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A Grizzly Pub 1999 nyaran nyitott belvarosl kis sorozokent.

Torzskozonsege hamar kialakult, fgya kis pub 2003-ban a terasz teliesftesevel tobb hellyel, majd 2008-ban egy koncertek rneqrendezesere is alkalmas nagyteremmel valt egesz estes szorakozchelye. Ekkor vette fel a "Grizzly Music Pub" nevet. Nyaranta az epOlet mellett talalhato satorral kleqeszulve vallk a belvaros legnagyobb fedett szorakozohelyeve, ahol kOlon barpult es szfnpad is van. Az elrnult evtizedben tobb szfnes programban volt resze az idejar6 vagy itt megfordul6 vendeqeknek. A Grizzly Music Pub a szorakozas szetes palettalat kfnalja vendegei reszere a helyi (Bront, Emberdzsem, Hot Road Band, IIdi Rider, Mustang Grapes, Ritmiklift) es kOlfoldi zenekarok koncertlevel kezdve, a futball Eb es VB meccseinek kozvetltesen es a koncertfilmek ventesen at a nagy sikerii Retro Video Discoig .

. Legyen tehat sz6 akar baratl osszejovetelekrOl akar egeszestes bulir61, szeles ltalvalasztekkal vagyunk partnerei a kulturalt szorakozasnak,

Back in the summer of '99 Grizzly Pub opened his gates. In a short period of time the tiny pub became popular and started to stretch. First, in 2003 the terrace received walls for more costumer space, than the concert room had been attached, to guarantee entertainment all night long. By that time its name changed to Grizzly Music Pub. In the summertime this is the biggest pleasureground downtown supplemented by a beer tent with its own bar and stage right next to the building. Grizzly Music Pub offers various entertainment from concerts of local bands (Bront, Emberdzsem, Hot Road, Iidi Rider, Mustang Grapes, Ritmikifli) to foreign ones, projects concert movies, UEFA Championship League and FIFA World Cup matches. Not to mention its famous Retro Video Disco parties.

So no matterwhatthe occasion is, let us entertain you.

Kave I Coffee

Ristretto (rovid Espresso)

(a kaye esszenciaja, eros iz, keyes vizzel) (essence of coffe, strong taste with a little water)

230,- Ft


(A .Jdasszikus", kremes kaye) (the classic creamy coffe)

230,- Ft

Caffe macchiato (tejhabos I with milk forth) (espresso, tetejen keyes ferro habos tej) (espresso with a little hot milk froth on the top)

230,- Ft

Caffe lungo (hOSSlUkave I long coffee) (Espresso kavemennyiseg, tobb vizzel) (espresso with more water)

250,- Ft

Latte machiato (tejes kave)

("tejeskaye deluxe", 1/3 kaye, 2/3 forro tej, kaka6por) (113 coffee, 2/3 hot milk, cocoa powder)

250,- Ft

Cappuccino (113 kaye, 113 ferro tej, 113 tejhab, kaka6por) (113 coffee, 1/3 hot milk, 113 milk froth, cocoa powder)

280,- Ft

Kapuziner 310,.Ft

(becsi jellegii kaye tejszinhabbal, kak6porral megsz6rva)

(Vienniese coffe with whipped cream, poured with coca powder)

Caffe doppio (duplaJdouble) 460,. Ft

(dupla kaye es vizmennyiseg) (double coffe and water)

Irish coffee (Irish Whiskey 2 c1, kaye, barna cukor,

tej szinhab, szerecsendi6)

(Irish whiskey 2 c1, coffe, brown sugar, whipped cream, mace)

650,. Ft

Jamaican coffee 750,- Ft

(Jamaican Black Rum 2c1, Kahhia 2c1, barna cukor, kaye, tejszinhab, szerecsendio )

(Jamaica Black Rum 2 c1, Kahlua 2 c1, brown sugar, coffee, whipped cream, mace)

Baileys coffee

(Baileys 2c1, espresso, tejszinhab, szercsendi6,) (Baileys 2 c1, esrpesso, whipped cream, mace)


Meleg italok, alkohollal vagy anelkiil Hot drinks with or without alcohol

pantek as szombat este korlatozoHan rendelheto /Iimited order on Friday and satorday

