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National Unity

Communal Amity
Cultural Identity
Social Justice
A Harmony of Hearts Monthly
Rule of Law
Dignified Democracy Volume : 1 Issue - 4 Rabiul Akir 1432 April - 2011 Pages - 12 Price : Rs. 10/-


Experienced political analysts in
workers have been tirelessly working
for the victory of the DMK alliance in
the state said that the recent poll
all the constituencies in the state.
surveys that predicted the defeat
The DMK manifesto promises to
of the DMK alliance was a farce.
enhance reservations to Muslims
They said the DMK alliance would
from 3.5% to 5%, 35 Kgs free rice
emerge successful in the Tamil Nadu
for below poverty line population,
Assembly election. Since the prices
wet grinder or mixer for ration card
of essential commodities have come
holders, laptops for all students in
down considerably in the recent
colleges, free bus passes for senior
times, by and large, the common
citizens and assistance for pregnant
people are happy under the DMK rule.
women from Rs. 6000 to Rs. 10000
Furthermore, Muslims, Christians and
each. The poll promises include an
the Dalits will vote en masse to the
assurance on making Tamil an official
DMK alliance as they enjoy a lot of
court language. It promises that
benefits under the DMK rule. The
kidney failure patients would get
Muslim vote bank is a traditional
free dialysis in district government
one for the DMK as the party always
hospitals. The DMK manifesto works
maintains a brotherly relation with
like Alauddin’s wonder lamp among
the Muslim community from the
the rural voters. All agree that the
time of leaders like Qaid-e-Millath,
manifesto goes well among all the
E.V.R and Anna Durai. Further, the
sections of the people of Tamil Nadu.
IUML under the leadership of Prof.
The wise political analysts strongly
K.M. Khader Mohideen has been
affirm that the Sun will never set
vehemently canvassing support
in the political firmaments of Tamil
for the DMK alliance and the IUML


While addressing an election against them. It was during her the unemployment problems in the
meeting conducted in support of rule he said that the government state. The state has attained self-
Deputy Chief Minister M.K. Stalin in brought legislations to ban sufficiency in almost all the fields.
Chennai the IUML State President religious conversion, to stop using He alleged that during Jayalali
Prof. K.M. Khader Mohideen loud speakers in the mosques and thaa’s rule poverty and penury
said, ‘Miss Jayalalithaa has no to prevent sacrifice of sheep and were rampant in the state and
credibility to criticize Kalaingar’s chicken in the temple. Jayalalithaa people were asked to eat the
government.’ He said Jayalalithaa’s dismissed 1,74,000 government meat of rats. In order to cling to
rule between 2001-2006 was employees from their jobs. power she justified all her acts
the dark period of Tamil Nadu Prof. K.M. Khader Mohideen of commission and omission. He
praised the DMK government for flyovers, beautiful public parks, the warned the people beware of
because all sections of people like
it innumerable achievements. IT parks, the metro rail project, Jayalalithaa’s attitude of arrogance
government employees, teachers,
He narrated various schemes world class car companies, drinking and they should not be misled by
students, farmers, labours, road
implemented by the DMK gover water facilities and drainage her false promises. He appealed
workers, minorities, doctors and
nment like industrial, agricultural, systems stand testimony for the to the voters to vote for the DMK
engineers were highly affected
educational and minority welfare DMK rule. The industrial boom in alliance to continue the benevolent
due to the revengeful attitude
schemes. The innumerable the state, he said, helped to solve rule of Kalaingar in Tamil Nadu.
of the Jayalalithaa government


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APRIL - 2011


A Harmony of Hearts Monthly
Volume : 1 Issue - 4 RABIUL AKIR 1432 April - 2011 Pages - 12 Price : Rs. 10/-

April 13 is the day for

implementing the resolution of the Holy Quran
IUML state conference Speaks
April 13, Wednesday is the Tamil Nadu Assembly election day. 1. A.L.M
The people of Tamil Nadu decide on April 13 that who will rule the 2. This is the Book;
state for the next 5 years. The verdict comes out everyone’s mouth that
In it is guidance sure, without
Dr.Kalaingar will become the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for the sixth doubt, To those who fear
time. Allah;
People’s tongue rolls, heart hymns. There is a flood of people. The
3. Who believe in the Unseem
warm breeze favourable to the DMK alliance sweeps across the 234
constituencies. Are steadfast in prayer,
Everyone talks about the grandeur of Kalaingar rule in the peace And spend out of what we
pervading garden of Tamil Nadu. Have provided for them;
His adversaries acknowledge by the dictates of their conscience that
4. And who believe in the
the benevolence of Kalaingar’s rule and wholeheartedly compliment him.
Revelation Sent to thee,
It is not because that the Kalaignar is the leader of DMK and democratic
progressive alliance that we praise him. It is neither our custom nor And sent before thy time,
culture to talk what is not facts. And(in their hearts)
All the leaders undoubtedly accept that Kalaingar is an unique leader. Gave the assurance of the
Ripened in age and wisdom, he lives among us as a moving encyclopedia. Hereafter.
He is shrewd, intelligent and tactful democrat.
(Al-Baqarah Ayat 1-5)
He is a civilized politician and he is a think-tank endowed with the
capability of attracting even his opponents to his side. Sayings of the
He knows the minute details of the problems of Tamil Nadu and as a
guiding diplomat he finds solutions through experience. Prophet (Sal)
Above all, he is a great leader who reflects the history of Tamil Nadu, Ibn Masoon has narrated
literature, language, culture and heritage. that’’
He stands foremost to solve the problems of minorities whether they Allah’s messenger has asked :
are Muslims, Christians or any other class of people and he respects
“Whom do you call a sandow
their feelings and accepts their reasonable demands.
(Wrestler) ?” People replied :
Under his benevolent rule, the relation between the centre and the
One who is not knocked down
state has been refined, the state has benefited and the centre has gained
bu anybody is called a sandow
among us.” He said : “No,
Due to his benevolent rule, Tamil Nadu has become a good model
state in all the fields for all other states in India. If this benevolent sandow is one who controls his
rule continues benefits will continue to reach to each and every home self in his anger.” (muslim)
in Tamil Nadu. Happiness will grow in the hearts of the poor. All will “The acts depend on inten-
progress happily. tions. A man will get whatever
Victory with huge margin for democratic progressive alliance in all he had intended for. So the
the 234 constituencies will be certain. Tamil Nadu will continue to enjoy man whose migration will be
good governance. That is the hope of everyone. for the sake of Allah and His
Hard work is essential to translate the hope into action. The alliance
Messenger, his migration will
leaders from every district have been sending the message that the
be for Allah and His Messen-
Indian Union Muslim League workers are toiling hard for the victory of
ger. But if anybody migrates
the alliance candidates.
Our heart fills with joy to hear the message. Tamil Nadu Muslim with the intention of earning
community on December 11, 2010 had taken a decision in the IUML the world or to marry a certain
conference and the same was announced to the public. woman then his migration will
The conference declared that the minorities had resolved to work for be counter for the purpose for
the continuance of the DMK rule in Tamil Nadu. which he left his house.”
April 13, 2011 is the day for implementing the declaration. (Bukhari)

APRIL - 2011

“We will prove in the election, we are a grateful community”

IUML TN Gen. Secretary - K.A.M. Mohamed Abu Backar - Assures.

