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PROBLEMS 3.1 The message signal m(+) = 2cos 400: + 4sin(S00: + ) modulates the carrier signal c(t) = A cos(80007r2), using DSB amplitude modulation. Find the time domain and frequency domain representation of the modulated signal and plot the spectrum (Fourier wansfocm) of the modulated signal. Whet is te power content of the modulated signal? 3.2 InaDSB system the carrier is (1) = A.cos 2m jet and the message signel is given by m(t) = sine(1) + sinc*(t). Find the frequency domain reoreseatation and the Dandwidth of the modulated signal 3.3 The two signals (a) and (b) showa in Figure P-3.3 DSB modalate a carrier signal e(¢) = Acos 2n fyr. Precisely plot the resulting modulated signals as a fonction of time and discuss their differences and similarities. aX mt Figur P33 3.4 Suppose the signal x (¢) = m (#) + cos 2zrfct is applied to a nonlinear system whose output is y (f) © + $2? (®. Determine and sketch the spectrum of y © when M (7) is'as shown in Figure P-34 and W< fe, 3.5 The modulating signal m(0) = 2cos 4000mt + Scos 6000z¢ 3.6 a7 38 3.9 is multiplied by the carrier c(t) = 100cos 2f.t where f. =50kHz, Determine and sketch the power-spectral density of the DSB signal. ADSB-medulated signal u(t) = Am(t)cos 2c: ft is mixed (multiplied) with a local castiet =,(¢) = cos(27 fet +6) and the output is passed through aLPF with a bandwidta equal to the bandwidth of the message mr(t). Denoting the power of the signal a: the outpat of the lowpass filter by Pay and the power of the modulated signal by Fy, plot #* as a function of6 far0 <@ = 7. ‘An AM signal hes the form u(t) = [20-+2.cos3000m¢ + 10 cos 60004] cos 2x ft where fe = 10° Hz. ‘L. Sketch the (voltage) spectrum of u(#). 2, Determine the power in each of the frequency components. 3, Determine the modulation index. 4, Determine the power in the sidebands, the total power, and the ratio of the ssidebands power to the total power. A message signalm(t) = cos 2000x1-+2cos 4000%t modulates the carsiere() = 1000s 2r-f.¢ where f, = 1 MHz to produce the DSB signal m(t)c(t). 1. Deteimine the expression for the upper sideband (USB) signal. 2. Determine and sketch the spectrum of the USB signal. ADSB-SC signal is generated by multiplying the mescage signal m(¢) with the pesiodic rectangular waveform shown in Figure P-2.9 and filtering the: product with a bandpass filter tuned to the reciprocal of the period Tp, with bandwidth 2, where W is the bandwidth of the message signal. Demonstrate that the output 3.10 3aL 32 313 (0) of the BPF is the desired DSB-SC AM signal a(t) = ml) sin 2x ft where fe = 1/Tp. 0) t r 2@ oO - >| BP 1 — , 50 = Figure P3.9 ‘Show that in generating a DSB-SC signal as in Problem P-3.9, itis not necessary that the periodic signal be rectangular. This means that any periodic signal with period 7, can substitute for the rectangular signal in Figure P-3.9, ‘The message signal m(t) has a Fourier transform shown in Figure P-3.1i(a) This signal is applied to the sysiem shown in Figure P-3.11(b) to generate the signal y(. 1. Flot ¥(f), the Fourier transform of y(i). 2. Show thatif y(t) is transmitted, the receiver can pass it througk a replica of the system shown in Figure P-3.11(b) to obtain m(+) back. This means that this aystem can he nsad as a simple scrambler to enhance communication privacy. Show that in a DSB-modulated signal, the envelope of the resulting bandgass signal is proportional to the absolute value of the message signal. This means that an envelope detector can be employed as a DSB demodulator if we know thatthe message signal is always positive. An AM signal is generated by modulating the carrier J = 800KHz by the signal mit) = sin2000x¢ + 5cos 4000xt# The AM signal u(t) = 100[1 + m(¢)] cos 2refet is fed to a50 load. 1. Determine and sketch the spectrum of the AM signal 2. Determine the average power in the camier and in the sidebands. ears @ 0 Aeon aft Aces2a(f.