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Reputation 360:

Creating power through personal branding

Marketing Your Personal Brand
Personal Branding Takeaways

Your elevator pitch

An elevator pitch is a succinct description
of your idea, product or service, and a quick
and effective explanation of how you do
your work differently from others. It allows
you to promote your personal brand and
enables you to articulate your value
Personal Branding Takeaways

Intentional networking

Intentional networking is a way to

systematically develop a network of contacts
that benefit you, who have your best interest
at heart and with whom you can reciprocate
through a system and a strategy.
Personal Branding Takeaways

Your visual brand identity in

marketing materials

Your marketing materials should support

your personal brand, appeal to your target
audience and reinforce your value to that
Personal Branding Takeaways

Your visual brand identity in

personal style and image

Style says a lot about who you are, what

you value and what others can expect in a
relationship with you. Think about whether
you are sending the right message and
creating the most powerful first impression
that you can with your personal appearance.
Personal Branding Takeaways

Your visual brand identity in

body language

Body language, your own and others’,

reflects emotions and sends nonverbal cues
about how you truly feel.
Personal Branding Takeaways

Become your own publicist

Public relations enables you to build

credibility for your personal brand by
getting others who are seen as reputable
sources in the minds of your audience to
write or speak about you.
Personal Branding Takeaways

Use social media to build your

desired personal brand

Become intentional and strategic in your

approach to social media. If you start with
a strategy in mind, it will guide you through
all your communication and networking and
focus your time and energy toward activity
that produces the desired results.
Personal Branding Takeaways

Learn more about building your

personal brand at

Order your copy of Reputation

360: Creating power through
personal branding at

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