Gre WL 09

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GRE Barrons WL-9

No. Word Root Meaning Word Meaning

1 champion ------- ------- support militantly
2 chaotic ------- ------- utter disorder
3 charisma ------- ------- divine gift
4 charlatan toponym pretender of knowledge
5 chary ------- ------- cautious
6 chase ------- ------- ornament a metal suface by denting
7 chasm ------- ------- abyss
8 chassis ------- ------- framework and working parts of an automobile
9 chaste castus pure pure
10 chasten castus pure correct by scolding
11 chastened castus pure humbled
12 chastise castus pure punish
13 chauvinist eponym blindly devoted patroit
14 check from Persion king check stop motion
15 checkered ------- ------- marked by changes in fortune
16 cherubic ------- ------- angelic
17 chicanery ------- ------- trickery
18 chide ------- ------- scold
19 chimerical Greek mythology highly unrealistic
20 chisel ------- ------- wedge like tool for cutting
21 chisel ------- ------- cheat
22 chivalrous caval horse courteous
23 choreography graphein write art of representing dance in an written form
24 chortle portmanteau chuckle with delight
25 chronic chrono time long established
26 chronicle chrono time report
27 churlish ------- ------- rude
28 ciliated cilia hair having minute hair
29 cipher ------- ------- worthless person
30 cipher ------- ------- secret code
31 circuitous circum across roundabout
32 circumlocution circum across unnecessarily wordy
33 circumscribe circum across limit narrowly
34 circumspect circum across cautious
35 circumvent circum across baffle
36 cistern ------- ------- water tank
37 citadel civis city fortress
38 cite ------- ------- quote
39 civil civis city having to do with citizen or state
40 clairvoyant clair clear having foresight
41 clamber ------- ------- climb by crawling
42 clamor clam shout noise
43 clandestine ------- ------- secret
44 clangor sound imitation noise
45 clapper ------- ------- striker of bell
GRE Barrons WL-9

46 clarion clair clear trumpet like sound

47 claustrophobia claus close fear of being locked in
48 clavicle clavis key collar bone
49 cleave ------- ------- split
50 cleft ------- ------- split
51 clemency clemens mercy mildness
52 cliché sound imitation phrase dulled in meaning by repetition
53 clientele ------- ------- body of customers
54 climactic ------- ------- relating to the highest point
surface of the
55 clime klima earth climate
56 clique ------- ------- small exclusive group
57 cloister claus close monastery
58 clout ------- ------- great influence
59 cloying ------- ------- distasteful
60 coagulate agere drive thicken
61 coalesce alere nourish combine
62 coalition alere nourish partnership
63 coda tail ------- concluding section of a musical composition
64 coddle calere warm pamper
65 codicil codex book supplement to the body of will
66 codify ------- ------- arrange
67 coercion ------- ------- use of force to get someone to obey
68 coeval aevum age living at the same time
69 cogent agere drive convincing
70 cogitate agere drive think over
71 cognate gnatus related related linguistically
72 cognitive gno to know having to do with knowing
73 cognizance gno to know knowledge
74 cohabit habere to live live together
75 cohere haerere stick stick together
76 cohesion haerere stick tendency to keep together
77 cohorts ------- ------- armed band
78 coiffure ------- ------- hairstyle
79 coin ------- ------- fabricate
happen by
80 coincidence cid chance chance occurrence
81 colander ------- ------- utensil with perforated bottom used for straining

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