+ Wie © Figure P3.1L 3, Whatis the modulation index? 14. What isthe peak power delivered to the load? 3.14 ‘The output signal from an AM modulator is u(t) = 5c0s 1800m1 ++ 200s 20001 + 5 cos2200r¢ 4. Determine the modulating signal m(t) and the carrier e(!). 2. Determine the modulation index. 3, Determine the ratio of the power in the sidebands to the power in the carrie 3.15 A DSB-SC AM signal is modulated by the signal cos 2000s + cos 6000xt m(t)= ‘The modulated signal is u(®) = L0Om(E) cos 27 fot where f; = 1 MHL. 1. Determine and sketch the spectrum of the AM signal. 2, Determine the average power in the frequency components. 3.16 A SSB AM signal is generated by modulating an 800-kHz carrier by the signal m(f) = 0082000z¢ + 2sin 200Gzrr. The amplitude of the carrier is A; = 100. 1, Determine the signal *i(¢) 2, Determine the (time domain) expression for the lower sideband of the SSB AM signal. 3. Determine the magnitude spectrum of the lower sideband SSB signal. 3.17 Weaver's SSB modulator is illustrated in Figure P-3.17. By taking the input signal as m(t) = cOS27fyt, Where fy, < W, demonstrate that by proper choice of ff and f; the output is a SSB signal. LPF pe O- | ave7 ~ fi OQ Aye | ssa | Sal mK) Figure P37 3.18 The message signal m(t) whose spectnim is shown in Figure P-3.18 is passed through the system shown in the same figure. os fy) md) 20) [square tew PCO=70 [Bangpaas | 22 | 200 [Tewpae |_ 249 ; | serie ‘lee x Ser coe fs) Man =W Figure P3.18 ‘The bandpass filter has a bandwidth of 2W centered at fo and the lowpass filter: hhas a bandwidth of W. Plot the spectra of the signals x(t), ys(€), y2(t), Ja(0), and ye(t). What are the bandwidths of these signals? 3.19 The system shown in Figure P-3.19 is used to generate an AM signal. The modulating signal m(t) has zero mean and its maximum (absolute) value jj Ay = thax |or(t)|. The nonlinear device has a input-output characteristic y(t) = ax(t) +bx7(1) Si ii 4. Express y(¢) in terms of the modulating signal m(t) and the carrier c(¢) = C08 270 fet. 2, What is the modulation index? 3. Speoify the filter characteristics that yield an AM signal at its cutput. L 4, Slee [AN signal (cos (aft) bie ine tac le a set FigureP-3.19 3.20 The signal m(#) whose Fourier transform M(f) is shown in Figure P-$.20 is to be transmitted irom point A to point B. Itis known that the signal is normalized, | meaning that —1 < m(t) <1. Mn) 10,000 10900 F Figure P-3.20 1. IF USSB is employed, what is the bandwidth of the modulated signal? ISB is employed, what is the bandwidth of the modulated signal? 3. Han AM modulation scheme with « = 0.8 is used, whatis the bandwidth », of the medulated signal? 4, If an FM signal with ky =060 KHz is used. what is the bandwidth of the modulated signal? 3.24. A vestigial sideband modulation systemis shown in Figure P-3.21. The bandwidth of the message signal m(t) is W and the transfer function of the bandpass filter is shown in the figure. 1. Detemnine h,(t) the lowpass equivalent of f(t), where h¢¢) represcats the impulse response of the bandpass filter. 2, Derive an expression for the modulated signal 1), mi) “ VSB signal igure P-3.21 3.22 Find expressions for the in-phase and quadrature components, x.(#) and x,(£), and envelope and phase, V(t) and © (), for DSB, SSB, Conventional AM, USSB, LSSB, FM, and PM. 3.23 The normalized signal m,(t) has a bandwidth of 10,000 Hz andits power content is 0.5 W. The carrier Acos 2z fot has a power content of 200 W. 1, If mq(#) modulates the catrier using SSB amplitude modulation, what will be ihe bandwidth and the power content of the modulated signal? 2. If the modulation scheme is DSB-SC, what will be the answer to part 1? 3. If the modulation scheme is AM with modulation index of 0.6, whet will be the answer to part 1? 