HSBC Bankers Event With HH Radhanath Swami

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American Swami Startles 830 HSBC Bankers

It seemed as if time had paused on Thursday 7th April to witness an historical event where two
extreme ends of the world met for a fusion of the material to the spiritual. His Holiness Radhanath
Swami was invited as key note speaker on behalf of the Euro CEO of HSBC to address a large
gathering of high profile influential bankers along with the Group Manager of the Board on the
topic of universal equality.

Organised by the Vedic Society in HSBC, over 830 bankers congregated together at the global
headquarters of HSBC in Canary Wharf UK to explore the message of Holi – ‘The Festival of
Colours’ symbolising the message of universal equality despite being diverse materially. With a
presence in over 87 countries, managing in excess of $2.5 trillion, HSBC is amongst the top
universal banks, the largest listed company on the London Stock Exchange and according to Forbes
the eighth largest company in the world.

Ahead of the event, His Holiness was met by organiser Surinder Shandilya, chair of the Vedic
Society in HSBC for a private meeting with the Euro CEO, Managing Directors from various desks,
executives and invited VIPs from a wide spectrum of sectors including actors, surgeons, OBE’s,
food entrepreneurs and businesses.
Meeting high above in the tower of the Sandburg Room dedicated to the previous Chairman Sir
Michael Sandburg OBE, CBE (1977-1986), His Holiness extended his personal gratitude to the
Euro CEO, Mr Brian Robertson, for sponsoring the entire event. His Holiness praised the sponsor
as yet another brilliant initiative from HSBC to help heal the world from a corporation with mass
influence through sharing the celebration of universal equality.

After an hour of networking, one of the oldest bankers in the world, the Group General Manager of
the Board, Mr Zarir Cama personally escorted His Holiness reverentially to seats in the event hall.
Beginning with a 600 strong assembly, banking executives and VIPs were greeted following a
welcome address by the Head of Employee Engagement who then introduced the chair of the Vedic
Society as the MC for the event.

Mr Zarir Cama was invited on stage to open the event on the topic of Multi-culturalism in HSBC.
As the Group General Manager of the Board, Mr Zarir Cama owns one of the longest and most
extensive banking record of achievements globally.
Through his 43 years of achievements in HSBC, Mr Cama was the first Indian native to head the
Group’s operations as the former CEO of India. He was also the first Indian to head the Group’s
operations moving on as Deputy Chairman and CEO while in Malaysia. Amongst broader Asians
he was the first to hold a senior executive position. He accepted overall responsibility for the
Group’s Continental European business comprising of 19 countries. Amongst other leading roles,
his achievements have been recognised externally on a number of occasions. For example he was
the only foreign banker to have been honoured twice with the title Dato, only conferred in a
supernumerary and honorary capacity by a royal hereditary ruler.

The first occurred in July 2006 by being conferred with the Darjah Setia Pangkuan Negeri
(D.S.P.N.), which carries the title ‘Dato’, by the Governor of Penang. Then in April 2007 he was
conferred the Dato’ Paduka Mahkota Perak (D.P.M.P.) by the Sultan of Perak on the occasion of
His Majesty’s 79th Birthday. He continues to be an advisor to major financial markets,
governments and world leaders.

Speaking on Multi-culturalism in HSBC, Mr Cama reminded the audience of Holi’s deep spiritual
message which is much in need for the world today while the festival is full of entertainment.
Describing extensively how multiculturalism is at the forefront of HSBC, Mr Cama concluded with
the success of HSBC in embracing and implementing multi-culture in the very business. In
particular he highlighted the fact that HSBC has an entire banking department called Multicultural
In receiving a flower garland of honour, Mr Cama was appreciated on the floor and stage for
making the event high profile by his very presence. Through his participation to initiate the festival,
the vast efforts to put the event together were described as unlimitedly rewarding by the chair.

Reaching its peak with a headcount of 830, health and safety began to turn away additional guests
from the event hall. Stage entertainment began with live classical singing to echo the origin of the
festival. Historically, Holi was initiated by Lord Krishna who dissolved the barriers of the rich to
poor, seniors to juniors, male, female and nationalities by playfully applying coloured powder
indiscriminately on friend and foe. This play of affection symbolises deep spiritual import which
classifies the equality of all walks of life as spiritual entities and only different by material form.
Krishna being the origin of the Vedas and the goal of the Vedas is invoked through love and
affection best done through singing His sweet pastimes.

