Computation of Potential Flow Around Circular Cylinder

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Computation of Potential Flow around Circular

Cylinder By Finite Element Method


S. M. Rashidul Hasan
Student No: 0112013

A Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
at the
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)
MAY 2007

Signature of the Author _______________

Certified by ________________________ Associate Professor Dr. Shahjada Tarafdar

Thesis Supervisor

Computation of Potential Flow around Circular
Cylinder By Finite Element Method
S. M. Rashidul Hasan

Submitted to the Department of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Naval
Architecture & Marine Engineering


This thesis presents the Galerkin method for calculating the potential flow around the
circular cylinder partially submerged in water. Galerkin method is used to formulate a
sequence of potential problems that are solved using a Finite Element method.

The governing equations for the calculation of the stream and potential functions are
derived mathematically, where the theory developed here is for a crude discretization of
the cylindrical body. The velocity and pressure distributions on or above the cylinder
have been calculated for both stream and potential functions and shown graphically for
further analysis.


First of all, I would like to say thanks to the ALL MIGHTY ALLAH for his divine help
in completing this thesis. I am grateful to my parents, who have created my base of this
level, and without their inspiration and guidance, I could not be at this stage now.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my thesis supervisor, Dr. Shahjada

Tarafder, Associate Professor of the department of Naval Architecture & Marine
Engineering, BUET for his constant support during the production of this thesis, without
whose continuous supervision, help, suggestions, inspiration, this thesis may not be

I am very much grateful to all of my friends, especially Md. Mukammilur Rahman, Md.
Touhidul Islam, Tayebul Islam, Md. Monjurur Rahman; those helped and supported me a
lot for bringing out this thesis. I also want to pay thanks to all of those people, who have
helped me that I have not mentioned here.

Notation 6
List of Figures 8

Chapter 1 9
1.1 History and Motivation 9
1.2 Finite Element Method 10

Chapter 2 11
Confined Flow Around a Circular Cylinder
2.1 Stream Function Formulation 12
2.2 Formation of the Applied Boundary Condition 12
2.3 Stream Function Calculation 12
2.4 Calculation of ANM For All Elements 14
2.5 Velocity Potential Function Formulation 20
2.6 Formation of the Applied Boundary Condition 20
2.7 Potential Function Calculation 21

Chapter 3 24
Result and Discussion 24
3.1 Stream Function 24
3.2 Velocity Potential Function 25
3.3 Error Analysis 26

Chapter 4
Conclusion 28

References 42
Appendix A 43
Development of the Finite Element Equation 43
Appendix B 44
The Assembly of the Element Matrices 44
Appendix C 47
Modification of the Global Finite Element Equations
for the Boundary Conditions 47
Appendix D 50
Velocity Calculation 50
Appendix E 51
Formation of the Flux vector, FN 51
Appendix F 54
Output of the Program for Calculating Stream and
Velocity Potential Function 54


U The Fluid Velocity in the Flow Field

Ω Domain
u ,u The Velocity Components
φ Potential Function
Ψ Stream Function


n Direction to the Normal of the Surface

a-b-c-d-e-f-g The boundary points of the domain
ΨN Nodal value of Ψ
ΦN Interpolation function
ΨA Stream function value at point A
ΨB Stream function value at point B
The Interpolation Function Corresponding to the Boundary
Flux or the Normal Gradient of the Stream Function
A Area of the Element
x1,x3, x2 x Coordinates of the Elementary Triangle
y1,y2, y3 y Coordinates of the Elementary Triangle
N Total Number
ε Residual Value
x Horizontal Direction
y Vertical Direction
ANM The Coefficient Matrix
FN The Flux Vector
Γ Surface on the Domain
F The Total Number of Nodes
E The Total Number of Elements
( e)
∆ Να The Boolean matrix

Ωe Local Element
G The Total Number of Nodes in the Global Domain of Study
Vx Velocity at x

List of Figures
2.1 Flow Around a Circular Cylinder 29
2.2 The Applied Boundary Conditions on the Domain 29
2.3 Finite Element Discretization for Stream Function Calculation for
Flow around the Circular Cylinder 30
2.4 Crude Discretization 30
2.5 Local and Global Nodes for Elements 1 and 2 31
2.6 Local and Global Nodes for Elements 3 and 4 31
2.7 Local and Global Nodes for Elements 5 and 6 32
2.8 Local and Global Nodes for Elements 7 and 8 32
2.9 Local and Global Nodes for Elements 9 and 10 33
2.10 The Applied Boundary Conditions on the Domain 33
3.1 Stream Function Contours 34
3.2 Velocity Distributions along the Vertical Line above the Crest of Cylinder 34
3.3 Finite Element Discretization for Potential Function Calculation
for Flow around the Circular Cylinder 35
3.4 Velocity Potential Function Contour 35
3.5 Pressure Distributions on the Cylinder 36
3.6 Velocity Profile along Cylinder 36
3.7 Velocity Profile on Crest above Cylinder 37
3.8 Stream Function together with the Velocity Potential
Function, Intersecting themselves Perpendicularly 38
C1 Neumann Boundary Conditions 39
D1 Flow Around a Cylinder. (A) Entire Domain (B) Quadrant ψ Boundaries
(C) Upper Half ψ Boundaries 40
E1 Boundary Velocities for Potential Boundary Conditions 41

Chapter 1

1.1 History and Motivation

The finite-element method originated from the needs for solving complex elasticity,
structural analysis problems in civil engineering and aeronautical engineering. Its
development can be traced back to the work by Hrennikoff.A (1941).While the
approaches used by these pioneers are dramatically different, they share one essential
characteristic: mesh discretization of a continuous domain into a set of discrete sub-
domains. Hrennikoff's work discretizes the domain by using a lattice analogy while
Courant's approach divides the domain into finite triangular sub regions for solution of
second order elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs) that arise from the problem of
torsion of a cylinder. Courant's contribution was evolutionary, drawing on a large body of
earlier results for PDEs developed by Rayleigh, Ritz, and Galerkin. Development of the
finite element method began in earnest in the middle to late 1950s for airframe and
structural analysis and picked up a lot of steam at Berkeley in the 1960s for use in civil
engineering. An analysis of The Finite Element Method, and has since been generalized
into a branch of applied mathematics for numerical modeling of physical systems in a
wide variety of engineering disciplines, e.g., electromagnetism and fluid dynamics.