4. If modulation is FM with ky = 50,000, what will be the answer to part 1? 3.24 The message signal m(i) = 10 sinc(4001) frequency modulates the carrier (#) 100cos 2n f.t. The modulation index is 6 1. Waite an expression for the modulated signal u(1)? 2, What is the maximum frequency deviation of the modulated signal? 3, Whats the power content of the modulated signal? 4, Find the bandwidth of the modulated signal. 3.25 Signal m(s) is shown in Figure P-3.25. This signal is used once to frequency modulate a cartier and once to phase modulate the same carrier. mC L 1 Figure P-325 1. Find a relation between ky and Ey such that the maximum phase of the modulated signals in both cases are equal. 2. Why = 1, what ir the maximum instantaneous frequency in each case? 3.26 An angle modulated signal has the form u(t) = 100 cos[2m fet +4 sin 200075] where f. = 10 MHz. 1. Determine the average transmitted power. 2. Determine the peak-phase deviation. 3. Determine the peak-frequency deviation, 4, Is this an FM ora PM signal? Explain. 3.27 Find the smallest value of the modulation index in an FM system that guarantees that all the modulated signal power is contained in the sidebands and no power is transmitied at the carrier frequency. 3.28 Wideband FM can be generated by first generating a narrowband FM signal ané then using frequency multiplication to spresd the signal bandwidth. Figure P-3.28 illustrates such a scheme, which is called an Armstrong-type FM modulator. The narrowband FM signal hes a maximum angolar deviation of 0.10 radians in order to keep distortion under control: 1, Ifthe message signal has a bandwidth of 15 KFiz and the output frequency fromthe oscillator is 100 KF, determine the frequency multiplication thats sew | a Frequency | oa 0 Katz FigureP-3.28Amastong-type FM Modulator. necessary to generate an FM signal at a carrier frequency of f.=104 MHz, and a frequency deviation of f = 75 kHz 2. If the caurier frequency for the wideband FM signal is to be within £2 Hz, determine the maximum allowable drift of the 100 KHz, oscillator, 3.29 Determine the amplitude and phase of various frequency components of a PM signal with kp = 1 and m(¢), a periodic signal given by ‘W/ilz, determine the value of A that is required to achieve a probability of error P, = 10-* TAL Ina binary PAM system for wach the two signals occur with unequal probabilities (p and 1 — p), the optimum detector is specified by Equation (7.5.54). 1. Determine the average probability of error as a function of (E;,/No) and p. 2, Evaluate the probability of error for p = 0.3 and p = 0.5, with&/y = 10. 7.12 A binary PAM communication system is used to transmit data over an AWGN. channel. The prior probabilities for the bits are P(@, = 1) = 1/3. and P(@n = =) =2/3. 4. Determine the optimum threshold at the detector. 2. Determine the average probability of exor. 7.13 Binary antipodel signals are used to transmit information over en AWGN channel. ‘The prior probabilities for the two input symbols (bits) are 1/3 and 2/3. 1. Determine the optimum maximum-likelibood decision rule for the detector. 2. Determine the average probability of error as a function of &/No. 7114 The received signal in a binary communication system that employs antipodal signals is r@) =s() +n) where s(¢) is shown in Figure P-7.14 and n(r) is AWGN with power-spectral density No/2 Wii sf) 1 2 4 7 Figure P-7.14 1. Sketch the impulse response of the filter matched to s(t), 2, Sketch the output of the inatched filter to the input s(@). 3. Determine the variance the noise of the output of the matched filter at r= 4, Determine the probebility of error as 2 function of A and No. 75 A matched filter has the frequency response yo eniT Jin f 1. Determine the impulse response h(r) corresponding to H(f). 2. Determine the signal waveform to which the filter characteristic is matched. A(f)= 7.16 Prove that when sinc pulse gr(¢) is passed through its matched filter, he oatput is the same sinc pulse. 