of the tabu list)
L = a * Nc + Random(g)
Nc: Number of conflicted nodes
a,g: empirical parameters
• Neighbor Search
• TS prevent being trapped in the local minimum with
tabu list
• TS directs the selection of neighbor
• TS cannot guarantee the optimal result
• Sequential
• Adaptive
Hill climbing
Jaap Hofstede, Beasly, Bull, Martin
Version 2, October 2000

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

University of South Carolina
Spring, 2002

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