The main difficulties of the requirements of using the method for the fluid dynamical
problems are because of the requirement to solve Neumann boundary condition for an
inviscid flow problem, and Dirichlet boundary condition in a fourth order partial
differential equation with the stream function.

The development of the finite element method in structural mechanics is often based on
an energy principle, e.g., the virtual work principle or the minimum total potential energy
principle, which provides a general, intuitive and physical basis that has a great appeal to
structural engineers.

1.2 Finite Element Method

Mathematically, the finite element method (FEM) is used for finding approximate
solution of partial differential equations (PDE) as well as of integral equations such as the
heat transport equation. The solution approach is based either on eliminating the
differential equation completely (steady state problems), or rendering the PDE into an
equivalent ordinary differential equation, which is then solved using standard techniques
such as finite differences, etc.

In solving partial differential equations, the primary challenge is to create an equation

that approximates the equation to be studied, but is numerically stable, meaning that
errors in the input data and intermediate calculations do not accumulate and cause the
resulting output to be meaningless. There are many ways of doing this, all with
advantages and disadvantages. The Finite Element Method is a good choice for solving
partial differential equations over complex domains (like cars and oil pipelines), when the
domain changes (as during a solid state reaction with a moving boundary), or when the
desired precision varies over the entire domain. For instance, in simulating the weather
pattern on Earth, it is more important to have accurate predictions over land than over the
wide-open sea, a demand that is achievable using the finite element method.

Chapter 2
Confined Flow around a Circular Cylinder

The irrotational flow of an ideal fluid about a circular cylinder, placed with its axis
perpendicular to the plane of the flow between two long horizontal walls as shown in
Figure 2.1, is to be analyzed using the finite element method.
The equation governing the flow is
-∇ U = 0 in Ω
where, U is the fluid velocity in the flow field. The velocity components u and v with
respect to the stream and velocity potential functions Ψ and φ can be expressed as

∂ψ ∂ψ
u= , v =−
∂y ∂y

∂φ ∂φ
u =− , v = − ∂y

Now the problem can be constructed by specifying the following boundary condition.
In either case, the velocity field is not affected by a constant term U. To determine the
constant state of the solution, which does not affect the velocity field, we arbitrarily set
the functions ψ and φ equal to zero (or a constant) on appropriate boundary lines. We
analyze the problem using both formulations. For both, symmetry exists about the
horizontal and vertical centerlines; therefore, only a quadrant of flow region is used as the
computational domain.

2.1 Stream Function Formulation

The problem of flow around a circular cylinder with respect to the stream function as
shown in Figure 2.2 can be defined by the Laplace equation
∂2ψ ∂2ψ
+ =0
∂x 2 ∂y 2

with the following boundary conditions:

(a) ψ = ψ (y) on ab
(b) ψ = 2 on bd
(c) =0 on dc
(d) ψ = 0 on agc

2.2 Formation of the Applied Boundary Condition

Τ he value of stream function ψ a at a particular point a is referenced as zero, we have

ψ b = 2 for the free stream velocity V x = 1, with values of ψ linearly varying from 0 to 2
between a-b and ψ = 2 between b-d as shown in Figure 2.2. Thus the ψ values can be
prescribed along the boundaries g-a-b-d to be imposed as Dirichlet boundary conditions.
All Neumann boundary conditions as calculated are zero (n1 =1, n2 = 0) along the
boundaries a-b and c-d

2.3 Stream Function Calculation

Choice of domains in the direction of flow is arbitrary, but the free stream velocity is
considered to prevail at distances sufficiently far from the cylinder. Triangular elements
and nodes are numbered in the shorter direction, rather than longer. Moreover, the
numbering does not zigzag but moves toward the same direction as shown in the Figure
2.3. These schemes reduce the adjacent nodes number differences to a minimum and
contribute to a narrowly banded matrix such that more stable and accurate solutions may
be obtained. Since the realistic discretization yields a large number of equations, let us
consider a crude approximation represented in Figure 2.4 for numerical demonstration

The stream function ψ is considered to vary linearly within an element and is related by
ψ = ψNΦN ( N = 1, 2, 3)

where, Ψ N is the nodal value of Ψ and Φ N is an interpolation function. The

interpolation function Φ N for the triangular element can be written as,
ΦN = a N + b N x + c N (2.1)
x 2y 3 − x 3y 2 x 3y1 − x 1y 3 x 1y 2 − x 2y1
a1 = a2 = a3 =
2A 2A 2A
y 2 − y3 y 3 − y1 y1 − y 2
b1 = b2 = b3 = (2.2)
2A 2A 2A
x3 − x2 x1 − x 3 x 2 − x1
c1 = c2 = c3 =
2A 2A 2A
with A, the area of the triangular element. The finite element equation is of the form of
ANMΨ M = FN (see Appendix-A) (2.3)
in which ANM and FN the are called the coefficient matrix and the flux vector
A NM = ∫ ΦN ,i ΦM ,i dΩ

and FN = ∫ ψ, i n i ΦN dΓ

Expanding the finite element equation (2.3) we obtain,

 1 1 AAA 1 ψ21 2 F1
 AAA  ψ  = F
2 2 1  2  3  2

 3 3 AAA 31 ψ23 3F3

A 11 = ∫ Φ1,i Φ1,i dΩ = ∫ ( Φ1,1Φ1,1 + Φ1, 2Φ1, 2 )dΩ

( ) (
= ∫ b12 + c12 dΩ = ∫ b12 + c12 dy dx dz )