Addressing an election meeting

conducted by the Erode district loan schemes and grant to Muslim
DMK on 13 March, 2011, the educational institutions were
IUML TN General Secretary K.A.M. some of the salient schemes imple
Mohamed Abu Backar assured mented by Kalaingar’s government
the DMK alliance partners in the for the cause of the Muslim
presence of Chief Minister Dr. community. He said, by and large,
Kalaingar Karunanidhi that “We every section of people in the state
will prove in the election, we are a is happy under the Kalaingar rule.
grateful community”
He appealed, to voters in general
Mr. Abu Backar stated the
and Muslims in particular, to vote
various welfare schemes launched
en masse to the Democratic
by the Kalaingar government
such as 1Kg Rice for one rupee, Progressive Alliance candidates in
Free ambulance service, medical of the poor”. 3.5 percent reservation to Muslims all the 234 constituencies in Tamil
insurance scheme for the cause of He listed the various benefits in employment and education, the Nadu to continue the benevolent
the poor man in the state. He said, bestowed on the Muslim Ulama pension scheme, education Kalaingar rule for the next five
“We can glimpse God in the smile community by the DMK rule. The aid to the Muslim students, auto years in the state.

Prof. K.M. Kader Mohideen

in a Election Meeting in
Malapalayam, seeking support
for the DMK Candidate and
Wakf Minister T.P.M. Mohideen
Khan in Palayamkottai

Indo - Pak Relation:

Cricket Diplomacy : will it work ?
It is not the first time that Indian issues and Prime Minister showed
Prime Minister blended cricket and
magnanimity by saying he is ready
politics to break the impasse in the
to resolve all issues by sitting
Indo-Pak relations. In 1987 India-
together.’, the Pakistan Prime
Pakistan cricket match in Jaipur,
Minister said.
Rajasthan, the Pakistani military
Every Indian Prime Minister
dictator Zia-ul-Haq was the guest
since Rajiv Gandhi tried for better
of honour and the Indian Prime
relations with Pakistan despite
Minister Rajiv Gandhi played the
many failures. Narasimha Rao who
role of benevolent host. Again in
succeeded Rajiv Gandhi as Prime
2005, Mr. Singh invited the Pakistani
Minister met his counterpart Nawaz
dictator Pervez Musharraf to a
Shariff on several occasions. The
match in New Delhi in 2005. This
Hindutva orienter prime minister
time the Pakistani Prime Minsiter
Atal Behari Vajpayee in 1999
Gilani was invited to watch the
used his famous ‘Bus Diplomacy’
Cricket World cup final in Mohali,
to reach to Pakistan. The Bus
diplomacy was reciprocated with
The Prime Minister Manmohan
Kargil war by Pakistan. Again in
Singh lauded cricket being the
2001, the Agra summit between
‘unifying factor’ to bring the two
Vajpayee and General Musharraf
prime ministers together. He said
dignity and honour. ‘We should put they discussed all the core issues ended up as a diplomatic disaster.
the message from Mohali is that
our ancient animosities behind us between the two countries. Going by the past experiences,
people of the two countries want
to attend to the problems of our ‘We don’t want that we are one should realize that the core
to live in ‘Peace and Amity’. He
nations’, he said. unable to resolve our own issues. issues between the two countries
said the two countries should be
The Pakistan Prime Minister We have the capacity and ability Kashmir and Terrorism should be
working together to find cooperative
Gilani on his part termed his talks to resolve our issues by ourselves. solved first to move further in the
solutions and need permanent
with Singh as ‘Positive’ and said We held talks on all outstanding right direction.
reconciliation to live together in

APRIL - 2011

What Price Freedom?

