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Activity 4 | Task A

Rietveld's Furniture

Red Blue Chair

The chair in my room

These two chairs have very different colors. The Red Blue chair is much more
cheerful and has a more elaborate design but my own chair, although more
classic and simple, is also more comfortable as it has a padded seat.
Activity 4 | Task B

Composition A – Piet Mondrian

The colors of this chair and painting are the same: yellow, red, blue and black.
Besides these colors, there is also white paint. The chair is like a painting, with
vertical and horizontal lines, squares and rectangles. I would rather have the
painting at my house because it would fill one wall with color, besides being
very valuable.
Activity 4 | Task C
Gonçalo Chair
Chair Gonçalo is made of painted metal and a steel tubular frame of just four

- A tube that defines the two hind legs, the armrest and the upper contour of the
- Another tube that defines the two front legs and the posterior contour of the
- A reclining backrest, slightly curved;
- A seat slightly reclined with a curved front edge.
The first similar models of this chair appeared in Lisbon in the 1930's and in the
1940's. In the 50's, the peak years of this type of chair, the master locksmith
Gonçalo Rodrigues dos Santos created the ultimate model, which would be
recorded in the 90's by Arcalis, one of the manufacturers of these chairs.

I chose this chair for its design and for being the most characteristic of all the
deck chairs of our country.

There are no similarities between the Red Blue Chair of Gerrit Rietveld and the
Gonçalo chair of Gonçalo Rodrigues dos Santos. One is made of wood and
very colorful, with straight lines and rigid, while the other is made of iron, in just
one color and has smooth rounded lines.

I love the Gerrit Rietveld chairs because they are very creative, have very
simple lines and are contemporary.

I do not know if I would like to be an interior designer, but if I was I would like to
design chairs because they are small pieces, take up little space, can be used
but can also be a work of art.

I would prefer to design chairs as I like the formal structure of simple pieces
without many ornaments.


If the Rietveld pieces were sold at IKEA, I do not think people would buy them.
The pieces are very beautiful, creative and decorative but also seem to be a
little uncomfortable.
Visiting ARCALO factory

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