7.17 The demodulation of the binary entipodal signals F a) = (v4 OstsT a= 0, otherwise can be accomplished by use of a single integrator, as shown in Figure P-7.17, which is sampled periodically at t = kT, k = 0, +1, +2, .... The additive vise is zero-mean Gaussien with power-spectral density of “ W/Ez. r= (0+720 oa peaiatny [7 decision : foa Lf Detector ! taut Figure P-1.17 1. Determine the output SNR of the demodulator at ¢ = T. 2. If the ideal integrator is replaced by the RC filter shown in Figure P-7.17, determine the output SNR as a function of the time constant RC. 3. Determine the value of RC that maximizes the output SNR. 7.18 Sketch the impulse response of the filter matched to the pulses shown in Figure P-7.18. Also determine and sketch the outputs of each of the matched filters. 10 nf wh] © ow 20 es © Kigore P-718 7.19 Three messages m1, m2, and ms are to be transmitted over an AWGN channel with noise power-spectral density “2, The messages are 1 OsrsT ao{ 0, otherwise r 1 Ost<% a()=-s@)= 4-1 FstsT 0, otherwise 1. What is the dimensionality of the signal space? 2. Find an appropriete basis for the signal space (Hint: You can find the basis without using the Gram-Schmidt procedure). 3. Draw the signal constellation for this problem. 4, Derive and sketch the optimal decision regions Ry, Re, and Ra. 5. Which of the three messages is more vulnerable to errors and why? In other words which of P(Error| s; transmitted), i = 1, 2, 3 is larger? 7.20 In this chapter we showed that an optimal demodulator can be realized as: + A comelation-type demodulator + A matched-filter type demodulator where in both cases /j(t), 1 j $V, were used for correlating r(t), or design- ing the matched filters. Show that an optimal demodulator for a general M-ary communication system can also be designed based on correlating r(1) with 5:(t), 1 sis M, or designing filters that are matched to s;(#)’s, 1 =i oo. For the computation you may use the time-domain relation too im, 6.00) = [shear 8.2 Ina binary PAM system, the input to the detector is Je = On + Min + im Whete dq) = -b1s the desired signa, ry isa z¢r0-mean Gaussian random variable with variance og, anc, represents the ISI due to channel distortion. The ISI tema is a random variable which takes the values, —}, 0, 3 with probabilities 4, $1, respectively. Determine the average probability « of ertor as a function ofe2. 8.3 In a binary PAM system, the clock that specifies the sampling of the correlator output is offset from the optimum sampling time by 10%. 1, Ifthe signal pulse used is rectangular, determine che oss in SNR dc tori mistiming. 4 2, Determine the mount of intersymbol interference introduced by the mists iming and determine its effect on performance. 8.4 The elements of the sequence {a,}#%.., arc independent binary random variable taking values of +1 with equal probability. This data sequence is used to modulat the basic pulse g(r) shown in Figure P-8.4(a). The modulated signal is te0 XO = YS angle aT) 1. Find the power-spectral density of X(r)- 2. If gx(t) (shown in Figure P-8.4(b)] is used instead of g(+), how would the power spectrum in part 1 change? % 3. In part 2, assume we want to have e null in the spectrum at f = is done by a precoding of the form by == a, + @a,-1. Find « that provide the desired null. 4, Is it possible to employ a precoding of the form by = a, + 30% oan ~1 for some finite 17 such thet the final power spectrum will be identical to zerofor: gk f.. 8.7 Consider a foursphase PSK signal thet is represented by the equivalent lowpass signal. vu) = age ~ aT) where @, takes on one of the four possible values #121 with equal probatility The sequence of information symbols (a) is statistically independent 1. Determine and sketch the power-spectral density of u(#) when