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IN THE ona OF EL PASO COUNTY, TEXAS JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN THE MATTER OF § ey THE MARRIAGE OF § : LAN. j NN. x\ AND ; cause no. 2007em A LA LG. : ORIGINAL PETITION TO ANNUL MARRIAGE 1. Discovery Level Discovery in this case is intended to be conducted under level 2 of rule 190 of the ‘Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. 2 Parties This suit is brought by L.A.N, Petitioner. Respondent is L.G. Jurisdiction LAN. is domiciied in Texas, 4. Service No service on Respondent is necessary at this time. 5. Protective Order Statement No protective order under title 4 of the Texas Family Code Is in effect, and no application for a protective order is pending with regard to the parties to this suit 6 Grounds Petitioner and Respondent were married on May 6th, 2008. Respondent induced Petitioner to enter into the marriage by fraud. Petitioner has not voluntarily cohabited with Respondent since learning of the fraud. 7. 8 9. No Child of Marriage No child was born or adopted of the marriage of Petitioner and Respondent, and ) none is expected Property No community property was accumulated by the parties during the marriage other than personal effects, which should be awarded to the person having possession Prayer Petitioner prays that the Court annul the marriage of Petitioner and Respondent Petitioner prays for general relief. Respectfully submitted, LAW OFFICE OF LYDAA. NESS-GARCIA, P.C. 609 Myrtle Ave., Suite 102 E| Paso, TX 79901 Tel: (918) 351-2174 Fax: (915) 351-4053 By, Lyda Ne State Bar No. 90001279 ‘Attorney for Petitioner IN THE MATTER OF THE MARRIAGE OF LAN. AND CAUSE NO. ammmnmmm Le. DECREE OF ANNULMENT On 4-20 2007 the Court heard this case. Appearances Petitioner, L.A.N., appeared in person and through attorney of record Lyda Ness- Garcia L.G., Respondent, has made a general appearance and has agreed to the terms of this judgment to the extent permitted by law, as evidenced by the signature of Respondent below. Jurisdiction ‘The Court, after examining the record and listening to the evidence and argument of, counsel, finds that it has jurisdiction over this case and the parties in that LAN. is domiciled in Texas, All persons entitled to citation were properly cited. Findings A jury was waived, and all questions of fact and of law were submitted to the Court. ‘The Court finds that the material allegations in the Original Petition to Annu! Marriage are ‘DECREE OF ANNULMENT Page tot, substantially correct and have been proved by full and satisfactory evidence. The Court finds that the marriage of L.G. and LAN. is voidable and subject to annulment and that the martiage should be annulled as prayed for by Petitioner. ‘The Court further finds that no child was born or adopted of the marriage of L.G. and LAN. and that no community property was accumulated by the parties during the existence of the marriage other than personal effects, Annulment IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED AND DECREED that the marriage between L.G. and LAN, is null and void, Property IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND DECREED that each party take as his or her sole and separate property all the property that is presently in his or her possession. Court Costs All costs of court expended in this case are adjudged against the party who incurred them, for which let execution issue. Relief Not Granted IT 1S ORDERED AND DECREED that all relief requested in this case and not expressly granted is denied. Date of Decree SIGNED on Sieten her Za, ae « teow PRESIDING DECREE OF ANNULMENT Page 20°39 APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY: LAW OFFICE OF LYDAA. NESS-GARCIA, P.C. 609 Myrte Ave., Suite 102 EI Paso, TX 79901 Tel: (915) 351-2171 Fax: (915) 361-4053 By. Tyda Ness Gartia State Bar No. 90001278 Attorney for Petitioner APPROVED AND CONSENTED TO AS TO BOTH FORM AND SUBSTANCE: / | CAN, Péffioner ali, UG Respondent DECREE OF ANNULMENT Page 3 of

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