Ashfaq and tried to win him over
Ashfaqulla Khan Freedom Fighter by provoking him against Hinduism
but Ashfaq was a strong willed
Indian who surprised Tasadruk
Ashfaqulla Khan was Ram Prasad noticed stationmaster Khan by saying “Khan Sahib, I am
born on 22nd of October 1900 to bringing money bags into this quite sure that Hindu India will be
Shafiqulla Khan in Shahjanpur in guards van. This was a beginning much better than British India.”
Uttar Pradesh. Ashfaq was in school of a Dacoity Called Kakori Dacoity The case for the Kakori dacoity
when Mahatma Gandhi Called the On August 9th 1925 the plan was concluded by awarding death
Non co-operation movement. a was brought into action. Ashfaqulla sentence to Ram Prasad Bismil,
Movement wherein he called the along with his other revolutionary Ashfaqulla Khan, Rajendra Lahiri
Indians not to pay taxes to the friends namely Ram Prasad Bismil, and Roshan the others were
British and not to cooperate with Rajendra Lahiri, Thakur Roshan given life sentences. The Whole
the British government in any way. Singh, Sachindra Bakshi, Chandra- country protested against the
This call of Gandhiji had kindled sekhara Azad, Keshab Chakra- sentence but British Imperialism
the fire of freedom in the hearts varthy, Banwari Lal, Mukundi Lal, was Thirsting for the blood of the
of many, but the Chauri Chaura Man- mathnath Gupta looted the revolutionaries
incident of 1922 where approx train in kakori village a wrote a Ashfaq was a lion among men he
22 policemen were burnt alive in memorable chapter in the History stood six feet tall He walked upright
a police station deeply saddened But the common intention of of India’s freedom struggle and once at the post he drew the
Gandhiji that the called off the both Ram Prasad Bismil and Ashfaq On the morning of 26th rope towards him Kissed it and
Non-cooperation movement. i.e. Freedom to India helped him september 1925 Ram Prasad Bismil said “My hands are not soiled with
A lot of youth of the country to win over the friendship of Ram was caught by the police and the murder of man. The charge
felt dejected on the withdrawal Prasad. Ashfaq was the only one untraced against me is false. God will give
of the movement Ashfaq was one The revolutionaries felt that soft by the police. Ashfaq went into me justice.” then he prayed “La
of them. He felt that India should words of non violence could not hiding and moved to Banaras from ilahi il Allah, Mohammed Ur Rasool
become free as soon as possible win India its Independence and Banaras to Bihar where he worked Allah.”
and so he decided to join the therefore they wanted to make in an engineering company for 10 Ashfaqulla was hanged on 19th
revolutionaries and also win the use of bombs revolvers and other months. Ashfaq wanted to move December 1927 It has been said
friendship of Pundit Ram Prasad weapons to instill fear in the hearts abroad to learn engineering to by some historians that Ashfaqulla
Bismil a famous revolutionary of of the British’s empire. The British further help the freedom struggle Khan was the first Muslim to be
Shahjanpur. Empire was large and strong. The and so he went to Delhi to find out hanged in a conspiracy case. In
Ram Prasad Bismil was a withdrawal of the no cooperation ways to move out of the country. fact Ashfaqulla Khan in his last
member of the Arya Samaj and movement united revolutionaries he took the help of one of his message to the nation wrote, “I
was eager to explain the greatness scattered in the country. This Pathan friend who in turn betrayed take pride in the fact that I will be
of the Hindu religion to those revolutionary movement required him by informing the police about the first and foremost Muslim to
belonging to other religion this money to support its need. One his whereabouts. Tasadruk Khan embrace death on the gallows for
was a difficulty for Ashfaq who day while traveling on a train then superintendent of police the freedom of my country” .
was a devout Muslim. from Shahjanpur to Lucknow tried to play the caste politics with



A Temple Poojari Blessing D.M.K. Muslim

Kani Molzhi M.P., Daughter of Chief Minister
Candidate Mr. Muhamad Ali Jinna at Thousand Karunanithi canvasing support for Nagapattinam
Lights, Constituency - Chennai. Muslim League Candidate Mr. M.Mohamd Sheik Dawood

APRIL - 2011


In the 1970s, when the CPI(M) districts in the country, West Bengal nment positions. The West Ben unknown political reason,
first came to power in West Bengal, has 12 but incredibly, the West gal government’s recent promise denied its citizens both Hindus
the state used to rank eighth Bengal government has not even to set aside 10 percent of and Muslims- benefits of the
among all Indian states in terms used 20 percent of the funds made government jobs for Muslim by OBC quota which have become
of per capita income. It dropped a available for these districts. including a majority of then in the available since the implementation
down to eleventh in the 1990s, Overall, work participation Other Backward Castes list (OBC), of the Mandal Commission. One
a position from which it has not rates in West Bengal are lower and increasing the OBC quota in fails to understand what kind of
risen until now. Yet, relative to its than the national average. Many the state from 7 percent to 17 pro-poor policy the government
levels of income, West Bengal has people migrate out of the state in percent is farcical. It should be has followed, wherein the guise
a lower poverty rate. Gujarat with search of jobs. In terms of sectoral challenged. of caste/religion-neutral ideology,
a much higher level of per capita employment the share of Muslims The official claim is that the opportunities have been denied
income, has more hunger than in wage-earning employment new OBC list has ensured that for a whole generation of citizens,
West Bengal. in manufacturing and industrial 85 percent of the state’s Muslims especially the Muslims.
West Bengal’s failure, however, enterprises is relatively higher would be categorized as OBC. But The government in power
is reflected in the high levels of than of Hindus but the longer term according to data available from cannot impress the electorate
absolute deprivation as well as trend shows reduction in total the National Sample surveys, only on the pretext that it has offered
low levels of human development, employment due to closures and 2.5 percent of the state’s Muslims safety and security, while robbing
particularly in the Muslim minority. modernization industry. Most of have identified themselves as them of their jobs and economic
According to census data, West the Muslim labour force in the state OBCs. So the claim that 85 percent opportunities by refusing to
Bengal’s literacy rate is 69 percent. is self – employed. A staggering 55 of Muslims will be covered under promote mass employment
Around 15 percent of the state’s percent of the state’s Muslims fall the OBC quota is a blatant lie. schemes such as the Mahatma
children have never enrolled in into this category with almost no Further how can 65 per cent of Gandhi National Rural Employment
school. For Muslim children, this links to modern markets. Income the OBC quota be earmarked Guarantee scheme. The state ranks
percentage doubles to 30. Twenty growth in this sector is marginal. for Muslims. When their share in third from the bottom in terms
percent of all children that enroll in The most worrying statistic for the total population of the state of effective implementation of
a school do not complete primary Muslims in West Bengal is the is not greater than Hindu OBSs? NREGA among the major states of
schooling; this share for Muslim fact that they constitute only 2-3 If implemented in this manner, India. The electorate will inevitably
children has reached 50 percent. percent of the state government’s the policy will discriminate take note of such exclusionary
Only 12 percent of eligible Muslim employment, while their share in against Hindus which disastrous policies would actually benefit the
children complete matriculation the populations over 25 percent. for integrating Muslims into the marginalized and excluded in West
compared to over 40 percent for There appears to be discrete mainstream. Bengal.
Hindus, excluding the scs/sts. and consistent discrimination The state’s Left Front govern Courtesy : India Today
Of the 90 minority-concentrated in employing Muslims for gover ment has deliberately, for some Chennai, April 2011

