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Essential Question: How was India

able to achieve independence?

(1) You will have 7 minutes to read your specific group
section and answer the corresponding questions
(2)Prepare to present this information to the class (one
person will type, the rest will present)

1909 India Councils Act _____________(p.11)
1919 Govt. of India Act ____________(p.13-15)
Background on Gandhi_____________(handout)
1920 Gandhi __________(p.13-15)
1922 Muslim League _________(p.15,17)
1939 WWII ______________ (p.20-21)
1945 New Constitution & Decolonization (p.12)
Govt. of India Act of 1919: We need soldiers to help us
win WW1, so we will give you some freedom
• 1869-1947
• Educated in Britain to become a lawyer
• Could not get job so moved to South Africa
• Began to fight against APARTHEID,
witnessed widespread jailing of political
• Took these ideas back to India

Mohandas Gandhi
Gandhi Salt March
Walked 241 miles in 24 days. 60,000 arrests and widespread assault led to
international condemnation of the British!
Making salt illegally
Gandhi Quotes “An eye for an eye only
“A coward is incapable of ends up making the
exhibiting love; it is the whole world blind.”
prerogative of the brave.”
“Always aim at complete harmony of thought and
word and deed. Always aim at purifying your
thoughts and everything will be well.”
“I object to violence because when it appears
to do good, the good is only temporary; the
evil it does is permanent.” “ Non-violence and truth are
inseparable and presuppose one

peace, love, truth, mass appeal
Quit India Movement
(during WW2)
• Blamed Gandhi for Partition
• Godse: Gandhi was a hypocrite. Even after the massacre of the Hindus by the
Muslims, he was happy. The more the massacres of the Hindus, the taller his flag
of secularism.

Gandhi Assassinated by a Hindu

Evaluate: How effective
was Gandhi as a leader?

1) What new countries
were formed from India
at independence?
2) What states were not
included in he partition
3) What seems to be
happening between the • Problems?
different countries?
4) Why might people leave
their homes?
• Problems?

Partition: 1947, when India was torn apart into India

(Secular, for Hindus+Sikhs) and Pakistan (for Muslims)
10 million people
What differences in resources do you see?
How will this affect each country?

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