For unit thickness perpendicular to the x-y plane, we obtain

A 11 = A( b12 + c12 ) (2.5)

All the other coefficients can be determined similarly and we have

 b12 + c12 b2b1 + c2c1 b3b1 + c3c1
 2 2

AN = MA b2b1 + c2c1 b2 + c2 b3b2 + c3c2 (2.6)

 b b + c c b b + c c b2 + c2 
 31 31 3 2 32 3 3 
To calculate ANM for all elements, it is necessary first to number the element nodes
arbitrarily but counterclockwise. The counterclockwise numbering of the element nodes
is required as the area A becomes negative in the equation 2.1 otherwise.

2.4 Calculation of ANM for All Elements

Element 1
The coordinate values of element 1 and 2, as shown in the Figure2.5, are
x1 = 0 x2 = 0 x3 = 2.5
y1 = 2 y2 = 1 y3 = 2
b1 = -0.4 b2 = 0 b1 = 0.4
c1 = 1 c2 = -1c3 = 0

 .14 5− .12 5− 0.2

AN 1 M=  − .12 5 .12 5 0 
 − 0.2 0 0.2

Element 2
x1 = 0 x2 = 2.5x3 = 2.5
y1 = 1 y2 = 1 y3 = 2
b1 = -0.4 b2 = 0.4 b3 = 0
c1 = 0 c2 = -1 c3 = 1

 0.2 − 0.2 0 
 
AN 2M=  − 0.2 .14 5− .12  5
 0 − .12 5 .12  5
Element 3
The coordinate values of element 3 and 4, as shown in the Figure2.6, are
x1 = 0 x2 = 2.5 x3 = 2.5
y1 = 1 y2 = 0 y3 = 1
b1 = -0.4 b2 = 0 b3 = 0.4
c1 = 0 c2 = -1 c3 = 1

 0.2 0 0.2

(AN )3M =  0 .12 5 − .12  5 
 − 0.2 − .12 5 1.4  5

Element 4
x1 = 0 x2 = 0 x3 = 2.5
y1 = 1 y2 = 0 y3 = 0
b1 = 0 b2 = -0.4 b3 = 0.4
c1 = 1 c2 = -1 c3 = 0

 1.2 5 − .12 5 0 
 
(AN )4M =  − 1.2 5 1.4 5 − 0.2
 0 − 0.2 0.2

Element 5
The coordinate values of element 5 and 6, as shown in the Figure2.7, are
x1 = 2.5 x2 = 3 x3 = 3.5
y1 = 2 y2 = 1.5 y3 = 2
b1 = -1 b2 = 0 b3 = 1
c1 = 1 c2 = -2 c3 = 1

 0.5 − 0.5 0
 
(AN )5 M=  − 0.5 1 − 0.5
 0 − 0.5 0.5
Element 6:
x1 = 2.5 x2 = 2.5 x3 =3
y1 = 2 y2 = 1 y3 = 1.5
b1 = -1 b2 = -1 b3 = 2
c1 = 1 c2 = -1 c3 = 0

 0.5 0 − 0.5

(AN )6 M=  0 0.5 − 0.5

 − 0.5 − 0.5 1 
Element 7
The coordinate values of element 7 and 8, as shown in the Figure2.8 are

x1 = 3 x2 = 3.5 x3 = 3.5
y1 = 1.5 y2 = 1.5 y3 = 2

b1 = -2 b2 = 2 b3 = 0
c1 = 0 c2 = -2 c3 = 2

 0.5 − 0.5 0

(AN )7 M=  − 0.5 1 − 0.5

 0 − 0.5 0.5
Element 8
x1 = 3 x2 = 3.5 x3 = 3.5
y1 = 1.5 y2 = 1 y3 = 1.5
b1 = -2 b2 = 0 b3 = 2
c1 = 0 c2 = -2 c3 = 2

 0.5 0 − 0.5
(AN )8 M=  0 0.5 − 0.5
 − 0.5 − 0.5 1 
Element 9
The coordinate values of element 9 and 10, as shown in the Figure2.9, are
x1 = 2.5 x2 = 3.5 x3 = 3
y1 = 1 y2 = 1 y3 = 1.5


b1 = -1 b2 = 1 b3 = 0
c1 = -1 c2 = -1 c3 = 2

 0.5 0 − 0.5

(AN )9 M=  0 0.5 − 0.5

 − 0.5 − 0.5 1 

Element 10:
x1 = 2.5 x2 = 2.5 x3 = 3.5
y1 = 1 y2 = 0 y3 = 1
b1 = -1 b2 = 0 b3 = 1
c1 = 1 c2 = -1 c3 = 0

 1 − 0.5 − 0.5

(AN )1 M = 0 − 0.5 0.5 0

 − 0.5 0 0.5
These element matrices are now to be assembled with the help of the following equation
Α αβ ψ β = Fα  (see Appendix-B)
A α β = ∑ A (NM
∆(Ne )α ∆(Me )β
e =1

and, Fα = ∑FN( e ) ∆(NM


with N, M = 1,2,3 and α, β = 1,2,……….10 . Since, the line 8-9-10 is the constant
streamline, we may set ψ = 0 along this line. Thus we must have ψ = 1 , at node 4
and ψ = 2 at nodes 1,2 and 3 as calculated from the equation D2 of Appendix-D.
These are the Dirichlet Boundary conditions. All the Neumann boundary conditions are
satisfied by setting ψ, ini = 0 or FN = 0 for the entire vertical boundary nodes. The
assembled global finite element equations (2.7) must now be modified for the boundary
conditions. Now we can write using the method described at Appendix-C,