Mr. E. Ahamed, MOS External Affairs inaugurated the Festival and released the Souvenir
brought out by the Dept. of IT, Jamia Hamdard on this occasion
Mr. E. Ahamed, Minister of State that it will see its first batch of vision gives us a good option,
for External Affairs on 10/03/2011 MBBS in the coming year. which serves the twin objectives,
while inaugurating the NERDZ, It quite heartening that and helps in increasing access to
the Annual IT Festival of Jamia there are 5000 students on higher professional education.
Hamdard at the Jamia Hadard the rolls of the University, The Dept. of Computer Science
University, Delhi has said that the out of which 300 are foreign of Jamia Hmdard has been
University made splendid progress students, hailing from 28 organizing NERDZ and this is the
in the field of modern education. countries of the world. tenth time. This festival aims at
The founder of this University, In May 1989, Shri Rajiv Gandhi Education and Health are the bringing together students from
Hakeem Abdul Hameed Saheb was presided over the transformation two key concerns of our National various universities and colleges
a great visionary and philanthropist. of this place into a Deemed Common Minimum Programme. across the country to exhibit their
Hakeem Abdul Hameed Saheb at a University. Both these fields are dealt at skills. Jamia Hamdard University is
very young age showed signs of Apart from Unani Medicine, Jamia Hamdard. This is a tribute a unique blend of India Traditions
maturity and wisdom. He became a Islamic Studies, Nursing and to the vision of Hakeem Saheb. and Western modernity. Hence, it
benefactor of Indian Muslims, after Pharmacy new faculties of The country, particularly, the is also an opportunity to showcase
the unfortunate events following Science, Management Studies & Muslims of India, can never forget your institution.
the partition of India. Hakeem Information Technology and Allied the pioneering role of Hakeem Mr. Ahamed also released the
Saheb realized that acquisition of Health Sciences were added. Jamia Saheb in channelizing private Souvenir brought out by the
professional education and sound Hamdard has now blossomed into funding of educational institutions. Department of IT of the University
health were necessary to lift the a premier institution imparting His gesture was modern, selfless, at the function. Others on the
Indian Muslims out of the morass professional education in less than and a model of self-reliance. We dais seen in the photograph are
of despondency and helplessness. 20 years. The quality of teaching are in the process of working on a Vice Chancellor Dr. G.N. Qazi, Dr.
With single-minded devotion, he and research in the University has system that could strike the right Gulshan Rai, Director, CERT-IN,
went about the task of establishing drawn appreciation from all. Mr. balance between encouraging Department of IT, Dean, FMIT
a host of educational institutions Ahamed congratulated the Vice private initiative and at the same Prof. Firdausi and Head of the
and a hospital, named after his Chancellor on establishment of time avoiding commercialization of Department of Computer Science
father, Hakeem Abdul Majeed. a new medical college and hope higher education. Hakeem Saheb’s Prof. Afshar Alam.
APRIL - 2011

E. Ahamed in Cairo, to hold talks with the new Govt

Minister of State for External Industry, Communications and
Affairs E. Ahamed is presently on a Information Technology,
two-day visit to Cairo during which Agriculture as well as Planning and
he is International Cooperation.
expected to hold consultations Ahamed on his arrival made a
with the new government statement that India welcomes
and reiterate India’s desire to the choice made by the people of
strengthen its mutually beneficial Egypt, and the popular will to
ties usher in change and noted
Mr. E. Ahmed with Grand Sheikh of Al Azar Dr. Ahmed EL Tayyeb Mr. E. Ahmed with Foreign Minister of Egypt
with Egypt, which is in the process that it was remarkable that these
of establishing a new democratic Dr. Yehia Al Gamal and Foreign Arab changes are being achieved
framework of governance. Minister Dr. Nabil El Araby. League, Amr Moussa and Dr. through peaceful means.
E. Ahamed, who arrived here on He will also be meeting the ElBaradei. He said that India stands ready
Tuesday evening, will call on Prime Grand Sheikh of Al Azhar Dr. The visiting Minister is also to support the Egyptian people
Minister of Egypt Dr. Essam Sharaf, Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed El expected to interact with the and nation during the transition
Deputy Prime Minister Tayeb, Secretary General of the Egyptian Ministers of Trade and period.

Things You Can Do with one Hand!

- Abdullah Kutty, Kerala.
My dear friends, even a child with one hand? Let us not forget difficult for the criminal elements to
knows you can do many things that a mob was available to assist Both P Jayarajan and his son are intimidate the common man. Yes,
with one hand! The CPM is putting Jayarajan in this endeavour. now one-handed. How did this the media is indeed the watchdog
forth a most peculiar argument to In any case, Jayarajan’s tongue come about? This is the result
of democracy.
convince the people of Kerala that is infinitely stronger than his hands. of the CPM’s policy of attack and
To Shahjahan and several others
P Jayarajan, MLA did not assault His telephone call to Shahjahan intimidation. During the seventies
like him, who work round the clock
Asianet presenter Shahjahan. was crystal clear, his voice was at Mattanur Chavassery, a KSRTC
to bring truth and reality before the
How can a partially handicapped clearly recognizable and the words bus was set on fire by the red
eyes of the public, I say, “The blows
man with one non-functional hand were explicit. He threatened brigade killing nine persons. What
rained on you are daggers piercing
assault anybody, they ask. And I Shahjahan with a bigger assault for? To ensure the ‘success’ of a
bandh. The visual media had not the heart of India’s democracy. But
ask, how did a one-handed man – this time by the ‘people’. Which our democratic traditions are too
push a young girl, Sowmya, out of people? The peace loving citizens come into existence then. Today
the role played by the media in strong to give way. Go ahead with
a running train, how did he then of Kerala would like to know.
reducing lawlessness should not courage and continue the good
rape and brutally murder her? If It is time we ended this mindless
be underestimated. The presence work. The people of Kerala are on
one hand is enough to do all these violence. It is time we recognized
of cameras everywhere makes it your side.”
things, is it difficult to slap a person the real promoters of violence.

