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April 25,201.1
To Whom it MayConcern,
Ms. Katie Rohn has been working as a student intern in my fifth grade unit since the
beginningof the schoolyear. In that time she has demonstratedmany positivequalitiesand
abilitiesthat I believeare indicativeof an exceptionalteacher. Sheis a diligent,conscientious,
hard worker who relates extremelywell to staff, parents,and studentsalike, Lessonsare
thoroughlypreparedand presentedwith individualattentionbeing paid to both high and low
achievers.Her professionalism
is exhibitedin appearance,
and attitude
at meetings,extra-curricularfunctions,and in the classroom.Shehasconsistentlybeenorganized,
punctual,and dependable
carryingherselfwith a positive,unassuming
The studentsin my unit like and,more importantly,respectMs. Rohn. They were quick to
accepther as anotheradult leaderin the classroom.Shehasa comfortable,
about her when dealingwith the studentsand shegainedtheir trust very quickly.
Ms.Rohnworked hard to makeher lessonsmeaningfulto the students,willingly askingfor
adviceon ideasshewas planning.Any advicegivenwas taken seriouslyand sheusedit to become
a betterteacher.Shebecameadeptat modifyinglessons,
styleof presentation,
and assessments
meetthe needsof the studentsin a particularclass.
I believethat thereare somepeoplewho have"it". Mostteachershavesomecombination
of contentknowledge,personality,communication
skills,work ethic,and organizationin order to
in their job. But you know whenyou seethosewho alsohave"it". Theyare the ones
be successful
who were born to be educators.KatieRohnhas"it''.
I highlyrecommendthat you considerKatieRohnfor a positionin your organizationat any
elementaryor middleschoolgradelevel. Shewould definitelybe a very positiveadditionto your

Dan Feighner

2055 WASHINGTONFOAD. HOLT,Ml 48842. TEL: 517.699.0250. FAX:517.699.3438

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