On stage, Priya Parkash with music maestro Hanif Khan sung two pieces. The first in Raag Kafi
voiced the sentiments in captivating ones hearts through the play of Holi by Krishna and the second
in Raag Desh cries for the soul to unify with the message of Holi to promote universal equality on a
spiritual platform.

Vedic classical singing was shown to clearly be not just about words but reveals the nature of
spiritual communion. Through this experience the congregation appreciated how classical singing
hits the core of the heart where every note and sound exemplifies emotion and feeling.

While the next performance was in preparation, Patrick Flynn a well known charismatic Irishmen
colleague was invited to entertain an agreed initiative to give one last push for raising additional
funds for the nominated charity Midday Meals. While the proceeds of the in-house tickets will have
an impact, Patrick pledged to give up his suit on corporate grounds for traditional Vedic ware in the
form of a dhoti if the congregation raised their hands agreeing to make a further donation.
Midday Meals, tirelessly try to shorten the gap between Hunger & Education for primary school
children in India. For underprivileged children in the age group of 6 to 14 years, poverty obstructs
education as children are forced to leave schools and take up menial jobs. With a lack of education
this leads to a vicious cycle of poverty and hunger. By providing meals to primary schools, Midday
Meals allows children to explore their potentials, get an education and eventually earn a decent
living within society. To many children, the Midday Meal is the only complete meal that they have
access to during the entire day. The charity has increased coverage since 1994 from 900 meals per
day to 200,000 meals per day.

With over 1,600 hands in the air, Patrick joyfully left the stage to fulfil his forfeit while a 5 person
traditional dance group from the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan enacted the story of Holi through the
classical song Harir-iha Mugdha from the ancient poet Jayadeva Gosvami’s celebrated Gita
Govinda. Mystified to the jubilant Sanskrit rendition, the congregation watched in amusement as
the dancers featured expressive aspects of classical Odissi with a depth of graceful postures and
movements. Odissi, one of the 8 classical Vedic dances originates from the Eastern state of Orissa
where it was long connected to both ancient monasteries and the telling of Vedic history.
In the modern era, Holi commemorates the birth of Shri Chaitanya (1486-1534) who led the
renaissance of Vedic culture current. Shri Chaitanya was the first to pioneer Diversity & Inclusion
throughout South East Asia by making the tradition global rather than exclusive. He reformed the
modern Vedic tradition to accommodate nationalities outside of India into the ancient succession by
emphasising the spiritual equality of all living beings. Devotees also celebrate Holi across the world
as the fulfilment of a global Vedic prophecy through his advent.

Through this historic detail, the Odissi dance of devotion was dedicated to Shri Caitanya who
appeared on the day of Holi. The performance was based on an album of songs cherished by Shri
Caitanya and instrumental in his renaissance of devotion.
With the entertainment complete, for many the highlight of the event had finally come to stage with
a congregation now increasing to maximum capacity. Despite having back-to-back meetings in
London with affluent groups and celebrities scheduled months earlier, His Holiness Radhanath
Swami kindly honoured a formal letter of invitation to attend as key note speaker.

Travelling all the way from Mumbai in India to speak on ‘Finding Unity in Diversity,’ the MC
introduced His Holiness from two incidents out of many from his acclaimed autobiography ‘The
Journey Home.’ The first incident involved his experience of being at the receiving end of sheer
hatred as a young primary school boy on account of his European ancestral heritage. This
experience had a dramatic effect in his teenage years while he continually struggled to understand
the ever increasing attitude of discrimination on grounds of colour, race, creed and culture.

At the age of 19, he left his homeland in Chicago to hitchhike across the world starting from
London to all places of philosophy on this planet for possible answers. His journey across Europe,
hitchhiking to the Middle East and then eventually following his internal call to India, is an epic
adventure that has taken the US and India by storm with his recent book launches of ‘The Journey
Home.’ The second incident shared actually occurred while in India where he was beaten with clubs
by the priests of an ancient temple due to being a foreigner. In this way His Holiness experienced
both discrimination and disunity worldwide personally in practise and in theory.

Through an epic saga of trials and tribulations for enlightenment, 40 years on His Holiness shares
the message of devotion and love with millions globally from all races, nationalities and creeds. He
mentors affluent individuals and communities in Europe, US, India and other parts of the globe
including government members, professionals, multinational corporations, academics and
Holly/Bollywood celebrities, etc. While on the other extreme - he embraces the diseased, gives
comfort to those in need, holds the hands of the terminally sick and lives amongst renunciate

He has established dozens of charities including one of India’s largest hospitals in Mumbai, Midday
Meals itself, Lady Northcote Orphanage, free Cataract Eye Camps, Hospices, etc. With millions of
people worldwide spanning every continent and in most major countries seeking the association of
His Holiness during his annual world tours, every day leading up to the event was marked as a
moment closer that increased the excitement for many bankers knowing the great fortune of hosting
the ‘American Swami’ on corporate grounds.