Achuthanandan violating code of conduct: Kunhalikutty

ChiefMinister V.S. Achuthanan also maintained that Jamaat-e-
V.S. Achuthanan dan

dan’s instructions to DGP Jacob Islami had already floated a political

party which is outside the UDF and

Punnoose to expedite enquiries

into the ice-cream parlour sex hence there was no question of
scandal case involving Indian the IUML or the Congress trying
Union Muslim League state to woo them. “More than that they
general secretary P.K. Kunhalikutty have already clearly worded out
was a clear instance of external whom they are going to support in
interference in the investigation the coming election, which is not
and a violation of election code of UDF,” he said.
conduct, Mr. Kunhalikutty said on evidence against me in the case.” it was ironic that the CPI(M), which The IUML leader, who was also
Tuesday. He also said that the people had labelled the Jamaat-e- Islami the Industries Minister in the UDF
He was speaking at a “Meet the of the State were intelligent as a “terror outfit” during the ministry, said that his front, if elected
Leader” programme organised by enough to understand the election Panchayat elections, found time to power, would do everything to
the Calicut Press Club here. Arguing gimmicks the CPI(M) and the LDF to secretly meet the organisation’s support the public sector industrial
that a caretaker Chief Minister has were playing. leaders to beg for their votes. units which had been reopened
no such powers to intervene in an Coming down on the CPI(M) Asked about the Congress and by the Left government over the
ongoing enquiry, Mr. Kunhalikutty State secretary Pinarayi Vijayan for the IUML leaders’ reported visit to last five years. “We are not against
said that Mr. Achuthanandan’s his alleged attempt to woo Jamaat- the Jamaat-e-Islami quarters, Mr. PSUs, provided they run well and
dissatisfaction with the ongoing e- Islami votes in the coming Kunhalikutty said that neither the make profit,” he said.
enquiry was a “clear testimony election, Mr. Kunhalikutty said, “It UDF nor the IUML had delegated
to the fact that the investigating only exposed the real face of the or entrusted anyone to engage in Courtesy: The Hindu
agency had received no significant CPI(M) in the public.” He said that talks with the outfit’s leaders. He KOZHIKODE, April 5, 2011

APRIL - 2011

Mecca Rafeeque Ahmed

1. M ecca Rafeeque Ahmed contributions towards worker’s welfare, his company SPVs – Ambur Economic Development Organization
is a successful entrepreneur, an has received the Best Kaizan Award FSL/ISPL from (AEDOL) and Chennai Environmen tal Management
educationist, an avid promoter of the Confederation of Indian Industry. His success has Company of Tanners (CEMCOT) – both of which
communal harmony and a strong spurred a number of entrepreneurs of this district to are engaged in establishing Zero Liquid Discharge
embark on this line of business. As a result Ambur has Systems for II tannery clusters in the state of Tamil
today been recognized as a Town of Export Excellence Nadu, the first of their kind anywhere in the world in
in the Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14 of Government of this industry.
India. 6. Rafeeque Ahmed’s Farida group has been
3. Ahmed has been widely acknowledged for his associated with various social welfare activities inclu
stellar contributions towards formulation of policies ding educational and medical care of selected children,
for development of the leather sector in the country organization of eye camp’s greening the enviro nment
over the past two decades. Towards development in Ambur etc.
of manpower for the leather sector in the country,
he has actively promoted various initiatives taken
by the Government of India as well as international MRS. SONIA GANDHI IN KERALA
organizations and has been associated with the
management of various man power development
advocate of worker’s rights and
organizations such as Footwear Design and
liberties, who is known for his
Development Institute NOIDA; Indian Institute of
contributions towards facilitating
Leather Products, Chennai and Central Foot wear
emergence of the modem face of
Training Institute, Chennai.
leather industry in India.
4. Ahmed held several posts in various industrial
2. Born on September 17,
bodies such as President of All India Hides and
1947 at Ambur in Vellore district.
Skins Tanners and Merchants Association; Chairman,
Tamilnadu, Rafeeque Ahmed
Footwear Design and Development Institute, NOIDA;
entered the industry at a very
Chairman, Council for Leather Exports, Chennai and
young age in the early 1970s.
Chairman, Tamil Nadu State Council of the Federation
As a pioneering industrialist of
of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry at
Ambur, he established the Farida
Chennai. He promoted and held the position of head of
Group of Companies as one of
Indian Finished Leather Manufacturers and Exporters
the large and globally respected
Association, Chennai; Indian Shoe Federation,
groups of the country, engaged
Chennai; Research Council of Central Leather Resea
in manufacture of leather and
rch Institute, Chennai and of Federation of Indian
footwear. He is the Chairman of
Exports Organizations, New Delhi, on many occasions
this Group. Farida group provides
in the past twenty years.
direct employment to more than Congress President Mrs. Sonia Gandhi Campaigning for IUML
5. Rafeeque Ahmed, along with other leaders of Candidate Dr. Muni Koya in Calicut, Kerala.
12000 persons. 90% of whom
the industry, has been instrumental in creation of two IUML President E. Ahmed his on her right side.
are women. In recognition of his

Basir Ahamed Khan’s claim is nothing

but a political tamasha: IUML
New Delhi, March 28- IUML with likeminded National parties. It is example of “aaya ram, gaya ram” of politics.
National General Secretary important to note that not even a single Indian Union Muslim League
Prof. K. M. Kader Mohideen Ex. M. P. in a member of IUML National Executive is is united under its President
statement said that Basir Ahamed Khan’s supporting Mr. Khan, barring a few former Mr. E. Ahamed, Minister of State for External Affairs,
claim that he has been elected as the members who are expelled from the party. Government of India, and these kind of claims made
President of IUML is nothing but a political As mentioned Mr. Khan is not even a by certain individuals in collusion with political parties
tama sha. Mr. Khan is not even a primary primary member of the party and during opposing IUML is nothing but a political plank in the states
member of IUML – he said. the last few years he had been claiming where IUML candidates are putting up a strong fight
“It has come to the notice of the central that he is the president of various parties against their opponents. Needless to state that these
leadership of Indian Union Muslim League at various times including Indian National kind of issues will never affect the strength of IUML.” –
that one Mr. Basir Ahamed Khan who is not League, Insaf party etc. A few months back Mr. Kader Mohideen Said in his statement.
even a primary member of the party has he launched another political party and Mr. Khan in a press conference today claimed that
claimed that he has been elected as the was trying to register it with the Election he has been elected as the President of IUML by the
President of Indian union muslim League. Commission of India also. Mr. khan is a IUML National Executive committee meeting held at
His claim is nothing but a political tamasha political opportunist and has a history of Delhi under the Pressidentship of Marghoob Hussain.
to confuse the party workers in the states joining and leaving various political parties But Marghoob Hussain, President of Delhi Pradesh
where IUML is contesting assembly elections due to his vested interests. He is a typical IUML, later denied the claim.