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ψ1 2 
0 1 0 0 0 0 ψ 
 0  2
2 
 
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ψ3
 2 
     
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ψ
 4 = 1  (2.8)
 0 0 0 0 4.9 − 1 0 ψ   2.5+ 0.4
     
0 0 0 0 − 1 4 − 1 ψ6
 2+ 1 
0 0 0 0 0 − 1 2 ψ  1 
  
 7

Discarding the first four equations, we only need to solve

 4.9 − 1 0  ψ 5   2.9
 − 1 4 − 1  ψ  3 
   6  
= (2.9)

 0 − 1 2  ψ 7  1 
From the matrix above, we get the following equations,
4.9ψ 5 − ψ 6 = 2.9 (2.10)
−ψ 5 + 4 ψ 6 − ψ 7 = 3
−ψ 6 + 2 ψ 7 = 1
Solving the above equations, we get,
ψ 5 = 0.845

ψ 6 = 1.241
ψ 7 = 1.120
Since the stream function is assumed to be linear between the nodes, velocity is constant.
Therefore, we may use the formula as described in the Appendix-D
ψb − ψa
Vx = ( ) (2.13)
yb − ya

Putting the values of stream function for different points we get

(Vx)3-7 = 1.76
(Vx)7-10 = 2.24
(Vx)4-8 = 1
(Vx)9-10 = 0

where, ψ 1 = ψ 2 = ψ 3 =2
ψ 4 = 1 , ψ 5 = 0.845, ψ 6 = 1.241, ψ 7 = 1.12,
ψ 8 = ψ 9 = ψ 10 = 0

2.5 Velocity Potential Function Formulation

Calculation with the velocity potential formulation differs very slightly from those of
stream function formulation. The globally assembled coefficient matrix is identical. Only
the boundary conditions are different. The problem of flow around a circular cylinder
with respect to the stream function as shown in Figure 2.10 can be defined by the Laplace
∂2φ ∂2φ
+ =0
∂x 2 ∂y 2

with the following boundary conditions:

a) =1 on ab
b) =0 on bd
c) φ=0 on dc

d) =0 on agc

2.6 Formation of the Applied Boundary Condition

If the velocity function used in the finite element equations, the apparent boundary
conditions is that is constant along a-b and d-c (only a quadrant is used). The reference
values may be specified as Dirichlet conditions along d-c. However, the entrance face
subject to the Neumann condition of the type. The condition φ = constant along a-b need
not to be applied because the Neumann condition must be applied here to introduce the
input information. Along the boundaries b-d and a-g-c, the Neumann conditions φ ,ini =
Vini = 0 are automatically satisfied by setting
FN = 0.
If the entire upper- half domain is used, then = v x must also be applied along e-f.

2.7 Potential Function Calculation

For the problem of the potential function calculation shown in Figure 2.4, we may set φ
3 =φ 7 =φ 10 = 0, or any convenient number for a reference φ value. We now have the
Neumann boundary condition FN ≠ 0
FN = ∫ φ, i n i φ∗N dΓ =∫ v i n i φ∗N dΓ (See Appendix-E)

From the equation 2-35 with Vx = 1, Vy = 0, n1 = 1, n2 = 0, and l = 1 for boundaries 1-4
and 4-8, we obtain

l x1 V1
FN=   =  
2 1 21
(See Appendix-E)

For all other boundaries FN = 0 and thus the assembled input vector is of the form

 α = 1,2. . . . 1,.  .0. . . .

 E = 1,2. . . . 1,.  .0. . . .

Fα = ∑F
e =1
N ∆(Ne )α

 
1 1

Fα =  0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
 2 2 

Thus the global equations take the form

1.4 02. −− 120. 0. 0. φ51 0. 5
  
−0.2 4 0 . −12 .0 0. φ2 50. 5
0. 1.0 .0 − 50. 0 .φ3 0. 27
Because φ 3 =φ 7 =φ 10 =0, we may either zero the 3rd, 7th, and 10th rows and columns
with one’s at the diagonal or leave them out completely and solve the remaining 7× 7
equations. Thus the 7× 7 matrix becomes,

1.4−021. 0 . 0φ1 .5 5. 5
 
−0.24 −1.2 0 . φ2 0. 5 5
−1.20 9−0.4 120. φ4 1.0 5 5
  29
The equations are

1.45 φ 1 –0.2φ 2 –1.25φ 4 = 0.5

-0.2φ 1 + 2.45φ 2 –1.25φ 5 –φ 6 = 0
-1.25φ 1 +2.9φ 4 - 0.4φ 5 –1.25φ 8 = 1
-1.25φ 2 – 0.4φ 4 + 4.9φ 5 –φ 6 –1.75φ 9 = 0
-φ 2 – φ 5 + 4φ 6 = 0 (2-20)
-1.25φ 4 +1.45φ 8 –0.2φ 9 = 0.5 (2-21)
-1.75φ 5 – 0.2φ 8 +1.95φ 9 = 0

Solving the above equations, we get

φ 1 = 3.787, φ 2 = 1 .204, φ 3 = 0 , φ 4 = 3 .841, φ 5 = 1 .261,
φ 6 = 6 .161, φ 7 = 0 , φ 9 = 1 .49, φ 1 0 = 0
From these values, the average x-velocity between the nodes 6 and 7 is calculated as
φ6 − φ7 6.161 − 0
(Vx)6-7 = = = 1.2322
x6 − x7 0 .5

Chapter 3
Result and Discussion

According to the theory developed in chapter two, programs have been done using the
FORTRAN 90 language for the calculation of stream function and velocity potential
function and the output of the program, has been shown in the appendix-F. With the help
of the program, the stream and potential function contours, velocity and pressure of the
flow for all nodes have been calculated, those have been shown graphically bellow.