A, OStsT 8 = Yo, otherwise 2. Repeat part 1 when Asin, O eae sl 0 otherwise 3. Compare the spectra obtained in parts 1 and2in terms of the 3-B bandwidth © and the bandwidth to the first spectral null. / 88 Starting with the definition of the transition probability matrix for delay modula tion given in Examuple 8.5.11, demonstrate that the relation spn holds and, heace, PH = pn ket i 8.9 The frequency-response characteristic of a lowpass channel can be approximated by _ fttaces2rfio, jai 0, consists of a rectangular function plus an arbitrary odd function about f = 1/27 and ‘Im[X(f)] is any arbitrary oven function about f == 1/27. ‘A voice-band telephone channel has a passband characteristic in the frequency range 300 acer KI) eo where the signal interval Ty no ISL 1/2. Thas, the symbol rate is double of that for’ 1. Determine the ISI values at the output of a matched-filter demodulator, 2, Sketch che trellis for the ML sequence detector and label the states. 8.29 A binary antipedel signal is transmitted over 2 nonideal bandlimited channel, ‘which introduces ISI over two adjacent symbols. For an isolated transmitted signal pulse s(¢), the (ncise-free) output of the demodulator is ~/E, att = T, V&/4 att = 27, at zero for t = kT, F > 2, where & is the signal energy and T is the signaling interval. J, Detecmine the average probability of error assuming that the 1wo signals are equally probable and the additive noise is white and Gaussian, 2. By plotting the error probability obteined in part 1 and that for the case of no ISI, determine the relative difference in SNR of the error probability of 10-8, 8.30. Show that the covariance matrix C for the noise at the output of the matched filter for the duobinary pulse is given by Equation (8.5.25). 8.31 As indicated in Section 8.5.1, the running digital sum (RDS) is defisied as the difference between the total number of accumulated zeros and the total number.” of accumulated ones in a sequence. If the RDS is limited to the range =2.< RDS <2 determine the state transition matrix and the capacity of the corresponding code. 8.32 Determine the capacity of a (0, 1) runlength-limited code. Compare its capacity with that of 2 (1, 00) code and explain the relationship. 8.33 A temary signal format is designed for achannel that does not pass dc. The binary input information sequence is transmitted by mapping a 1 into either a positive pulse ora negative pulse, and azerois transmitted by the ebsence of e pulse. Hence, for the transinission of 1’s, the polarity of the pulses alternate. This is called an AMI (altemate mark inversion) code. Determine the capacity of the code. 8.34 Give an alternative description of the AMI code described in Problem 8.33 using the RDS with the constraint that the RDS can take only the values O and -+1. 8.35 (kBnT codes) From Problem8.33 wenote thet the AMI code is a“‘psendotecnary” code in that it transmits one biv/symbol using a ternary alphabet, which has the capacity of log,3 = 1.58 bits. Such a code does not provide sufficient spectral shaping. Better spectral shapingis achieved by the class of block codes designated as kBnT, where k denotes the number of information bits and n denotes the number of ternary symbols/block. By selecting the largest k possible for each n, aaa sie we obiain the table shown below. Code 1BIT 3B2T 4B3T BAT Determine the efficiency of these codes by computing the ratio of the rate of the code in bits/symbol divided by log23. Note that 1BIT is the AMI code. 8.36 This problem deals with the capacity of two (d, 1) codes. aawH & eH Ss 1. Determine the capacity of a (d, ) code thathas the following state transition matrix: 1 0 i 3. Comment on the differences between parts 1 and 2, 8.37 A simplified model ofthe telegraph code consists of two symibols (Blahut, 1990) A dot consists of one time unit of line closure followed by one time unit of line ‘open. A dash consists of three units of line closure followed by one time unit of line open. JL If we view this code as a constrained code with symbols of equal duration, give the constraints. 