APRIL - 2011


It will be clear to any political with India in 1965, Qaede Millat
V.M. Khaleelur Rahman
observer in India that the Indian while delivering a speech in the
Union Muslim League (IUML) is a Parliament expressed his desire
highly secular and nationalist party to send his only son Mr. Mia Khan even written a book titled “Manitha has also announced accepting
engaged in protecting the rights to the battle field to fight against kulam waazay Islamay Nal Wazhi the Muslim League demand for
of minorities particularly Muslims Pakistan. After the creation (Islam is the right path for the increasing the reservation to
and strengthening the bonds of of Pakistan, he had asked the progress of mankind) 5% that it would be considered
camaraderie among different Pakistani leaders not to interfere in Muslims particularly students in positively at the earliest. Muslims
linguistic, ethnic and religious the internal affairs of our country places even like Ambur rushed to strongly believe that they will
people. It is a harbinger of amity India and bid adieu to them. the book stalls every week end to get this benefit as he is a better
and communal harmony. The late When the issue of national buy periodicals like Mani Vilakku, administrator and a trustworthy
Qaede Millat Mohammed Ismail language came for discussion in Muslim Murasu, Pirai, Tamil Nadu ( leader who understands their
saheb who was elected as its the Parliament, he pleaded that Tamizhnadu), Home Land, Murasoli, feelings and respects their
President when it was formed after his mother tongue Tamil, a rich Thenral, Manram etc. which sentiments.
the partition of country in 1947 is language in all respects, should were brought out by Muslim and Even in the present election
still the soul of the party. It is the be made the national language. Dravidian intellectuals and leaders. scenario, the Muslim League’s large
main representative body of Indian He was secular and patriotic to The language they used and the heartedness in coming forward
Muslims thanks to the efforts taken the core. He was instrumental in matters they discussed were very to accept two constituencies
by the Muslim League leaders in bringing the Muslim community meaningful and captivating. For instead of three allotted already
Kerala and Tamil Nadu during the on a single platform particularly in example Dr. Kalaignar’s alliterative to accommodate another political
past more than 60 years. Kerala and Tamil Nadu and making language, Mr. Kannadasan’s poetic party is a testimony to the fact
All trusted Qaede Millat them realise the importance of expressions and Mr. Abdul Samad’s that it is a cooperative and
Mohammed Ismail saheb fully and unity and integrity in accordance sweet and power packed artistry dependable ally. That it got three
the Kerala and Tamil Nadu units with the Islamic dictate. mesmerized readers like me. seats later is a different matter.
more so. The Kerala unit of the IUML Qaede Millat echoed his voice Though the subject under Now the three Muslim League
wanted him to be its representative against all kinds of injustice and discussion is different I mention candidates Mr. H. Abdul Basith, Mr.
in the Parliament of India. He was encouraged righteousness from all this to say the fact that the M. Mohammed Sheik Dawood and
elected to the Parliament from whichever quarter it came. His people connected with Dravida Mr. Althaf Hussain are contesting
the Manjeri constituency in Kerala contribution in bringing the DMK movements and Islam have in three assembly constituencies
three times in 1962, 67 and 71 to power in Tamil Nadu cannot be been working together in social Vaniyambadi, Nagappattinam and
as an IUML candidate without forgotten. The trio – Mr. C. Annadurai and political fields of activity. It Chennai Harbour respectively.
even going to the constituency (Anna), Mr. C. Rajagopalachari is heartening to note that even Insha Allah they will come out
for electioneering. He went there (Rajaji) and Mr. Mohammed Ismail today the same camaraderie exists successful along with other
only to file his nomination papers. (Qaede Millat) joined together and among Muslim League and DMK candidates of the DMK alliance.
The electorates who respected created history in 1967 when the leaders and followers. Insha Allah The message the Muslim
him immensely exercised their DMK attained power for the first it will continue as it is based more League conveys is simple and
franchise in his favour and he time and the then DMK chief Mr. on ideology and less on politics. crystal clear. That is – unity is
always came out successful with a C. Annadurai became the Chief Political connections may change strength. It will not be possible
big margin of more than one lakh Minister of Tamil Nadu. He was but not ideological. for any community to attain a
votes. He was secular and patriotic the first member of a Dravidian Coming to the main issue, the better position in society unless
to the core. He asked people to party to hold that post and was Muslim League has never failed it is united and works to achieve
follow the verse of the holy Quran: also the first non-Congress leader to protect the causes dearer what it wants in the educational,
“hold tight to the rope of God and to form a majority government in to the Muslim community, i. e. economical and political arena in
be not divided among yourselves” Independent India. It was not on Muslim personal law, minority the present highly competitive and
– Watasimu bihablillahi jameeaun expected lines but the late founder rights in educational institutions, materialistic world.
walaa tafarraqoo”. leader of the DMK , Anna made it reservation, safe-guard for Urdu, (The writer’s e-mail id:
When Pakistan started a war possible with the support of the Arabic and Persian, etc. Even
above mentioned two leaders. today prof. K.M. Kader Mohideen,
The gift of the gab that he and his who is the President of the Tamil
READ young and energetic colleagues
like the present DMK chief Dr.
Nadu unit of the Muslim League READ
is protecting the interest of the
MANICHUDAR Kalaignar Mr. M. Karunanidhi and
others possessed helped them in
Muslim community well. The 3.5%
TAMIL DAILY reservation for Muslims in education
presenting the DMK party ideology and employment sanctioned by the TAMIL FORTNIGHTLY
to the people in a convincing and DMK government at the instance of
befitting manner and winning the Muslim League is paying good
One Year Rs. 1000/- their hearts. Muslims have been dividends. The lacunae found in One Year Rs. 220/-
6 Months Rs. 500 co-operating with them from day its implementation are brought to
one of the DMK. Though EVR was the notice of the Hon’ble TN Chief Contact :
an atheist, he used to address Minister and he has set up a high Quaid-e-millath Manzil
Contact : Quaid-e-millath Manzil
36, Maraikayar Lebbai Street, Meeladun Nabi functions praising level committee headed by the 36, Maraikayar Lebbai Street,
Chennai - 600 001. Islam and Islamic ideology of State Chief Secretary to monitor Chennai - 600 001.
Ph : 044 - 2521 7890 equality and brotherhood. He had its effective implementation. He Ph : 044 - 2524 7863