3.1 Stream Function

The program for stream function formulation has been developed for the discretization,
as shown in the Figure 2.3. The section has been subdivided into 100 elements and 67
nodes in the form of a triangle for the calculation of stream function. Calculation is
carried out for the one-fourth side of the circular cylinder, where the circle radius is a
unit. Total length and height have been taken 3.5 units and 2.0 units respectively and the
height above the cylinder is 1.0 unit. A uniform flow of 1unit length/sec is flowing from
the left side of the cylinder, as show in the Figure 2.3. The elements are taken in the form

of a triangular and for the convenience of discretization, thus the edge of the circle here
in this discretization may not appear as a circle.

Two curves has been drawn for stream function calculation, found from the output of the
program, namely stream function contours and velocity distribution. The velocities along
the vertical line above the crest of the cylinder calculated by the equation D2 of the

It is unfair to compare the results of the present example with the exact solution because
the problem has been solved for the flow around a circular cylinder without discretization
with the help of the interpolation function; rather it has been discretized linearly. The
curve will be farer, if the discretization has been done with the help of interpolation

Figure 3.1 shows us the stream function contours, in which the values have been plotted
in the y-axis against the x coordinate of the node The values of the stream function have
been started from 0.0 to 2.0 at the interval of 0.2. If we need the value of stream function
for other streamline against the x –axis, we can find that value by interpolating.

Figure 3.2 shows us the velocity diagram has been drawn against height of the flow point
above the cylinder, where the velocity is plotted in x-axis, and the height is plotted in the
y-axis. The value of velocities has been found here on the crest of the cylinder.

3.2 Velocity Potential Function

The program for the velocity potential function formulation has done for the
discretization as shown in the Figure 3.3. The section has been subdivided into 50
elements and 67 nodes in the form of a quadruple for the calculation of velocity potential
function. Calculation is done for the one-fourth side of the circular cylinder, where the
circle radius is a unit. Total length and height have been taken 3.5 units and 2.0 units

respectively and the height above the cylinder is 1.0 unit. A uniform flow of 1unit
length/sec is flowing from the left side of the cylinder, as show in the figure below. The
elements are taken in the form of a rectangle and for the convenience of discretization;
the edge of the circle here in this figure may not appear as a circle.

Figure 3.4 shows the velocity potential function contour. The potential function values
have started from 0.0 to 3.5 at the interval of 0.32. The other values of the velocity
potential function contour can be found by interpolating the two given contour here. The
contours of the velocity potential function are perpendicular to the streamline function

Figure 3.5 shows us the pressure distribution on the cylinder. The curve is drawn by the
nodal pressure values, found by calculation. The values of pressure is plotted in the x-axis
against the height, in the y-axis

Figure 3.6 shows the velocity profile along the cylinder. The curve is drawn by the nodal
values, found by calculation. The value of the velocity is plotted in the x-axis against the
height, in the y-axis.

The velocity profile on crest above cylinder is drawn in Figure 3.7. The curve is drawn by
the nodal values, found by calculation. The values of velocity is plotted in the x-axis
against the height, in the y-axis

As now we have drawn the stream function and velocity potential function contour, we
can now show that, the streamlines and velocity potential lines cut themselves
perpendicularly, as shown in the Figure 3.8.

3.3 Error Analysis

The results found by the above calculation may be compared with an approximate
analytical solution via the method of images.

ψ Formulation
 H πb 2πy 
 sinh 2 ( ) sin( )
 2 π H H 
ψ = Uy −  (3.1)
 2 πx 2 πy 
[cosh ( ) − cos ( )]

 H H 

 πb 2 πy 1 πb 2 πy 
 sinh 2 ( ) cos( ) sinh 2 ( ) sin 2 ( ) 
∂ψ ∂Φ N  H H 2 H H 
Vx = = ψ N = U 1 − +  (3.2)
∂y ∂y  cosh 2 ( πx ) − cos 2 ( πy ) [cosh 2 ( πx ) − cos 2 ( πy )]2 
 H H H H 

 πb 2 πy 1 πb 2 πy 
 sinh 2 ( ) cos( ) sinh 2 ( ) sin 2 ( ) 
∂ψ ∂Φ N  H H 2 H H 
Vy = − =− ψ N = U 1 − +  (3.3)
∂x ∂x  cosh 2 ( πx ) − cos 2 ( πy ) [cosh 2 ( πx ) − cos 2 ( πy )]2 
 H H H H 

φ Formulation

 πb 2πy 1 πb 2πy 
 sinh 2 ( ) cos( ) sinh 2 ( ) sin 2 ( )
Vx =
∂φ ∂Φ N
= φ N = U 1 − H H + 2 H H  (3.4)

∂x ∂x  cosh2 ( πx ) − cos2 ( πy ) [cosh2 ( πx ) − cos2 ( πy )]2 
 H H H H 

 πb 2πy 1 πb 2πy 
 sinh 2 ( ) cos( ) sinh 2 ( ) sin 2 ( )
Vy =
∂φ ∂ Φ N
= φ N = U 1 − H H + 2 H H  (3.5)

∂y ∂y  cosh2 ( πx ) − cos2 ( πy ) [cosh2 ( πx ) − cos2 ( πy )]2 
 H H H H 

in which x and y are the coordinates with origin at the centers of the cylinder, b is the
radius and H is the vertical distance between the two plates

Chapter 4

The objectives of this paper were met with mixed success. In this case, a decent result
was obtained for stream function contour, velocity distributions along the vertical line
above the crest for stream function, velocity potential function contour, pressure
distribution on the cylinder, velocity profile along the cylinder, velocity profile on crest
above cylinder.

