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Simple Character Outline Profile Sheet

Name: Your character name is what makes him or her stand out. Put your
characters full name first, last, and any nicknames that he goes by. Is your
character named after anybody? What does the character name mean?

Origin: Where was this character born and raised? Maybe your character
was born in Washington DC, but raised in Alaska? Or were they born in
Pennsylvania during the Battle of Gettysburg, then time traveled to the year

Birthday/year: When was your character born?

Age: How old is your character?

Gender: Pretty basic. Is your character a female or male

Astrology Sign: What sign is your Character? By understanding how

your character is in the business world, friendships, dating and life in
general will be useful in getting to no them more.

Description of Character: What's his/her hair like? Describe his/her

eyes? How tall is your character? How much does s/he weigh? What type of
clothing does he usually wear? Is she conservative, or more relaxed? Maybe
she’s a teenager that always wears T-shirts and jeans.

Marital Status: Is your character single or married?

Siblings: Is your character an only child? Or is he adopted and have step


Background: Who raised your character? Is the mother or father

deceased? Was your character an orphan? Does your character know
his/her parents?
Language: What language does your character speak? Does s/he speak a
made-up language? Perhaps he was born in Mexico but learned only
English? Maybe she is a vampire from the 1400s and knows only British
English as opposed to American English?

Friends/Allies: Who are your character's friends or is your character a

loner? Does your character have allies, perhaps a fellow street gang or
another territory/country?

Enemie/Villians: Everyone has at least one enemy--who is your

character's enemy? Or is it a family feud between sisters? Is it a rival high
school sports team that wishes your school would lose?

Dreams/Life Goals: What dreams does your character have? Does she
want to become a Nurse at a Hospital that help children with special needs
but right now is bworking for a family Auto Glass business and dropped out
of collegel because she couldn’t afford it. Or maybe after 30 years she
wants to get her drivers license but took the test twice and failed it.

Best Qualities: List three of your character best qualities.

Worst Qualities: List four of your character worst qualities

Weaknesses: What is the main weakness in your character?

Fears: What his s/he afraid of? Maybe your character is a vampire and
fears the sunlight? List three fears that your character has.

Supernatural Powers & Abilities: If your character is not

supernatural, this section can be left blank. This is where fun begins what is
your character supernatural ability or power. Maybe your character has the
ability to manipulate technology. Take your time and Research. Make your
character powers or abilities unique. But keep it Realistic.

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