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GRE Barrons Word List 4

Word Root Meaning Word Meaning

1 apothegm ------- ------- pithy
apotheosis theo god elevation to Godhood
2 appall ------- ------- dismay
3 apparition ------- ------- ghost
4 appease ------- ------- pacify
5 appellation ------- ------- name
6 append pendere hang.weigh attach
7 application plica fold diligent attention
8 apposite ponere place appropriate
9 appraise ------- ------- evaluate
10 appreciate ------- ------- increase in value
11 apprehend prehendere to grasp perceive
12 apprehensive prehendere to grasp fearful
13 apprise ------- ------- inform
14 approbation probare test approval
15 appropriate proprius own acquire
16 appurtenances ------- ------- subordinate possessions
17 apropos ponere place to the point and timely
18 aptitude aptus fit fitness
19 aquiline aqus eagle hooked
20 arabesque ------- ------- a style of decoration
21 arable arabilis tree fit for growing crops
22 arbiter arbitr to judge judge
23 arbitrary arbitr to judge capricious
24 arbitrate arbitr to judge act as judge
place where different types of trees are grown
25 arboretum arbor tree and studied
26 arcade arcus curve a covered passageway
27 arcane ------- ------- secret
28 archaeology archae ancient study of artifacts and relics of earlier mankind
29 archaic archae ancient antiquated
30 archetype archae ancient primitive pattern
31 archipelago arch leader group of closely located islands
32 archives archae ancient public records
33 ardor ------- ------- passion
34 arduous ------- ------- hard
35 argot ------- ------- slang
36 aria ------- ------- operatic solo
37 arid ara land barren
38 aristocracy aristo wealthy hereditary nobility
39 armada arma weapon fleet of warships
40 aromatic ------- ------- fragrant
41 arraign ratio reason charge in court
42 array ------- ------- marshal
43 array ------- ------- adorn
GRE Barrons Word List 4

44 arrears retro behind being in debt

45 arrest sta stand stop or check
46 arrhythmic ------- ------- lacking rhythm
47 arrogance rogatum question pride
48 arroyo ------- ------- gully
49 arsenal ------- ------- storage place for military equipment
50 artful artis skill cunning
51 articulate artis skill effective
52 artifact artis skill object made by human beings
53 artifice artis skill deception
54 artisan artis skill manually skilled worker
55 artless artis skill without guile
56 ascendancy scandere climb controlling influence
57 ascetic ------- ------- practicing denial
58 ascribe scribere write refer
59 aseptic sepsis poison preventing infection
60 ashen ------- ------- ash coloured
61 asinine assinus ass stupid
62 askance ------- ------- with a sideways or indirect look
63 askew ------- ------- crookedly
64 asperity asper rough sharpness
65 aspersion asper rough slanderous remark
66 aspirant spirare breathe sneeker after position or status
67 aspire spirare breathe seek to attain
68 assail ------- ------- assault
69 assay ------- ------- analyse
70 assent sentire feelings agree
71 assert ------- ------- state strongly
72 assessment sidere sit estimation
73 assiduous sidere sit diligent attention
74 assimilate simil similar absorb
75 assauge suavis sweet pacify
76 assumption sumere to take something taken for granted
77 assurance cura take care of promise
78 asteroid aster star small planet
79 astigmatism stigma a mark an eye defect that prevents proper focus

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