Generally, the accuracy of the finite element solution is expected to improve with finer
mesh and higher order interpolation functions. Irregular mesh configurations with needle-
like elements contribute to deterioration of the accuracy.


Figure 2.1 Flow around a Circular Cylinder


ψ( y) ψ
ψ( y)
ψ( y)

0 ψ

Figure 2.2 The Applied Boundary Conditions on the Domain

Figure 2.3 Finite Element Discretization for Stream Function Calculation

for Flow around the Circular Cylinder

Figure 2.4 Crude discretization

Figure 2.5 Local and Global Nodes for Elements 1 and 2

Figure 2.6 Local and Global Nodes for Elements 3 and 4

Figure 2.7 Local and Global Nodes for Elements 5 and 6

Figure 2.8 Local and Global Nodes for Elements 7 and 8

Figure 2.9 Local and Global Nodes for Elements 9 and 10




= ∂



0 ∂
φ =


Figure 2.10 The Applied Boundary Conditions on the Domain

ψ = 2 .0

ψ = 1 .6

ψ = 1 .2

ψ = 0 .8

ψ = 0 .4

ψ = 0 .0

Figure 3.1 Stream Function Contours

Figure 3.2 Velocity Distributions along the Vertical Line above the Crest of Cylinder

Figure 3.3 Finite Element Discretization for Potential Function Calculation

for Flow around the Circular Cylinder


Figure 3.4 Velocity Potential Function Contour

Figure 3.5 Pressure Distributions on the Cylinder






0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Figure 3.6 Velocity Profile along Cylinder




0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Figure 3.7 Velocity Profile on Crest above Cylinder

ψ = 1. 2
ψ = 1 .6
ψ = 2. 0
ψ = − 1. 2
ψ = − 0 .8
ψ = − 0 .4
ψ = 0 .0
ψ = 0. 4
ψ = 0 .8
ψ = − 2. 0
ψ = − 1. 6

Figure 3.8 Stream Function together with the Velocity Potential Function,
Intersecting Themselves Perpendicularly Boundary Conditions

u,i ni

(e ) l ∗ (e )
F = gΦ ( s ) ds
N (b) ∫ n

θ θ

Figure C1 Neumann Boundary Conditions


ψ =2

ψ = ψy)(

ψ = ψy)(

ψ =0

Figure D1 Flow around a Cylinder. (a) Entire Domain (b) Quadrant ψ Boundaries
(c) Upper Half ψ Β oundaries

N 1 = V 1 i ni



N 2 = V 2 i ni



Figure E1 Boundary Velocities for Potential Boundary Conditions


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Hrennikoff, A. (1941): Solution of problems of elasticity by the frame-work method,

ASME Journal, Applied Mechanics, Vol. 8, A619–A715.

Morse, P. M. and Feshbach H. (1953): Boundary Conditions and Eigen functions,

Chapter 6 in Methods of Theoretical Physics, Part I. New York: McGraw-Hill, pp. 495-
498 and 676-790

Reddy, J. N. (1993): An Introduction to the Finite Element Method, McGraw-Hill, Inc.


Vallentine H. R (1963): Applied Hydrodynamics, Butterworth & Co. Limited.

Appendix –A
Development of the Finite Element Equation

In the potential flow problem, either stream functions or velocity potentials are
calculated. Velocity distributions then follow from
Vi = εij ψj (A1)
The stream function ψ may be approximated from the Laplace equation within a finite
element in the form
ψ = ΦN ψN (A2)
with N = 1, 2, 3…….r (r is the total number of nodes in the elements). Let the residual be
equated to a residual ε . Then we have
∇2 ψ = ε ( A2)
Let us now consider an orthogonal projection of the residual space (equation A2), onto a
subspace spanned by the interpolation function φ Ν acting as weighting function in the
sense of Galerkin. This process is represented by
( ε, ΦN ) = ∫ ψ, ii ΦN dΩ =0 (A3)

Using Green-Gauss theorem in the equation A3, we get,

∫ ψ,

i n i Φ∗N dΓ − ∫ ψ, i ΦN ,i dΓ

 
∫ΦN ,i ΦM ,i dΩψM = ∫ψ, i n i Φ∗
N dΓ (A4)
Ω  Γ

where, ΦN is the interpolation function corresponding to the boundary flux or the
normal gradient of the stream function. Using the simplified notations, we write
ANMΨ M = FN (A5)
in which ANM and FN the are called the coefficient matrix and the flux vector

A NM = ∫ ΦN ,i ΦM ,i dΩ and FN = ∫ ψ, i n i Φ∗N dΓ

The assembly of the element matrices

Consider the second order partial differential equations of the form:

∇2 u + f = 0 in Ω (B1)
u=0 on Γ 1 (B2a)
u = u0 on Γ 2 (B2b)
=0 on Γ 3
=g on Γ 4
Recall that equation (B2) and (B3) are Dirichlet (essential) and Neumann (natural)
boundary conditions, respectively. Using index notations, we re-write equation (B1) as
u,ii + f = 0 (B4a)
and the normal derivative takes the form
= u, i n i
where i = 1,2 for two-dimensional problems and i = 1,2,3 for three dimensional problems,
and ni denotes the component of a vector normal to the boundary surface.
The local and global interpolation functions Φ N(e) and Φ α for the variable u are related
u ( e ) = Φ (Ne ) , u N( e ) (B5a)
u = ∑ u ( e ) = ∑ Φ (Ne ) u N( e ) = ∑ Φ (Ne ) ∆(Ne )α uα
e =1 e =1 e =1

or, u = Φα uα

Φ α = ∑ ∆(Ne )α Φ (Ne )
e =1

where N = 1,2,3…………..F and α =1,2……….G with F = the total number of nodes in
a local element Ω e and G = the total number of nodes in the global domain of study (Ω ),
( e)
E is the total number of elements and ∆ Να is the Boolean matrix.
If approximations of equation B5 are inserted into B4, then B4 may not be satisfied. Thus
we introduce residual ε such that
U,ii + f = ε
The Galerkin finite element equation takes the form
(ε , Φα ) = ∫ (u

,ii + f )Φα dΩ = 0

Integrating by parts yields

(ε, Φα ) = ∫ u,
i n i Φ∗α − ∫ ( u , i Φα,i − fΦα )dΩ


= ∫ gΦ∗α (s)dΓ − ∫ (Φα,i Φβ,i dΩ)u β + ∫ fΦαdΩ = 0


Here the interpolation function φα ∈ Ω , which interpolates u in, Ω changes its role on
the boundaries. Namely, by virtue of the Green-Gauss theorem, the variation of g = u,ini
is to be interpolated along the boundary surface Γ , not within the domain Ω . Thus
φ α ( x) is changed to φ α (s), which regard as an interpolation function for u,ini.
∗ ( e)
The local boundary interpolation function ΦΝ is related by
Φα∗ ( s ) = ∑ ∆(Ne )α Φ ∗N( e ) ( s )
e =1

It should be noted that the indices α and N refer only the boundary nodes and the

summation ∑ e =1
also involves only boundary surface elements. An example of ΦΝ
∗ ( e)
( s)

for a linear variation of g = u,ini between the two boundary nodes in two dimensional
problems may taken as

s s
Φ ∗N( e ) = 1 − , N = 1,2
l l
Where l is the length of the boundary line within an element. With these in mind and in
view of equation (B5c), we obtain global finite element equations

A αβu β = Fα (Β7)
Where, A α β = ∑ A NM k∆ Nα ∆ Mβ
(e) (e) (e)
e =1

Fα = ∑FN( e ) ∆(NM
e =1

A (NM = ∫Φ Φ(Me ),i dΩe

e) (e)

N ,i

FN( e ) = ∫ fΦ dΩ + ∫ fΦ∗N( e ) dΓe

N (B9b)
Ωe Γe

Equation B6 can be replaced by

(ε( e ) , Φ(Ne ) ) = ∫ (u , +f ( e ) )Φ(Ne ) dΩe = 0

Proceeding similarly, we obtain

∗ (e)

∫ u, i n i ΦN − ∫ (u, ,(ie ) ΦN ,i − fΦ N )dΩe = 0


Γe Ωe

In view of equation B5 we arrive at the local finite element equations as

u (Me ) = FN( e )

The equation B10 can be written in the form
Α αβ ψ β = Fα
where, A α β = ∑ A NM ∆ Nα ∆ Mβ
(e) (e) ( e)

e =1

and, Fα = ∑FN ∆NM

(e) (e)

Appendix –C
Modification of the Global Finite Element Equations
for the Boundary Conditions

According to the Galerkin methods, the natural boundary conditions automatically appear
in the resulting local finite element equation in the form
FN( e()b ) = ∫ u , i n i Φ∗N( e ) dΓ = ∫ gΦ∗N( e ) dΓ

For two-dimensional problems, this integral takes the form as
FN( e()b ) = ∫ gΦ∗n( e ) (s)ds

which has schematically shown in the Figure C1
If g = u,ini = 0 , then this boundary integral is simply dropped. For the case of ideal flow
(Laplace equation), u is the velocity potential φ , and we have φ ,ini = Vini
representing the velocity normal to the boundary surface or prescribed free stream

Often in the boundary value problems, there are instances in which the Dirichlet and
Neumann boundary conditions are combined at the same location. For example, in the
heat transfer problems with a resistance layer on the boundary, we may specify
u , i n i + αu = −q (C3)
This is referred to as Cauchy boundary condition and can be handled by substituting

u,ini = -α u - q into equation C1

Since calculating equation C1 and C2 as a part of the finite element equations

automatically satisfies the Neumann boundary conditions, we describe below how to
impose Dirichlet boundary conditions by modifying the global equation. To ward this
end, let us consider global equations of the type.
Aijuj = Fi I,j = 1,2,…………………n (C4)
With n being the total number of nodes in the entire domain of study Ω . Let us take the
4× 4 equations given by

 A1 1 A1 2 A1 3 A1 4  u 1   F1 
A   
A2 2 A2 3 A2  4  u 2  F 
 21 =  2 (C5)
 A3 1 A3 2 A3 3 A3 4  u 3   F3 
     
 A4 1 A4 2 A4 3 A4  4  u 4   F4 
Assuming that the given boundary conditions requires u2 = 0. Substituting u2 = 0 into
equation C5 and replacing the second equation by u2 = 0, we obtain

 A1 1 0 A1 3 A1 4   u1   F1 
0 1  u  0 
 0 0   2  
= (C6)
 A3 1 0 A3 3 A3 4  u3   F3 
     
 A4 1 0 A4 3 A4 4  u4   F4 
It is quite obvious that the values of u1, u3, u4 are not affected if we strike out the second
row and second column and write

 A1 1 A1 3 A1  4  u 1   F1 
A A A   u  F 
 3 1 3 3 3 4  3   3
= (C7)