APRIL - 2011

Parts of Bible may have been

written by fake apostles!
London: A US scholar has else claiming to be Paul. “In the
claimed that the Bible may ancient world, books like that were
have been forged several New labelled as pseudoi – lies”.
Testament books were actually He has also claimed that the
written by people who lied about author of the book of 1 Timothy
their identity, pretending to be the claimed to be Paul but in actual
apostles Peter. Paul or James. fact was someone living after Paul
Bart D Ehrman, the best selling had died.
author of ‘Misquoting Jesus’ and The author used the apostle
Jesus interrupted’, has said that name to address a problem he
many religious scholars were saw in church, the scholar said.
well aware of the “lies” of the “Women were speaking out,
Bible. While some were happy to exercising authority and teaching
acknowledge them, others refer except for our friends among the else are wrong. “ If you look at men. That had to stop. The
to them as “Pseudepigrapha” fundamentalists – will tell you that what ancient people actually said author told women to be silent
meaning a falsely attributed work, there is no way on God’s green about the practice you’ll see that and submissive, and reminded his
he wrote in ‘The Huffington Post’. earth that Peter wrote the book. they invariably called it lying readers about what happened the
Even in his new book, why the Someone else wrote it claiming to and condemned it as a deceitful first time a woman was allowed
Bible’s authors are not who think be Peter”, Prof Ehrman wrote. practice, even in Christian circles”. to exercise authority over a man,
they are’. Prof Ehrman claims He has also claimed that scholars According to Prof Ehrman, many in that incident in the garden of
‘The Second Epistle of Peter’ was who say it was acceptable in the scholars think six of the 13 letters Eden.
forged ancient world for someone to write allegedly written by Paul were Courtesy : Times of India,
“… scholars everywhere – a book in the name of someone actually authored by somebody Chennai - March 28, 2011.


The self Propelled Three Row Potato Seeding Device
wheels. A part of the power of West Bengal. I had noted that
Krishna Bazar, G.T. Road Post, provided to the traction wheels is
Memari Dist, all seeding devices available in
fed back to rotate a shaft on which the country are actually tractor
Wan, West Bengal - 713146. are mounted the seed cups. As the driven, Which makes its use
MY INNOVATION shaft rotates the individual cups
restricted in smaller land holdings
pick up the seed potatoes and
The self propelled three row
distributes them along the three
of West Bengal. There was this
potato seeding device for restricted inner compulsion to develop a
land holdings performs the tasks of device for reducing labour and
The row to row distance is
digging furrows at proper depths time for seeding and increasing My association with the Farm
adjustable between 18” and 26”
for planting potatoes, planting yield. The idea was tried out in Machinery Development Group
for accommodating different
the seed potatoes at the proper practice through the development of Research Institute, Durgapur
varieties. With proper design
depth and providing soil cover of a rudimentary model through dates back since I worked with
retrofit, the device can be made to
for the protection and eventual retrofit and salvage utilization, and this Group for development of
dig furrows up to 12” in depth for
germination of the seeds. The the initial results are encouraging. different agricultural devices. It
the production
device comprises a seed hopper was through this group that I
for accommodating seed potatoes. received the invitation to take part
Three seed cups that distribute The primary attraction of the in the Innovator’s meet organized
the seed potatoes along three device is that it helps in drastically Hailing from a farmer family, I by TUC-CMERI, Durgapur in March
rows, a diesel engine as the prime reducing the time required for had obtained a degree in science, 2009. The device I had innovated
mover for self propulsion, a set of planting of potatoes. The device but had decided not to opt for impressed many scientists of the
balance wheels at the rear, three simultaneously creates irrigation service after graduation, but to Institute and finally received the
sets of metallic wings for providing furrows for subsequent irrigation. dedicate myself to the introduction DSIR approval and funding.
soil cover after the plantation of of modern farming practices. This
the seeds and three digging blades THE SPARK led to the eventual opening of FUTURE PLANS
for providing the proper depth. The idea for the product owes my firm- the New Bengal Agro Design refinement, development
Propulsion is provided by the its genesis in the course of the Implements- where I spent more production and marketing of the
diesel engine (5HP-12.5 HP) via a long experience I have in potato than two decades innovating new seeding device as a labour saving
reduction gear box to the traction farming in the small land holding and appropriate farming devices. implement.

APRIL - 2011

Election Thamashas
Testing the dead
patient with
was Baskar. The candidate Baskar media stated that the LDF under DIDI’s Trinamool congress has
interrupted and murmured in Chief Ministed V.S.Achuthanantha brought out a series of political
Vijayakanth’s ears which provoked seeks vote for the continuation of cartoons to pound the policies
Whoever I beatup captain and brought wrath on corruption in the state. The media adopted by the CPM government
will become his candidate. The TV channels persons asked Mr. Chandi whether in West Bengal. One cartoon
depicts the CPI(M) Bhattacharjee
Maharaja.. in Tamil Nadu telecasted the Mr.Achuthananthan’s focus on
as a failure in all spheres. One
visuals of the actor beating up corruption, the land mafia and
Captain Vijayakanth his own candidate during the the sex rackets were disturbing. cartoon shows him holding an olive
branch and riding a plough that
Anyone who wants to become election campaign. Reacting to the Mr. Chandi said, ‘Last five years
a Maharaja can join the Captain’s reports, Vijayakanth commented of LDF rule have seen nothing but
party and get assaulted by him. It ‘The TV channels reported that disputes and controversies, while
is what one has to comprehend by I beatup a candidate. Even if it the problems faced by the people
going through the latest political is true, it is only my candidate got little attention. Now the LDF is
philosophy advocated by Captain that I beatup. The person I hit still continuing with controversies,
Vijayakanth. Vijayakanth noted for will become a Maharaja later. My with the Chief Minister saying
his frequent mental hallucinations, partymen men know about me ‘. he will jail those involved in sex
hit his party candidate Baskar at an People of Tamil Nadu aware that rackets, bring to book the corrupt,
election meeting in Dharmapuri. captain will produce many more and take action against the land
Maharajas during this election mafia. These are things he could
period. Maharajas deserve their have done by merely issuing
rightful place in Captain’s kingdom instruction to his officials; but he
in his films but not in Tamil Nadu has shown lack of political will in
assembly which is meant for self taking action. The Opposition raised
respecting people’. all these issues in the Assembly, is being pulled by a week farmer
but MR. Achuthanandan did not while another has him holding a
Oomenchandi lashes even bother to order a probe. He student by the tongue. Yet another
While addressing the meeting, is now seeking a vote for the LDF cartoon shows the Chief Minister
out Marxists inspecting a crucified patient with
he appealed to the voters to vote for the continuation of the existing
for Pandian whereas the party The opposition leader in Kerala situation. The people of Kerala will a stethoscope.
candidate in the constituency Oomenchandi in an interview to see through this game.’