Tea (tobbfele izben I various flavours) (aktualis kinalat a pultnal) Hot Passion (fahej, 1/8 lime, Passion Fruit szirup, mez, tea) (cinnamon, 1/8 lime, Passion Fruit syrup, honey, tea) Hot Honey Orange

(szegfiiszeg, fahej, 1/8 lime, feketeribizli szirup, narancsle .mez, tea)

(clove, cinnamon, 1/8 lime, black-currant syrup, orange juice, honey, tea)


(6cl sotet rum, ciromle, szegfiiszeg, fahej, forro viz) (dark rum 6 cl, lemon juice, clove, cinnamon, hot water) Karlovy Vary (Becherovka, mez, lime, narancs, earl grey tea, narancshej, fahej, szegfiiszeg) (Becherovka, honey, lime, orange, earl grey tea, orange peel, cinnamon, clove) Forro csoki I Hot chocolate

250,- Ft 450,-Ft

450,- Ft

750,- Ft

750,- Ft


Csapolt siiriik O,2L O,3L O,5L
Draft beers
Dreher Classic 180,-Ft 260,-Ft 430,-Ft
Pilsner Urquell 210,-Ft 300,-Ft 500,-Ft
Arany Aszok 140,-Ft 210,-Ft 350,-Ft O,3L O,5L

Tuborg 350,-Ft
Pilsner Urquell 370,-Ft
Miller 430,-Ft
Coronita 750,-Ft
Dreher Classic 390,-Ft
DreherBak 450,-Ft
Stella Artois 390,-Ft
Heineken 450,-Ft
HB buzasor (white beer) 620,-Ft
Kozel 330,-Ft
Borsodi 330,-Ft
Sores iiveg 25,-Ft 25,-Ft Alkoholmentes siiriik Non-alcoholic beers


Dreher 24 Stella Artois

400,-Ft 400,-Ft

Udftiiitalok Soft drinks

0,251/iiveg 0,251/bottle

Coca Cola, Cola Light

Kinley (gyomber / ginger, tonic) Sprite

Fanta (nararrcs / orange, citrom / lemon)

Cappy 100% narancs /orange, paradicsom /tomato Cappy 50% mult1ifruit

Cappy 46% 6szibarackl peach Cappy 37% sargabarack / apricot

Cappy 35% eper koktel / strawberry coctaill Cappy 33% korte / peach

Cappy 27% meggy / sour cherry

Cappy 25% fekete ribizli / black-currant Cappy 20% alma / apple

Nestea (citrom /lemon, barack /peach) Natur Aqua

Sz6da/Soda 1 dl


270,-Ft 200,-Ft

50,-Ft 25,-Ft

Udit6s iiveg

O,2/iiveg O,2/bottle


220,-Ft 220,-Ft 270,-Ft 270,-Ft 270,-Ft 270,-Ft 270,-Ft 270,-Ft 270,-Ft 270,-Ft 270,-Ft

Energiaitalok 0,251
Energy drinks 0,251
Red Bull 500,-Ft
Burn 340,-Ft
Monster 0,5 doboz 0,5 bottle

500,-Ft 500,-Ft

Alkoholos iiditiik I Cooler 0,275 I iiveg/bottle


Bacardi Breezer 700,-Ft

(Lime, Dinnyes /Melon,

Citrom /Lemon, Narancs /Orange)

Yermut I Yermouth: 1 dl

----~ ~----~-----

Martini 400,-Ft

(Extra Dry, Bianco, Rosso, Rosato)

