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WARM UP GAMES – PROFORMA – PDHPE (students are to use one

proforma for each of the 8 games, one page for each one)
Name of the Game Stage

• One student is selected by the teacher as “IT”
• The student must then try to tip their classmates
• If a student is tipped then the student must stand still with
their legs apart
• They can only be unstuck from their position if a free
classmate crawls through their legs.

EXTENSION: Students could skip, run sideways, hop or walk quickly

to vary pace of the game and to use different gross motor skills.

Why is this game important for this stage?

1) STUCK IN THE MUD is a great game to introduce the concept of

team playing to kindergarten students. Kindergarten students
probably have had little or no contact with team sports so this warm
up is a fast paced easy exercise to implement a sense of team.
2) STUCK IN THE MUD is simple and easy to grasp
3) STUCK IN THE MUD stretches the body in a variety of ways

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

1) MOVING (MOES1.4): Demonstrates a general awareness of how

basic movement skills apply in play and other introductory
movement experiences. HOW - The motion of running, crawling and
stopping all demonstrate a general awareness of how basic
movement skills apply to play and other introductory movement
2) INTERACTIVE (INES1.3): Relates well to others in work and play
situations. HOW - Students must work together to unstuck each
other from the mud they therefore need to relate to each other to
achieve this goal
3) DECISION MAKING (DMES1.2): Identifies some options available
when making simple decisions. HOW - Any one student must decide
to unstick a fellow classmate they need to do this quickly in order to
maintain the momentum of the game.
WARM UP GAMES – PROFORMA – PDHPE (students are to use one
proforma for each of the 8 games, one page for each one)
Equipment and Teaching cues
EQUIPMENT: 4 marking cones.
Teacher needs to nominate first “IT”
At 2-minute intervals the teacher blows the whistle the last person
to be tipped is “IT”.
At these 2minute intervals a movement modification is implemented
chosen by the student that has just been made “IT”. .
WARM UP GAMES – PROFORMA – PDHPE (students are to use one
proforma for each of the 8 games, one page for each one)
WARM UP GAMES – PROFORMA – PDHPE (students are to use one
proforma for each of the 8 games, one page for each one)
Name of the Game Stage

• Students are put into pairs
• They then must face front to front upon the teachers instructions.
• After completing 5 different instructions the students must quickly
find a new partner and resume the position they left.

Instructions are: Back to back, knee to knee, hand to hand, elbow to

elbow, side to side, foot to foot, shoulder to shoulder and then a mixture of
those instructions, finger to toe, knee to elbow, back to front etc

Why is this game important for this stage?

1) Give the students an opportunity to use practiced and controlled
body movements
2) The structure of the game (5 instructions and then repartnering)
allows students experience body sequencing through simple
3) Reiterates the identification of body parts, their names and where
they are on the body and how they could be different or the same
as their classmates.

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

1) DECISION MAKING (DMES1.2): Identifies some options available

when making simple decisions. HOW - Students quickly decide whom
their next partner is when instructed.
2) INTERACTING (INES1.3) :): Relates well to others in work and play
situations. HOW - Students interact in close proximity to each other
(touching body parts) building their ability to relate to their classmate in a
fun and playful way.
3) MOVING (MOES1.4): Demonstrates a general awareness of how
basic movement skills apply in play and other introductory
movement experiences. HOW - Body Business allows students to gain a
basic general awareness of movement in an interesting way (body parts
touching) They can play with body dynamics, levels and stretching and
4) PROBLEM SOLVING (PSES1.5): Seek help as needed when faced with
simple problems. HOW- Children must seek answers to some simple
problems in BODY BUSINESS. Firstly they must successful find a partner
each time they are instructed and together the partners need to problem
solve how they will successfully navigate the next instruction.

Equipment and Teaching cues

EQUIPMENT: 4 marking cones
TEACHING CUES: teacher relays body instructions, blows a whistle when
the students need to change partners.
WARM UP GAMES – PROFORMA – PDHPE (students are to use one
proforma for each of the 8 games, one page for each one)
Name of the Game Stage

• One person starts off as it.
• When they tag someone they join hands with that person and
continue to get people.
• When there is an even amount in the group they must split into
groups of 2 and continue to tag.
• However the smaller groups can regroup to bigger groups if there
is an odd number in the group eg (a group of 2 can group with a
group of 3)
• Groups must keep going until everyone is tipped.

Why is this game important for this stage?

1) ATOM TAG uses physical education as a way to reinforce
numeracy and the concept of odd and even numbers.
2) ATOM TAG makes students experience and practice spatial
awareness whilst using locomotor skills.
3) ATOM TAG highlight’s the positive affects of physical activity
and the benefit s of participation in a fun and social

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

1) DECISION MAKING (DMS1.2) Recalls past experiences in making
decisions. HOW – ATOM TAG allows students to predict consequences of
options in order to make a decision. Students must decide how to navigate
a playing field full of people trying to tip them and the consequences if
they are tipped.
2) INTERACTING (INS1.3) Develops positive relationships with peers and
other people HOW- ATOM TAG allows students to display cooperation in
group activities. The taggers must successfully work together in order to
tip their classmates.
3) PROBLEM SOLVING (PSS1.4) Draws on past experiences to solve familiar
problems. HOW - ATOM TAG allows students to suggest solutions to
problems, as they need to work Atom’s need to work as a team to tag
opponents whilst remaining attached to each other. They then can begin
to map strategies that work through reppition.