Affiliated to a 6000 year old Vedic tradition, interestingly descending from Shri Caitanya himself,
the entire assembly welcomed the ordained renunciate Swami with a standing ovation in gratitude
of his history.
Speaking on the topic ‘Finding Unity in Diversity’ His Holiness began by inspiring tears of laughter
through the assembly by revealing that he has not had a bank account for over 40 years! As a
frequent traveller, His Holiness commended the successful branding of HSBC worldwide as being
deeply thoughtful from a philosophical perspective. He admitted that even Swami’s take notes from
the messages.

His Holiness shared sacred stanzas from the Bhagavad-gita which classifies all walks of life as
sacred and equal. He introduced the notion of equality while maintaining respect for diversity
through the example of bodily limbs working uniquely but in unity to achieve the purpose of the
body. He described the necessity of all social occupations and diversities to operate simultaneously
without claim to superiority for each is responsible as the other for social harmony and prosperity.
Having captivated the audience comprising of a wide variety of cultures and nationalities, His
Holiness shared personal experiences to further illustrate the culture of unity and how to recognise
equality despite being presented in diverse clothes and differing circumstances across the world.
During question time, while quoting financial disasters, His Holiness echoed his view on corporate
social responsibilities and encouraged bankers to continue utilising their abilities for the betterment
of the global community. The speech ushered in a long duration of applause while the entire floor
once again offered a standing ovation. This reciprocation from the floor made the speech an
historical event on corporate grounds.
Beatrice Giglio, one of the finest statisticians in Europe remarked: “I found my eyes constantly
filled with tears as I heard and experienced the purity and finest examples of saints in my life. It was
a lifetime moment.” Not containing herself, Reah rushed over to His Holiness and introducing
herself as a devout catholic commented how if every person was like His Holiness then the world
would be a better place. She emphasised how the speech was perfectly universal to appeal to any
person regardless of their personal beliefs.

In Hospitality, thrilled at meeting His Holiness, Gill Smith remarked how she felt an overwhelming
sense of peace and strong spirituality in his every gesture. “With the smile of innocence I felt that
he penetrated my soul while looking into my eyes. It was mystical.”

Top physicist Visieu Lac felt he gained wisdom from an ancient voice despite being a multi PhD
and MA post graduate. “I have never met someone so tranquil and seemingly perfect in theory and
practise even though I was with him for only a few hours. We discussed metaphysics as the
irrefutable result of an in-depth study in physics. I found him extremely approachable. To my utter
surprise despite meeting him a few hours earlier, towards the end of the evening when he noticed
me he came over extended himself and embraced me. It was a very warm and loving gesture for a

Comparing His Holiness to the living Buddha, mathematical genius Seth Aslin felt a deep spiritual
experience that was until now known only on paper. Amongst many, he is enthusiastic to continue
his spiritual journey. Michael Connor, hosting the event ecstatically shared: “As I greeted him with
joined palms he came over clasped my hands and beamed straight into my eyes. I felt as if he was
reading me. Oops! I found him to be a bundle of joy, bliss and deeply enlightening. I cant wait to
take up his offer for a tour of India!” Hundreds of colleagues commented on the depth and joy in
the speech by His Holiness. Many colleagues requested and queued for signed copies of his
unreleased autobiography that has not yet been launched in Europe.
While VIPs where led to a reserved dining area, the assembly made their way to two banks of buffet
tables to receive over two dozen items through a 3 course meal with accompaniments. Despite the
food being cooked according to specific standards of etiquette such as being free from any animal
products, eggs, fish, onion, garlic, mushrooms and even certain spices, the food was nevertheless
the second talk of the floor following the lecture. As colleagues made their way closer to the buffet
areas, many found themselves in awe of the presentation which itself was displayed as a piece of art
with items in decorative pots served by traditionally uniformed staff in saris.

Witnessed by hundreds and shared with millions, the celebration of Holi has undoubtedly made
history on corporate grounds. By sharing one of the many sublime messages of the Vedas to a wide
community, society has yet again experienced the natural inclination of spiritual wisdom regardless
of nationality or background. [Photos courtesy of Dharshana Photo Art]

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