 A4 1 A4 3 A4  4  u 4   F4 
We may now solve either equation 6 and equation 7. A set of equations can also be
modified if u2 is not zero but u2 = a. The same operations as above lead to

 A1 1 0 A1 3 A1 4   u1   F1 − A1 a2 
0 1 u 
 0 0   2
a 
 
= (C8)
 A3 1 0 A3 3 A3 4  u3   F3 − A3 a2 
     
 A4 1 0 A4 3 A4 4  u4   F4 − A4 a2 

Once again, if desired, the second equation may be discarded such that

 A1 1 A1 3 A1  4  u1   F1 − A1 a2 
A A A  u   F − A a
 3 1 3 3 3 4  3   3 3 2
= (C9)

 A4 1 A4 3 A4  4  u4   F4 − A4 a2

Appendix –D
Velocity Calculation

Because of the symmetry as shown in the Figure D1 below, the quadrant a-b-c-d-e-f-g is
used. By inspection we note that the boundaries a-g-c and b-d are streamlines and they
are constants. For the purpose of reference, let ψ = 0 along a-g-c. Since the input free
stream velocity is constant along a-b, we may set
ψB yb

∫ dψ = ∫ Vx dy
ψA ya

Integrating between the limits indicated, we obtain

ψb − ψa
Vx = (D2)
yb − ya

Since ψ a is referenced as zero, we have ψ b = 2 for the free stream velocity Vx = 1

with values of ψ linearly varying from 0 to 2 between a-b and ψ = 2 between b-d.
Thus the ψ values can be prescribed along the boundaries g-a-b-d to be imposed as
Dirichlet boundary conditions. All Neumann boundary conditions as calculated are zero
(n1 =1, n2 = 0) along the boundaries a-b and c-d.

If the free stream velocity is not constant but still perpendicular to the entrance face, then
the integral from equation 1 must be evaluated with Vx as a function of y. If the free
stream velocity is not perpendicular to the entrance face, then F, representing the
Neumann boundary conditions is nonzero. In both of these cases, the symmetry is no
longer maintained and the entire domain must be analyzed. Thus Dirichlet boundary
conditions such as ψ = 0 can be specified along either the top or bottom plate.

Appendix – E
Formation of the Flux vector, FN

Let us consider the inclined boundary nodes 1 and 2, as shown in the Figure E1.
Assuming that the velocity distribution between the two nodes is linear, for unit
thickness, we have the following equation of the flux vector,
l l
[ ]
FN = ∫ εij Vj n i Φ∗N ds = ∫ Vx cos( n , y) − Vy cos( n , x ) Φ∗N ds
0 0

In this case, FN vanishes regardless of the orientations of the boundary entrance surface.
Physically, FN represents the amount of flow parallel to the boundary surface. Obviously
such a flow quantity does not exist. For example parallel to the boundary entrance when
the incoming flow is perpendicular to the entrance.
For boundary velocities with variable magnitude and arbitrary angles to the entrance, we

s s
and φ2∗ = . Then

may approximate εji V j n i = εji φM Vj n i where φ1∗ =1 −

l l
l l
FN = ∫ ε ji Vj n i Φ∗N ds = ∫ ε ji Φ∗M V jM n i Φ∗N ds
0 0

or FN = ∫ (ΦM Vx n 2 − ΦM )ds
∗ M ∗

Integration gives

 Vn Vn
2 2
1 1 x2 y1
 Vn − Vn + − 
 F1  l  2 2 
x2 y1
FN =   = 1 (E3)

F 2 3 V1n Vyn1 2 2 
 − + Vxn2 − Vyn1

2 2 
Here the direction cosines n1 and n2 corresponds to the associated nodal velocity. When
the velocity potential is used, we have φ = ΦN φN .
Velocity distributions then follow from
Vi = φ ,i (for potential function)
The stream function φ may be approximated from the Laplace equation within a finite
element in the form
φ = ΦN φN . (E4)
with N = 1,2,3…….r (r is the total number of nodes in the element), Φ Ν are the
interpolation functions, and φ N are the nodal values of φ . Let the residual be equated to
a residual ε . Then we have
∇ 2φ = ε (E5)
Let us now consider an orthogonal projection of the residual space (equation E5), onto a
subspace spanned by the interpolation function Φ Ν acting as weighting function in the
sense of Galerkin. This process is represented by

(ε , Φ N) = ∫ Ω φ , iiΦ Ν dΩ = 0
Using Green-Gauss theorem in the equation E6, we get,

∫ ∫

φ , ini ΦN dΓ − φ , iΦ Ν ,i dΓ = 0

 
∫ΦN ,i ΦM ,i dΩφM =∫φ, i n i ΦN dΓ

or, (E7)
Ω  Γ

Here, ΦN is the interpolation function corresponding to the boundary flux or the normal
gradient of the stream function.
Using the simplified notations, we write

A NM φM = FM

Where, ANM and FN the are called the coefficient matrix and the flux vector respectively.
ANM = ∫ Ω Φ Ν i , Φ Μ,i dΩ

FN = ∫ φ, i n i Φ∗N dΓ
or , FN = ∫ Vi n i Φ∗N dΓ

It should be noted that Vi n i represents the component of the boundary velocities normal
to the surface as shown in the figure E1.Therefore, Vi ni may be approximated by

Φ∗M Vi N ni and we have

 Vn Vn 
1 1 x1 y2
F  V n + Vn + + 
x1 y2
1l 2 2
FN = ∫ Φ∗M ViM n i Φ∗N ds
o, FN =   = r  1  (E 1 0 )
F 2 3 V1n Vyn2 2 2 

 + + Vxn1+ Vyn2

2 2 

Appendix F

Output of the Program for Calculating Stream and Velocity Potential



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