Gre WL 11

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No. Word Root Meaning Word Meaning

1 conglomeration glomerulus ball mass of material sticking together
2 congruence gruere together harmonious relationship
3 congruent gruere together agreement
4 conifer ferre to carry pine tree
5 conjecture ject throw surmise
6 conjugal jugum marriage pertaining to marriage
7 conjure jur swear summon a devil
8 connivance ------- ------- pretense of ignorance of something wrong
9 connoisseur ------- ------- expert of art
10 connotation notare write suggested or implied meaning of an expression
11 connubial nubere marriage pertaining to marriage
12 consanguinity sang blood kinship
13 conscientious sci to know careful
14 conscript scribere write person forced into military service
15 consecrate sacr sacred dedicated
16 consensus sentire feelings general agreement
17 consequential sequ follow self important
18 conservaory servare to preserve school of fine arts
19 consign signus sign deliver officially
20 consistency sta stand absence of contradictions
21 console solari comfort lessen sadness
22 consolidation solidus firm unification
23 consonance sonos sound harmony
24 consort sors fate associate with
25 conspiracy spirare breathe treacherous plot
26 constituent sta stand supporter
27 constraint stringere bind compulsion
28 construe struere build explain
29 consummate summa highest point wholly without fault
30 contagion tangere touch infection
31 contaminate ------- ------- pollute
32 contempt temnere to despise disdain
33 contend tendere to stretch struggle
34 contention tenere to hold claim
35 contentious tenere to hold quarrelsome
36 contest testis witness dispute
writings preceding and following the passage
37 context texere weave quoted
38 contiguous agere to drive adjacent to
39 continence ------- ------- self restraint
40 contingent tangere to touch dependent on
41 contortions tort twist twistings
42 contraband contra opposite illegal trading
43 contravene venire to come contradict
44 contrite ------- ------- penitent
45 contrived ------- ------- forced

46 controvert vert turn opposed with arguments

47 contumacious ------- ------- disobedient
48 contusion ------- ------- bruise
49 conundrum ------- ------- riddle
50 convene venire to come assemble
51 convention venire to come social or moral custom
52 conventional venire to come ordinary
53 converge vert turn approach
54 conversant vert turn familiar with
55 converse vert turn opposite
56 convert vert turn one who has adopted a different religion
57 convex ------- ------- curving outward
58 conveyance ------- ------- transfer
59 conviction vincere to conquer judgement
60 convivial viva life festive
61 convoke voca speak call together
62 convoluted ------- ------- coiled around
63 copious copia abundance plentiful
64 coquette ------- ------- flirt
65 cordial cord heart gracious
66 cordon ------- ------- extended line of men to prevent egress
67 cornice corn horn projecting molding on a building
68 cornucopia Greek Mythology abundance
69 corollary ------- ------- consequence
70 corporeal corp body bodily
71 corpulent corp body fat
72 correlation latus brought mutual relationship
73 corroborate ------- ------- confirm
74 corrode ------- ------- destroy by chemical reaction
75 corrosive ------- ------- eating away by chemicals
76 corrugated ------- ------- wrinkled
77 cosmic cosmos universe pertaining to the universe
78 coterie cote cottage aa group that meets socially
79 countenance tenere to hold approve
80 countermand mandere command cancel
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