Campari 25 %vol 900,-Ft

Pezsgo 0,75 palack
Cham,-a ne 0,75 bottle
Hungaria Extra Dry 3000,-Ft
Martini Brut 4000,-Ft
Garrone Moscato Spumante 2500,-Ft
Torley 1800,-Ft
Brandy 2cl 4cl
Metaxa 3* 210,-Ft 420,-Ft
Metaxa 5* 300,-Ft 600,-Ft
Napoleon 210,-Ft 420,-Ft
Konyak I Cognac 2cl 4cl
Hennessy V.S. 40% 440,-Ft 880,-Ft
Martell V.S. 600,-Ft 1200,-Ft
Likor I Liqueur 2cl 4cl
Southern Comfort 220,-Ft 440,-Ft
Bailey's 300,-Ft 600,-Ft
Becherovka / Lemond 180,-Ft 360,-Ft Cointreau 40% 400,-Ft 800,-Ft
Grand Mamier 40% 400,-Ft 800,-Ft
Jagermeister 220,-Ft 440,-Ft
Ouzo 38% 180,-Ft 360,-Ft
Zwack Unicum / Next 220,-Ft 440,-Ft
Avasi Keserii 180,-Ft 360,-Ft Vodka 2cl 4cl
Finlandia 260,-Ft 520,-Ft
Smirnoff 260,-Ft 520,-Ft
Zubr6wka 180,-Ft 360,-Ft
Kalinka 180,-Ft 360,-Ft
Kalikna Szamovar 180,-Ft 360,-Ft
Paprika 180,-Ft 360,-Ft
Whisky 2cl 4cl
Ballantine's 240,-Ft 480,-Ft
The Famous Grouse 260,-Ft 520,-Ft
Johnnie Walker 240,-Ft 480,-Ft
Grant's 260,-Ft 520,-Ft
Chivas Regal 12 years 440,-Ft 880,-Ft Whiskey 2cl 4cl
Jack Daniel's 300,-Ft 600,-Ft
Jim Beam 260,-Ft 520,-Ft
Southern Comfort 220,-Ft 440,-Ft
Bushmilles 300,-Ft 600,-Ft
Jameson 300,-Ft 600,-Ft
Canadian Club 240,-Ft 480,-Ft
Rum 2cl 4cl
Bacardi Superior 260,-Ft 520,-Ft
Havana Club Especial 7 Anos 300,-Ft 600,-Ft
Matusalem 15 Anos 400,-Ft 800,-Ft
Captain Morgan Spice 260,-Ft 520,-Ft
Captain Morgan Black 260,-Ft 520,-Ft
Portorico 60% 180,-Ft 360,-Ft
Gin 2cl 4cl
Beefater 260,-Ft 520,-Ft
Gordon's 260,-Ft 520,-Ft Tequila 2cl
Sierra Silver 260,-Ft
Sierra Gold 260,-Ft
Olmeca Silver 260,-Ft
OlmecaGold 260,-Ft
Palinkak 2cl Rezangyal55% Rezangyal mezes 33% Tokaji Parlat


(Szilva / Barack / Korte) (Plum / Peach / Pear)

Agyas Kosher 300,-Ft

(Szilva / Malna / Csipke) (Plum / Raspberry / Hip)

Hiros Kecskemeti 300,-Ft

(Afonya / SzolO / Barack) (Blueberry / Grape / Peach)

Vilmos Korte 220,-Ft

(Mezes korte / Fiiszeres Korte) (Honey Pear / Spicy Pear)

Fiityolos Mezes 220,-Ft

(Barack / Szilva / Malna / Meggy)

(Peach / Plum / Raspberry / Sour cherry) St. Hubertus / 33

450,-Ft 300,-Ft 220,-Ft 300,-Ft

Bolyhos vegyes

180,-Ft 200,-Ft


520,-Ft 520,-Ft 520,-Ft 520,-Ft


900,-Ft 600,-Ft 440,-Ft 600,-Ft

600,-Ft 600,-Ft 440,-Ft 440,-Ft

360,-Ft 400,-Ft

Feher Borok I White Wines


1 uveg

Badacsonyi Szurkebarat (feledes) Badacsonyi Olaszrizling (szaraz)

Rose Borok I Rose

150,-Ft 150,-Ft

llOO,-Ft llOO,-Ft

Szent Istvan Rose (szaraz)



Voros Borok I Red wines

--_ -----,- -~--

Kekfrankos Zweiglet



Borospalack ara


Min{fsegi borkimilatunkat borlapunkon taltilod!

Ragcsak I Salty crunchies

Ropi / Salty stick

Mogyoro / Hazelnut

Fokhagymas ropogos kenyerkarika Crispy bread bits with garlic


Foldimogyoro tesztabundaban Paste covered peanut (bacon, salsa & lime, hagymastejfolos / sour cream & onion)

Chips / Crisps

Pisztacia / Pistachio

Mandula / Almond

Rago / Chewing Gum






350,-Ft 500,-Ft 500,-Ft 200,-Ft

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