Equipment and Teaching cues

EQUIPMENT: Marking Cones
TEAHCING CUES: Use several students as an example to depict odd and
even numbers so players have a clear understanding of concept.
WARM UP GAMES – PROFORMA – PDHPE (students are to use one
proforma for each of the 8 games, one page for each one)
WARM UP GAMES – PROFORMA – PDHPE (students are to use one
proforma for each of the 8 games, one page for each one)
Name of the Game Stage

• One person is RED MAN. The rest of the class need to touch him/her.
• Students line up approx 20 metres away from RED MEN
• RED MAN faces away from the students and when he/she shouts
GREEN MAN they students must move forward as fast as they can.
• At any point RED MAN can shout “RED MAN” and students must
freeze on the spot.
• If they are caught moving they must return to the starting point and
start again
• The game keeps progressing until RED MAN is touched. The student
who is first to touch RED MAN takes his/her place.
Extension: Add orange light – students must slow down and move slowly.
Why is this game important for this stage?

1) RED MAN – GREEN MAN allows students to demonstrate a proficiency in

fundamental movement skills
2) RED MAN – GREEN MAN lets students to participate in physical activity
to gain enjoyment
3) RED MAN – GREEN MAN permits students to learn the fundamentals of
basic road safety in a non-threatening environment.

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

1) DECISION MAKING (DMS1.2) Recalls past experiences in making
decisions. HOW – RED MAN - GREEN MAN lets students predict
consequences of options to make decisions through the nature of the
game. If they are too gregarious they may be unable to stop and get
caught or if they are too cautious they may never tip RED MAN.
2) INTERACTING (INS1.3) Develops positive relationships with peers and
other people. HOW - RED MAN – GREEN MAN enables students to listen
and respond to others. This can be seen when RED MAN shouts out
instructions and students must instantly respond to progress the game.
3) PROBLEM SOLVING (PSS1.2) Draws on past experiences to solve familiar
problems. HOW – By using RED MAN – GREEN MAN as a method of
teaching road safety children will gain an understanding of following basic
safety procedures.

Equipment and Teaching cues

EQUIPMENT: 4 Marking cones, whistle
TEACHING CUES: Stop action at different points to vary movement and
pace, group reflection on RED MAN – GREEN MAN and how it relates to
stop and go in relation traffic safety
WARM UP GAMES – PROFORMA – PDHPE (students are to use one
proforma for each of the 8 games, one page for each one)
Name of the Game Stage


• Line up 10 cones at either end of a room.

• Place a tennis ball on each cone
• of the Game
Students Stage
are divided into 2 teams and stand on a line set up in the
middle of the room STAGE 2 (S2)
• The aim of the game is for each respective team members to roll
their ball along the ground to knock the ball of the cone.
• The team who achieves this first wins
EXTENSION – Students can experiment with different throwing methods. A
variety of balls could rotated through teams to allow students to
familiarise themselves with different sports balls.

Why is this game important for this stage?

1) Students will be given the chance to demonstrate proficiency in

fundamental movement i.e. over arm throw
2) Boulder Blitz enables students to practice movement sequences
with consistency and control.
3) The game will allow students to demonstrate co-operation in a team
through physical activity.

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

1) DECISION MAKING (DMS2.2) Makes decisions as an individual and as
a group member HOW- Blitz ball has the potential to help students
to consider individual strengths and weaknesses when allocating
group roles. Teams must look at their strengths and weaknesses in
their ability to knock all the balls of the cones.
2) INTERACTING (INS2.3) makes positive contributions in-group
activities. HOW- BOULDER BLITZ allows students to build tolerance
in relation to individual differences by accepting and working with
everyone’s ability to knock their balls of the cones.
3) MOVING (MOS2.4) Displays a focus on quality of movement in
applying movement skills in a variety of familiar and new situations.
HOW BOULDER BLITZ allows students to gain focus and proficiency
in overarm throwing

Equipment and Teaching cues

EQUIPMENT: 20 tennis balls, 20 marker cones (10 of each color), 20 small
soft balls or as many ball varieties that you have available for extension.

TEACHING CUES: Relay rules. Ask students about what throws they think
would be the most successful in taking out the target balls. Get them to
try each suggestion.
WARM UP GAMES – PROFORMA – PDHPE (students are to use one
proforma for each of the 8 games, one page for each one)
WARM UP GAMES – PROFORMA – PDHPE (students are to use one
proforma for each of the 8 games, one page for each one)
Name of the Game Stage

• Students are put into groups of 4 to 5
• Each group picks a food from the food pyramid in a lucky dip.
• Using their bodies they spell the word.
• After practicing their sequence of movement they show the rest of the
class which have to guess the word
• The game continues until all the words have been selected from the
lucky dip.
• When the word is shown students must indicate where the food sits in
the pyramid – head for top, tummy for middle, feet for bottom

Why is this game important for this stage?

