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Pharmaceutical Study of

Pottali Kaplana
Ayurved Vachaspati

Works Manager,
Annapurna Bio-Ved(p) Ltd.,
Injapur Village, R.R.Dist, A.P
Pottali Rasayana
• Rasashastra dosage
• Khaeraleeya
• Kupipakva
• Pharmaceutics • Pottali
• A drug dosage form intended to
• Pharmaceutics is the be in small dose, quick to act,
discipline of pharmacy which tasteless, and acts irrespective of
deals with all facets of the prakriti, kala, and effective to
manage the morbidity
process of turning a new
chemical entity (NCE) into a
medication able to be safely
and effectively used by
patients in the community.
Pharmaceutics is the science
of dosage form design.
Pottali kalpana

• Advantages with Pottali

kalpa :
1. Long shelf life
2. Compactness
3. Easy to dispense
4. Facility to carry in
medical chest
5. Does not spoil even in
long journey
Pottali kalpana- definition, Etymology

Puta- Pota-Pottali-Pottalika
Puta means –sanshlesha = to adhere=to give
support, to keep intact
Pottali can be defined as to collect scattered
material in to a compact dosage form to
ensure long shelf life and usability.

• According to Appearance
• According to Presence of Parada
• According to Gandhaka
• According to Agni with yantra
Steps in Pottali Preparation

• Ingredients- • Steps:
• Ingredients of the formulation 1. Preparation of Pisti in
the stipulated shape with
• Binding agent
• Silk cloth
2. Wrapping with cloth
• Valuka yantra 3. Cooking in Dola-yantra
• Thermometer of Vidruta Gandhaka at
• Pottaliyantra regulated temperatures.
4. Removal of cloth and
scraping of deposits.
Pottali preparation clips
of Tamragarbha Pottali
Tamra Bhasma Prweparation
Putapaka of
Tamra bhama
Test of Bhasma- clips
Pottali Nirmana
Observations from Pottali kalpa
• Pottali paka should be done only on Mandagni in
Vidruta Gandhaka as advocated by Acharyas.
Gandhaka should attain Vyoma Varna as in this
state Sulphur becomes solidified and will produce
a good quality NON FRIABLE Pottali.

• Monitoring of Agni with a thermometer timely

from 120oC to 220 C(Vyoma varna) is a must to
attain correct paka.
Observations from Pottali kalpa
• During paka ingredients are saturated with gandhaka.
• This helps in increase in shelf life
• After consumption as it is less soluble and absorbs
gradually after ingestion, increases the safety of the
drug. (aborts upadrava)
• Though during preparation Rasa is used, no traces of
Rasa(mercury) are found in finished product. This
suggests that Rasa acts as only Yogavahi(catalyst) in
the whole process.
Benefit of Pottali.

• The ultimate advantage of Pottali over

conventional Bhasmas is in its ability to
preserve the therapeutic efficacy of
Bhasmas for a long time, with out
compromising on the basic quality
parameters of Bhasma viz., nischandra,
rekhapurna and varitara.
Benefit of Pottali.
• Contrary to popular belief that Bhasmas have
eternal potency, in practice it is observed that they
also tend to degrade, become toxic if not preserved
properly. Hence the need of pottali kalpana.
• Pottali kalpana should be looked at as
advanced rasashastra (pharmaceutical
technique) to increase the shelf life,
therapeutic effects and safety of Bhasmas.

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