2, Determine the state transition matrix. 3, Determine the capacity. 8.38 Determine the state transition matrix for the runlength-constrained code described by the state diagram shown in Figure P-8.38. Sketch the comesponding trellis. FigureP-8.38 me Jimited code specified by 8.39 Determine the transition matrix for the (2, 7) runlengtt the state diagram shown in Figure P-8.39. ae a sh ‘onse characteristics for the RC circuit shown in 8.40 Determine the frequency resp¢ Figure P-.40. Also determine the expression for the envelope deley. Figure P-£.40 841 Consider the RC lowpass filer shown in Figure P-8.40 where * = RC = ws, & : 1 Determine end aketch the eavelope (group) delay ofthe fiter es function J of frequency (sce Problem 2.57). a 2, Suppose that the input to the filter isa lowpass signal ofbandwidth Af =1 EHr. Determine the effect of the RC filter on tis signal. 3 % 842. A microwave radio channel hes # frequency response C(f) =1+03 00s 2a fT Determine the frequency-response characteristic for the optimum transmitting aad taveiving filters that yild zero ISI at are of 1/7 eymbolslsec end have a Soe excess bandwidth, Assume that the additive noise spectram is fat 43M a4 PAM modulation is used for transmitting ata bitrate of 9600 bits/ses on a channel having a frequency respons? cw l+J 26 I] $ 2400, and C({) = 0, otherwise, The additive nose i zero-mean white Gaussian with power-spectral density ‘M4 W/Hlz. Determine the (magnitude) fre- 2 quency response characteristic of the optimum ‘transmitting and receiving filters. “= 8.44 Binary PAM is used to transmit information over an unequelized linear filter channel. When a = 1 is transmitted the noise-ftee output of the demoduletor is 03, m=1 _)03, m=0 %m= 103, m= -1 0, otherwise 1. Design a three-tap zero-forcing linear equalizer so that the output is _fl, m=0 m=O, matt 2, Determine gq for m = ++2, +3, by convolving the impulse response of the equalizer with the channel response. 8.45 The transmission of a signal pulse witha raised cosine spectrum througha channel results in the following (noise-free) sampled output from the demodulator: 1. Determine the tap coefficients of a three-tap linear equalizer based on the zero-forcing criterion, 2. For the coefficients determined in part 1, determine the output of the equal- izer for the case of the isolated pulse, Thus, determine the residual IST and its span in time. 8.46 Show that the gradient vector in the minimization of the MSE may be expressed as Be = ~Eleeyed whore the error ¢ = ay — za, and the estimate of ge: ie., he = —enye satisfies the condition that E[&] = ge. 8.47 A nonideal bandlimited channel introduces IST over three successive symbols, The (noise-free) response of the matched filter demodulator sampled at the sampling time 1 = KT is [-ses0-mar= 1. Determine the tap coefficients of a three-tap linear equalizer thet equilizes. = the channel (received signal) response to an equivalent partial response (Guobinary) signal | nde aff. k=01 Y= 10, otherwise 2. Suppose that the linear equalizer in part 1 is followed by a Viterbi sequence “9 detector for the partial response signal. Give an estimate of the error proba. bility if the additive noiseis white and Gaussian, with power-spectral density “3 No/2. WEE. 4 8.48 Determine the tap weight coefficients of a three-tap zero-forcing equalizer ifthe «2 ISL spans three symbols and is characterized by the values x(0) = 1, x(-1) = = 0.3, 2(1) = 0.2. Also determine the residual IST at the output of the equalizer for the optimum tap coafficients. 