Jayalalithaa promises
Letters to the Editor... to increase quota for
Dear Sir,
Assalamu Alaikum If voted to power, she
I thank you for the February and March 2011 issues of The
Joke of the would not only raise the
Month! quota for Muslims but
Times of League so kindly presented to me when I met you last also ensure that it was
week. I read with interest your editorials and some other articles. properly implemented. Ms. Jayalalithaa said
during her election campaign in Trichy.
In my humble opinion the TOL reflect the policy of the Indian Union
Muslim League and the sentiments of the Muslim community in a
befitting manner. Congratulations for bringing out this long awaited
mouth piece with a team of dedicated journalists like Mr. K. T. Kizer
Mohamed saheb.
I also thank you for giving me an opportunity to send my articles Subscription
for publication in it. I am preparing an article which Insha Allah I
Annual - Rs 120/-
will e-mail to you in two or three days.
Five Years - Rs 600/-
Thanking you,
Decennial - Rs 1200/-
V.M. Khaleelur Rahman, Partonage - Rs 5000/-
Freelance Journalist,
15-A, Jasa Flat No. E-6, Advertisement Tariff
SRP Koil Street, Thiru-vi-ka Nagar, Full Page - Rs 12000/-
Chennai - 600 082 Half Page - Rs 6000/-
Mobile: 9840462958 Quarter Page - Rs 3000/-

APRIL - 2011
composed a few lines seeking the blessings of Khwaja Mohinuddhin
KALEIDOSCOPE Chisti to make India victorious in the match.
As soon as the group started performing, hundreds of cricket lovers
including children holding tricolour assembled there and the place was
Phototherapy for packed in a matter of few minutes. The fans also offered chadders with
prayers for India’s win. After a one-and-a-half hours of qawwali session,
Constipation! sweets were distributed to cricket fans and other devotees.
As the qawwali music and rhthm resonated, devotees gathered from
Historical jokes were plenty at the time of Second World War. Adolf all sides. “Inshallah, India will win”, said Roshni, who had come from
Hitler had become an anathema for the entire western world. The Nazis New Delhi to pay obeisance at dargah.
were pounding the city of London, day and night, without a breathing The Anjuman committee of the dargah also participated in the event
gap. Leaders and people were bewildered all over the world. In the mist and offered prayers for Team India. “This is sports spirit and everyone
of the war there came a story. It was about British Prime Minister Winston want their team to win the match. We all want India to win the semifinal
match”, said Mahmood Chisti, secretary of the committee.

A Man of Simplicity
W ith $5.7 billion revenue, Azim
H Premji’s wipro is ranked among
the world’s 100 top technology
companies. He is the third richest
man in India and 36th richest among
the world’s billionaires. He has a
personal wealth of nearly $17 billion.
In spite of his rich treasure, Premji prefers a simple life and for years
he drew an Indica car worth around 2 lakh rupees. He is a god fearing
Muslim, donated $2 billion worth of shares to the Azim Premji foundation
Adolf Hitler Winston Churchill
making it the largest endowment by an Indian. He wakes up 5 in the
morning and after morning prayers he treks in the forests of Karnataka.
Churchill’s ailment of constipation. All medicines that were tried could not He works two hours daily at home before he goes to Wipro campus. Will
relieve him. Ultimately, an intelligent British doctor, it was narrated, used billionaires in India emulate his simplicity ?
a clever device to cure Churchill from his ailment. He called Churchill and
without prescribing him any medicine bluntly advised him to go to his
toiled the next morning as usual. Churchill without any question agreed
No more bitterness
the doctor’s advice and went to the toilet the next morning. The moment Good bye to bitterness. Everything will be sweet hereafter. Your
he sat on the closet he had developed loose motion and his constipation cough syrups, tablets, capsules, diet drinks, in short, all your bitter
was kicked off at one stroke. It was the phototherapy the doctor cleverly medicines will taste sweet. Thanks to the research team headed by
used to relieve Churchill from constipation. The doctor had pasted the Ioana Ungureanu, in Cincinnati, Ohio, US, who successfully developed
photo of Adolph Hitler in front of the closet and the moment Churchill a new component called G IV 3616, which prevents bitter taste being
noticed his enemy’s photo on the wall he developed loose motion and sensed by the tongue. The research team said, ‘A lot of people are
constipation was totally relieved. It was really a wonderful phototherapy very sensitive to bitter taste in medicines, calorie free sweeteners and
devised by that doctor.

Prayer at Ajmer Daragah for the

victory of India in the Cricket
World Cup!
The shah qawwalis on Monday performed at Ahat-e-Noor at dargah
foods. We would like to be able to make their diets more enjoyable
by masking the off-putting flavours of bitterness’. Further, Live Science
Journal quoted Ungureanu as saying “Blocking these flavours we call
‘off-nodes’ could help consumers eat healthier and more varied diets.
It could encourage them to switch to non-calorie soft drinks and help
children and seniors swallow bitter tasting medications”.
The researchers who presented their findings at the annual conference
of the American Chemical Society in California said G IV 3616 is not the
first compound capable of masking bitter taste from the tongue.
The honour belongs to G IV 3727 which improves the taste of artificial
sweetness such as saccharin and sucralose.
But the bitterness blocker G IV 3616 is more potent than its predecessor
and dissolves more quickly in food and beverages, Ungureanu said.
Will Ungureanu and his team of researches develop a new compound
premises seeking good luck for Team India in the cricket World Cup
to extinguish the bitterness from the minds of the people. If they
semifinals with its arch-rival Pakistan on Wednesday.
succeed in their attempt the first dosage shall be administered to the US
President Barack Obama and his sworn enemy Al-Qaida head Bin-Laden
The qawwalis, who perform on dargah premises on a regular basis,
to save the world from its present bitterness.
APRIL - 2011


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Treasurer Principal Secretary & Correspondent


Dr. S. SATHIKH (Former Head, Aerospace Electronics & Systems Division Council of Haji. M. ABDUL MAJEDU
(Former Vice Chancellor University of Madras) Scientific & Indistrial Research (CSIR) Banglore) Founder & Chairman
Governing Council Chairman Director M.A.M. Group of Institutions
M.A.M. Group of Institutions M.A.M. Group of Institutions

The Times of League - English Monthly - R.Dis. No. 1765/10 owned and published by Mohamed Ismail on behalf of Muslim League Publication Trust, Chennai - 600 001 and
printed by K.A.M. Muhammed Abubacker on behalf of Madras Media Press No, 36, Maraikayar Lebbai Street, Chennai - 600 001.
Editor : Prof. K.M. Kader Mohideen, Managing Editor : M. Abdul Rahman, Phone : 044 2521 8786 / Fax : 044 - 2521 7786, E-mail :

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