1) Students get the chance to practice movement sequences

2) Students will get the opportunity to demonstrate non-locomotor
skills through balance.
3) They will gain awareness about the food pyramid and nutrition as
well as incorporating basic literacy skills into physical education

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

1) DECISION MAKING (DMS2.2) Makes decisions as an individual or group

member. HOW BODY WORDS forces students to make decisions about
using their body to depict a clear message the indicator would be to see
students achieve a group consensus on the their given goal.
2) INTERACTING (INS2.3) Makes positive contributions in-group activities.
HOW – Team work is paramount in the success of BODY WORDS the
indicator would be students helping each other to achieve a coherent word
3) PROBLEM SOLVING (PSS2.5) Uses a range of problem solving strategies.
HOW – BODY TALK allows students to strategise the best ways to
manipulate their bodies on varied levels and tempos to perform a simple
movement sequence

Equipment and Teaching cues

EQUIPMENT - Bucket, Food Pyramid words on pieces of paper.

TEACHING CUES – Explain rules. Teacher asks students where the

identified food sits in the pyramid.
WARM UP GAMES – PROFORMA – PDHPE (students are to use one
proforma for each of the 8 games, one page for each one)
Name of the Game Stage

• Students move around the room weaving amongst each other
• Teacher asks students to use a variety of locomotor movement
• When the music stops students must freeze in a pose.
• Action resumes when music starts playing
• Ask students to freeze in a pose that depicts an emotion that they have
felt or seen i.e. happy, sad, frightened, worried, joyful

EXTENSION: Students get into small groups and devise a small dance
sequence whilst incorporating each person’s favourite statue.

Why is this game important for this stage?

1) MUSICAL STATUES students to practice adapting and varying

movement through dance.
2) MUSICAL STATUES allows students to demonstrate proficiency in
their fundamental movement skills through a different physical
movement context (dance).
3) MUSICAL STATUES allows students to physicalise emotional changes
they may experience or have seen others experience.

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

1) MOVING (MOS3.4) Refines and applies movement skills creatively to a
variety of challenging situations HOW- MUSICAL STATUES allows students
to creatively apply movement skills in a creatively, through dance. This
would be indicated when they combine the known movement of their
statues to create a dance within a small group.
2) COMMUNICATING (COS3.1) Communicates confidently in a variety of
situations HOW- MUSICAL STUDENTS facilitates students use movement
(dance) to communicate an idea or story.
3) INTERACTING (INS3.3) Acts in ways that enhance the contribution of self
and others in a range of cooperative situations. HOW –The extension in
MUSICAL STATUES allows students collaborate together to devise a small

Equipment and Teaching cues

EQUIPMENT: CD Player, music

TEACHING CUES: Ask students to be aware of their body and it’s proximity
to others. Ask them to think about levels when freezing in position.
Suggest emotions the students may not have thought of.
WARM UP GAMES – PROFORMA – PDHPE (students are to use one
proforma for each of the 8 games, one page for each one)
Name of the Game Stage

• Students get into pairs
• They start throwing the tennis ball to each other.
• If one person drops the ball they have to go down on one knee. If
the ball continues to be dropped the student goes down on their 2nd
knee, elbows etc
• After 2 minutes the whistle blows and students move down their
respective lines to change partners.

EXTENSION: Use a variety of throwing apparatus (bean bags, Frisbee,

variety of balls). Ask students to explore different throwing techniques.
Vary the space between students
Why is this game important for this stage?
1) GET DOWN enables students to demonstrate proficiency in
fundamental movement.
2) Students can apply movement skills (ball skills) with increased
confidence and precision.
3) GET DOWN allows students to explore elements of movement with
control and co-ordination within various contexts.

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

1) DECISION MAKING (DMS3.2) Makes informed decisions and accepts
responsibility for consequences. HOW GET DOWN permits students
to think about ways to modify procedures (throwing and catching a
ball on various levels) to maximise participation with their partner.
2) MOVING (MOS3.4) Refines and applies movement skills creatively to
a variety of challenging situations. HOW GET DOWN allows students
to adapt throwing action to cater for different types of equipment.
They also get to explore non-locomotor movement in a variety of
3) PROBLEM SOLVING: Suggests, considers and selects appropriate
alternatives when resolving problems. HOW if students drop the ball
and have to move to another level they have to select the most
appropriate way to catch the ball based on their current physical
Equipment and Teaching cues
EQUIPMENT: Variety of throwing apparatus, whistle.

TEACHING CUE: Blow whistles very 2 minutes to rotate pairs. Ask students
to use different throwing techniques. Question students on why it might be
handy to try and catch a ball from various levels – what games would
incorporate this type of movement.
WARM UP GAMES – PROFORMA – PDHPE (students are to use one
proforma for each of the 8 games, one page for each one)

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