8.49 In LOS microwave radio transmission, the signal arrives at the receiver via two ‘propagation paths, the direct path and a delayed path that occurs due to signal reflection from surrounding terrain, Suppose that the received signal bas the form schisieisiacalaect r(t) =s() +as(¢-T) +n(1) where s(¢) is the transmitted signal, ¢ is the attenuation (« < 1) of the secondary path and (+) is AWGN. 1. Determine the output of the demodalatoratr = T'and¢ = 27 thatemployes a filter matched to s(). ‘ 2. Determine the probability of error for a symbol-by-symbol detector if the transmitted signal io binary antipodal and the detector ignores the IST 3. What is the error-rate performance of a simple (ore-tap) (DFE) that esti- mates a and removes the ISI? Sketch the detector structure that employs a ‘DFE. 8.50 Repeat Problem 8.48 using the MMSE as the criterion for optimizing the tap coeficients, Assume that the noise power spectrum is 0.1 W/Bz. 8.51 Ina magnetic recording channel, where the readback pulse resulting from a pos- itive transitioa in the write current bas the form (see Figure 8.17). PO=— aa 1+y linear equalizer is used to equalize the pulse to a partial response. The parameter Tyo is cefined as the width of the pulse at the 50%-amplitude level. The bit rate is 1/T, and the ratio of Tio/Ts = A is the normalized density of the recording. Suppose the pulse is equalized to the partial-response values 1, n=~41 x(XT) = 92, 2 0, otherwise where x(¢) represents the equalized palss shape. 1, Determine the spectrum X(f) of the bandlimited equalized pulse. 2. Determine the possible output levels at the detector, assuming that succes- sive transitions can oceur at the rato 1/7}. 3. Determine the error-rate performance of the symbol-by-symbol detector for this signal assuming that the additive noise is zero-mean Gaussian with ‘variance o?. 8.52 Sketch the trellis for the Viterbi detector of the equalized signal in Problem 8.51 and labelall the states. Also, determine the minimum Euclidean distance between merging paths. 8.53 (Carrierless QAM orPSK Modem) Consider the transmission of aQAM or M-ary PSK (M > 4) signal at a carrier frequency jc, where the carrier is comparable to the bandwidth of the baseband signal. The bandpass signal may be represented as 5@ =Re [= ang(t — nT) on 1. Show that s(¢) can be expressed as s() =Re [Saee -»n] where Q(¢) is defined ds OQ) = 4+) + 7402) a(t) = a(t)cos 2rfit 20) = g@)sin 2g and a}, is a phase rotated symbol, Lc., af = age!" 2. Using filters with responses q(t) and 4(t), sketch the block diagram of the modulator and demodulator implementation thet does not require the mixer to translate the signal to bandpass at the modulator and to baseband at the demodulator 8.54 (Carierless amplitude orphase (CAP) modulation) In some practical applications in wireline data transmission, the bandwidth of the signal to be transmitted ig’ comparable to the cartier frequency. In such systems, itis possible to eliminate the step of mixing the baseband signal with the cartier component. Instead, the | bandpass signal can be synthesized directly, by embedding the carrier component in the realization of the shaping filter. Thus, the modem is realized 2s shown in the block diagram in Figure P-8.54, where the shaping filters have the impulse "| responses (0) cos 27 fet ae) le) = gf) sin fet and g(t) is a pulse that has 2 square-root raised cosine spectral characteristic. 1. Show that fawema =o and that the system can be used to transmit two dimensfonel signals, e.g., <1 PSK and QAM. : 2. Undar what conditions is this CAP modem identical to the carrierless QAM/PSK madem treated in Problem 8-53? Shaping ‘ite Seial 5 Ped act ‘Tonner Me) tanete Shape filter BO @) Modulator Fier | comate of Dest ch L_30_| aad [ouput Received pl, (SEL ‘Signa Filter of | toseriat | Data consis | converter 30 4 Sample arakr ( Demodslator FigureP-4.54 CAPmoden, 8.55 Show that the sequence (x,, 0

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